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Summary of research status of inertial navigation calibration at home and abroad (abridged version)

2022-07-07 02:48:00 Python Xiaobai (Xiaohei in the next stage)

Research status at home and abroad


For inertia theory , In fact, the foundation has been established since the emergence of Newton's laws of mechanics . The literature [3] The updating algorithm of strapdown inertial navigation is introduced in detail 、 Error characteristic analysis 、 Initial alignment, Kalman filter and other related technologies , It is a relatively comprehensive reference book . In fact, inertial navigation technology is directly related to the development of inertial navigation devices , The starting time of research on inertial devices in China is similar to that in foreign countries . There are many inertial navigation pioneers in China , Such as Mr. Lin Shie 、 Mr. Lu yuanjiu 、 Mr. gaobolong et al . Mr. Lin shie in 1958 year , Founded Beihang gyro Research Laboratory , Develop the first liquid floated gyroscope and dynamically tuned gyroscope in China ; Mr. gaobolong successfully developed laser gyro , Make China become Jimