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Depth filter of SvO2 series
2022-07-02 11:57:00 【sunshine_ guoqiang】
1. Preface
stay svo2.0 namely rpg_svo_pro_open in , There are some changes in the depth filter module , Provides more than George Vogiatzis Proposed by the author Gaussian+ Uniform Combination model , Also realized Gaussian Model to update the depth filtering state , In addition, the code function name also changes , This article focuses on detailed analysis svo2.0 The idea and derivation of depth filtering algorithm in . The following is divided into several parts to explain :
- DepthFilter Filter object creation
- The processing difference between keyframes and ordinary frames
- svo2.0 The core algorithm flow of depth filtering in 、 Derivation and analysis ( Focus on )
- Update map points
2. DepthFilter objects creating
stay frame_handler_base.cpp To create depth_filter_ Depth filter
const BaseOptions &base_options,
const ReprojectorOptions &reprojector_options,
const DepthFilterOptions &depthfilter_options,
const DetectorOptions &detector_options,
const InitializationOptions &init_options,
const FeatureTrackerOptions &tracker_options,
const CameraBundle::Ptr &cameras)
: options_(base_options), cams_(cameras), stage_(Stage::kPaused),
set_reset_(false), set_start_(false), map_(new Map),
acc_frame_timings_(10), acc_num_obs_(10), num_obs_last_(0),
relocalization_n_trials_(0) {
new DepthFilter(depthfilter_options, detector_options2, cams_));
initializer_ = initialization_utils::makeInitializer(
init_options, tracker_options, detector_options, cams_);
VLOG(1) << "SVO initialized";
stay DepthFilter In the internal constructor , If the multi-threaded depth filter is set in the configuration file, a thread will be started to calculate updateSeedsLoop(), The following contents are explained by taking the setting mode of multithreading as an example .
void DepthFilter::startThread()
SVO_ERROR_STREAM("DepthFilter: Thread already started!");
SVO_INFO_STREAM("DepthFilter: Start thread.");
thread_.reset(new std::thread(&DepthFilter::updateSeedsLoop, this));
3. The processing difference between keyframes and ordinary frames
stay updateSeedsLoop() In, there are two processes of depth filtering calculation (SEED_INIT and UPDATE), Its continuous DepthFilter::JobQueue Take the current image frame data from the queue to complete the calculation . Whether it's a keyframe or a normal frame , Will use the current frame depth to update the historical keyframes with which it has a common view relationship overlap_kfs Top the seed point seeds Probability , Only when the key frame enters the queue, all the data in the queue will be cleared to ensure the key frame processing . There are two kinds of image frame data in the queue: key frame and ordinary frame , The details of handling differences are as follows :
void DepthFilter::updateSeedsLoop()
// wait for new jobs
Job job;
ulock_t lock(jobs_mut_);
while(jobs_.empty() && !quit_thread_)
job = jobs_.front();
} // release lock
// process jobs
if(job.type == Job::SEED_INIT)
ulock_t lock(feature_detector_mut_);
job.cur_frame, feature_detector_,
job.min_depth, job.max_depth, job.mean_depth);
if (options_.extra_map_points)
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < job.cur_frame->numFeatures(); idx++)
const FeatureType& type = job.cur_frame->type_vec_[idx];
if (!isMapPoint(type) && type != FeatureType::kOutlier)
job.cur_frame, sec_feature_detector_,
options_.max_n_seeds_per_frame + options_.max_map_seeds_per_frame,
job.min_depth, job.max_depth, job.mean_depth);
else if(job.type == Job::UPDATE)
// We get higher precision (10x in the synthetic blender dataset)
// when we keep updating seeds even though they are converged until
// the frame handler selects a new keyframe.
*job.cur_frame, *job.ref_frame, job.ref_frame_seed_index, *matcher_,
options_.seed_convergence_sigma2_thresh, true, false);
3.1 Keyframes :
- Will pass addKeyframe() Empty first JobQueue queue , Further to JobQueue Insert the current frame into the queue for subsequent depth filtering calculation ( Real time )
- Insert Job The attribute is Job::SEED_INIT, Initialize all its features as Seed Category attributes such as :kCorner -> kCornerSeed ,kEdgelet -> kEdgeletSeed,kMapPoint -> kMapPointSeed; And initialize its seed point seeds Depth value of seed_mu_range_、 Map point inverse depth average and variance information (invmu_sigma2_a_b_vec_ in ) Wait all the time initializeSeeds() Function
3.2 Normal frame :
Will only call updateSeeds() Come and stuff JobQueue Queue for subsequent depth filtering calculation , Stuffed Job The attribute is Job::UPDATE, New... Is not initialized here seed Personally, the seed point mainly plays an accelerating role
processFrame Interface code :
UpdateResult FrameHandlerStereo::processFrame() {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// tracking
std::cout << "STEP 1: Sparse Image Align !" << std::endl;
// STEP 1: Sparse Image Align
size_t n_tracked_features = 0;
// STEP 2: Map Reprojection & Feature Align
n_tracked_features = projectMapInFrame();
if (n_tracked_features < options_.quality_min_fts) {
return makeKeyframe(); // force stereo triangulation to recover
// STEP 3: Pose & Structure Optimization
if (bundle_adjustment_type_ != BundleAdjustmentType::kCeres) {
n_tracked_features = optimizePose();
if (n_tracked_features < options_.quality_min_fts) {
return makeKeyframe(); // force stereo triangulation to recover
optimizeStructure(new_frames_, options_.structure_optimization_max_pts, 5);
// return if tracking bad
if (tracking_quality_ == TrackingQuality::kInsufficient) {
return makeKeyframe(); // force stereo triangulation to recover
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// select keyframe
frame_utils::getSceneDepth(new_frames_->at(0), depth_median_, depth_min_,depth_max_);
if (!need_new_kf_(new_frames_->at(0)->T_f_w_)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_frames_->size(); ++i)
**depth_filter_->updateSeeds(overlap_kfs_.at(i), new_frames_->at(i));**
return UpdateResult::kDefault;
SVO_DEBUG_STREAM("New keyframe selected.");
return makeKeyframe();
among , Keyframe insertion JobQueue queue , The relevant code is as follows :
//Init New feature points , Insert JobQueue Queue with attribute Job::SEED_INIT
depth_filter_->addKeyframe(new_frames_->at(0), depth_median_, 0.5*depth_min_, depth_median_*1.5);
// Use the current keyframe depth filter to update the historical keyframes of the common view relationship seeds probability , Insert JobQueue Queue with attribute Job::UPDATE
depth_filter_->updateSeeds(overlap_kfs_.at(0), new_frames_->at(0));
// Use new_frames_->at(0) To update overlap_kfs_.at(0) Seed point seed( Seed points are initially extracted only at the key frame ,
// Then only the seed point probability on the key frame is updated )
depth_filter_->updateSeeds(overlap_kfs_.at(1), new_frames_->at(1));
// Use new_frames_->at(1) To update
Non keyframes ( Normal frame ) Insert JobQueue queue , The relevant code is as follows : This operation is processFrame The interface is as above , So all frames , All have to go through this step
// Use the current normal frame DepthFilter Update the historical key frame of the common view relationship seeds probability , Insert JobQueue Queue with attribute Job::UPDATE
depth_filter_->updateSeeds(overlap_kfs_.at(i), new_frames_->at(i));
The same processing flow of key frames and ordinary frames is in Job::UPDATE Seed point in mode seeds to update , Specific in updateSeed() To realize .
4. Deep filtering core algorithm flow 、 Derivation and analysis
4.1 Algorithm flow
svo A schematic diagram of depth filtering in the paper , As shown in the figure
Known before deep filtering :
- ref_frames as well as cur_frame stay world Lower posture T
- Its characteristic points correspond to world Under the Department 3d spot ( In depth information depth)
stay svo A sub map is maintained during the calculation Map( Under the world system corresponding to feature points on all keyframes 3D Point set ). From the analysis of the above modules Seed points are all from keyframes init Coming out , Such as kCornerSeed, Ordinary frames only use their feature points ( Such as kCorner) To update the seed points on the keyframes with common view relationship (seeds) Depth probability distribution , Each seed point has a depth probability distribution to maintain and calculate , The core depth filtering algorithm flow is mainly the following processes and their corresponding core interface implementation :
- Load key frame information to Job queue , And extract new seeds. Initialize all seed points seed Initial depth information depth、 Average value of depth distribution mu、 Depth value distribution variance sigma2、Beta In distribution calculation a and b value , here Note that only for keyframes .( stay initializeSeeds() Function )
- Loop through all and cur_frame There are all aspects of the common view relationship overlap_kfs_ Of seeds, Calculate the depth filtering algorithm , Notice here what has converged Converaged The point does not enter the probability update calculation . Get into depth_filter_utils::updateSeed Interface
- Every ref_frame Upper seed Will create FeatureWrapper, And cur_frame Calculate the epipolar matching search algorithm findEpipolarMatchDirect(), obtain px_cur_、f_cur_ and ref_frame Go to the seed point depth
- Calculation uncertainty pi ,** The code implementation is in computeTau()** in ,svo2.0 The calculation of medium uncertainty is basic and high << Vision Lecture 14 2 edition >> in p312 The pages are exactly the same , I won't explain it in detail here
- Use vogiatzis When the method is used , Update the average value of the depth probability distribution mu And variance sigma^2, And updates Beta Distribution of the a and b( stay updateFilterVogiatzis() Function )
- If not used vogiatzis When the method is used , Only the average value of the depth probability distribution is updated mu And variance sigma2 ( stay updateFilterGaussian() Function )
- Finally, the latest calculated depth Update map points ( stay upgradeSeedsToFeatures() Function )
Be careful : The above steps 2 Will determine whether it is a seed point , Only seed points are updated with depth filtering probability , Depth filtering is essentially a matching process , Similar to the function of descriptor based on feature point method , The purpose is to realize feature correlation on different image frame rates . It can be simply understood as a method of feature Association .
In the process of depth filtering, the author should also pay attention to the following operations to complete the quotation , and Updated by the later depth filtering algorithm state To update invmu_sigma2_a_b_vec_ Information , The specific implementation is as follows , be based on eigen Lvalue reference implementation of
Eigen::Ref<SeedState> state = ref_frame.invmu_sigma2_a_b_vec_.col(seed_index);
Also pay attention to the above steps 5 And steps 6, The difference in svo1.0, The author uses two models to choose :
- A kind of use vogiatzis Proposed Gaussian+ Uniform hybrid model
- The second option is to use separate Gaussian Model
Interfaces are collectively implemented in depth_filter_utils::updateSeed Interface , The code corresponding to the model selection is as follows :
// update the estimate
seed::getSigma2FromDepthSigma(depth, depth_sigma),
ref_ftr.type = FeatureType::kOutlier;
return false;
seed::getSigma2FromDepthSigma(depth, depth_sigma),
ref_ftr.type = FeatureType::kOutlier;
return false;
4.2 Algorithm flow
About derivation , combination svo The paper 、George Vogiatzis Of 《Video-based, Real-Time Multi View Stereo》 The paper 、 And he Bo's blog SVO Principle analysis , It is said that there is also a big man here stackoverflows The wonderful answer above , But what the author has sorted out is enough . Vernacular analytic derivation :
bool updateFilterVogiatzis(
const FloatType z, // Measurement
const FloatType tau2,
const FloatType mu_range,
Eigen::Ref<SeedState>& mu_sigma2_a_b)//svo1.0 Of DepthFilter::updateSeed(const float x, const float tau2, Seed* seed)
FloatType& mu = mu_sigma2_a_b(0);
FloatType& sigma2 = mu_sigma2_a_b(1);
FloatType& a = mu_sigma2_a_b(2);
FloatType& b = mu_sigma2_a_b(3);
const FloatType norm_scale = std::sqrt(sigma2 + tau2);
LOG(WARNING) << "Update Seed: Sigma2+Tau2 is NaN";
return false;
const FloatType oldsigma2 = sigma2;
const FloatType s2 = 1.0/(1.0/sigma2 + 1.0/tau2);// old s ( | , 2) The old variance s2 Corresponding formula 14 Medium s2 tau2 Is the uncertainty ( uncertainty )
const FloatType m = s2*(mu/sigma2 + z/tau2);// old m ( | , 2) Corresponding formula 14 Medium m
const FloatType uniform_x = 1.0/mu_range;//U(x| z_min,z_max)
FloatType C1 = a/(a+b) * vk::normPdf<FloatType>(z, mu, norm_scale);// c1 = ( / + ) ( | , 2+ 2)
FloatType C2 = b/(a+b) * uniform_x;
const FloatType normalization_constant = C1 + C2;
C1 /= normalization_constant;
C2 /= normalization_constant;
const FloatType f = C1*(a+1.0)/(a+b+1.0) + C2*a/(a+b+1.0);
const FloatType e = C1*(a+1.0)*(a+2.0)/((a+b+1.0)*(a+b+2.0))
+ C2*a*(a+1.0)/((a+b+1.0)*(a+b+2.0));
// update parameters
const FloatType mu_new = C1*m+C2*mu;// The new average Corresponding formula 35
sigma2 = C1*(s2 + m*m) + C2*(sigma2 + mu*mu) - mu_new*mu_new;// Corresponding formula 36
mu = mu_new;//
a = (e - f) / (f - e / f);// Corresponding formula 33
b = a * (1.0 - f) / f;// Corresponding formula 34
// TODO: This happens sometimes.
if(sigma2 < 0.0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Seed sigma2 is negative!";
sigma2 = oldsigma2;
if(mu < 0.0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Seed diverged! mu is negative!!";
mu = 1.0;
return false;
return true;
in addition , If use_vogiatzis_update = false when , Through the implementation in the code , Conjecture svo2.0 The author here only uses Gaussian model distribution update to calculate , We rewrite (10), Get rid of Beta Distribution 、 Average distribution correlation :
Take a corresponding look svo2.0 Update the average value in Gaussian model of depth filtering algorithm [ The formula ] 、 variance [ The formula ] . The code is as follows :
bool updateFilterGaussian(
const FloatType z, // Measurement
const FloatType tau2,
Eigen::Ref<SeedState>& mu_sigma2_a_b) {
FloatType& mu = mu_sigma2_a_b(0);// Average
FloatType& sigma2 = mu_sigma2_a_b(1);// Depth variance
FloatType& a = mu_sigma2_a_b(2);//Beta The distribution of the a
FloatType& b = mu_sigma2_a_b(3);
const FloatType norm_scale = std::sqrt(sigma2 + tau2);
if(std::isnan(norm_scale)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Update Seed: Sigma2+Tau2 is NaN";
return false;
const FloatType denom = (sigma2 + tau2);
mu = (sigma2 * z + tau2 * mu) / denom;// New mean mu Corresponding formula 43, as well as 14 Medium m
sigma2 = sigma2 * tau2 / denom;// Corresponding formula 44, as well as 14 Medium s2
CHECK_GE(sigma2, 0.0);
CHECK_GE(mu, 0.0);
return true;
Finally, we will judge whether the seed point converges , This part is also worth considering , First look at the code :
sigma2_convergence_threshold))// If the covariance is less than the threshold , It means convergence , It is no longer a seed point , It is candidate spot , VC & Delphi , Join the candidate point queue
if(ref_ftr.type == FeatureType::kCornerSeed)// Here we change its attribute category to Replace delete seed effect , No more updateseeds analysis
ref_ftr.type = FeatureType::kCornerSeedConverged;
else if(ref_ftr.type == FeatureType::kEdgeletSeed)
ref_ftr.type = FeatureType::kEdgeletSeedConverged;
else if(ref_ftr.type == FeatureType::kMapPointSeed)
ref_ftr.type = FeatureType::kMapPointSeedConverged;
among :
ref_frame.seed_mu_range_ = 1/depth_init_min That is, the maximum inverse depth ,
in addition sigma2_convergence_threshold Is the configuration value ,
thresh = mu_range / sigma2_convergence_threshold,
5 Update map points
Use the front cur_frame Updated ref_frame Depth filter distribution state 、 Parameters . Finally, we need to use the latest depth calculation results to update the map points , The main upgradeSeedsToFeatures() Function . Thirteen thousand words have been typed on it , The above algorithm derivation is indeed the focus , But the process of updating map points here is the entrance to a deeper understanding of the author's use of depth filtering !
The above is a simple schematic diagram drawn by the ion teacher , About upgradeSeedsToFeatures For reference , On the logic of this function , Calculate the depth filter update probability in the current frame , Get a new variance 、 After the average :
void FrameHandlerBase::upgradeSeedsToFeatures(const FramePtr &frame) {
VLOG(40) << "Upgrade seeds to features";
size_t update_count = 0;
size_t unconverged_cnt = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < frame->num_features_; ++i) {
if (frame->landmark_vec_[i]) {
const FeatureType &type = frame->type_vec_[i];
if (type == FeatureType::kCorner || type == FeatureType::kEdgelet ||
type == FeatureType::kMapPoint) {
frame->landmark_vec_[i]->addObservation(frame, i);
} else {
frame->landmark_vec_[i]->addObservation(frame, i);
} else if (frame->seed_ref_vec_[i].keyframe) {
if (isUnconvergedSeed(frame->type_vec_[i])) {
SeedRef &ref = frame->seed_ref_vec_[i];
// In multi-camera case, it might be that we already created a 3d-point
// for this seed previously when processing another frame from the bundle.
PointPtr point = ref.keyframe->landmark_vec_[ref.seed_id];
if (point == nullptr) {
// That's not the case. Therefore, create a new 3d point.
Position xyz_world = ref.keyframe->T_world_cam() *
point = std::make_shared<Point>(xyz_world);
ref.keyframe->landmark_vec_[ref.seed_id] = point;
ref.keyframe->track_id_vec_[ref.seed_id] = point->id();
point->addObservation(ref.keyframe, ref.seed_id);
// add reference to current frame.
frame->landmark_vec_[i] = point;
frame->track_id_vec_[i] = point->id();
point->addObservation(frame, i);
if (isCorner(ref.keyframe->type_vec_[ref.seed_id])) {
ref.keyframe->type_vec_[ref.seed_id] = FeatureType::kCorner;
frame->type_vec_[i] = FeatureType::kCorner;
} else if (isMapPoint(ref.keyframe->type_vec_[ref.seed_id])) {
ref.keyframe->type_vec_[ref.seed_id] = FeatureType::kMapPoint;
frame->type_vec_[i] = FeatureType::kMapPoint;
} else if (isEdgelet(ref.keyframe->type_vec_[ref.seed_id])) {
ref.keyframe->type_vec_[ref.seed_id] = FeatureType::kEdgelet;
frame->type_vec_[i] = FeatureType::kEdgelet;
// Update the edgelet direction.
double angle = feature_detection_utils::getAngleAtPixelUsingHistogram(
(frame->px_vec_.col(i) / (1 << frame->level_vec_[i])).cast<int>(),
frame->grad_vec_.col(i) =
GradientVector(std::cos(angle), std::sin(angle));
} else {
CHECK(false) << "Seed-Type not known";
// when using the feature-wrapper, we might copy some old references?
frame->seed_ref_vec_[i].seed_id = -1;
VLOG(5) << "NEW KEYFRAME: Updated " << update_count
<< " seeds to features in reference frame, "
<< "including " << unconverged_cnt << " unconverged points.\n";
const double ratio = (1.0 * unconverged_cnt) / update_count;
if (ratio > 0.2) {
LOG(WARNING) << ratio * 100 << "% updated seeds are unconverged.";
- Traverse All feature points of the current frame , Determine if there is a counterpart 3d Map points , If Existence is this landmark Add the cur_frame Under this feature observation Relationship
- If There is no corresponding 3d Map points , But the common view history of this feature seed When the frame is a key frame , Whether or not the current seed Whether the filtering result is mature , All for these ref and cur Image frame benefit Use the depth to calculate a 3d spot ( The updated depth calculated by the depth filtering process mu), And these kCorner、kCornerSeed、kCornerCovergedSeed、kEdgelet、kEdgeletSeed、kEdgeletCovergedSeed And so on kCorner、kEdgelet, be These common views on the historical common view frame seed No longer a seed point ( As shown in Figure 2 a、b、c Three seed spot ), Yes 3d After the information is the map ( As shown in Figure 2 cur_frame CCTV seeds Turn into unseeds). It will be re projected later reprojector Calculate these map points , When the points are not enough, it will start from uncovergedseed Choose some points to use . here , Part of the current frame is mature seed The dot turns to kCorner Waiting 3d Point of information , Some of them may not have co vision relationship seed It will be used in the calculation later .
6. Reference material :
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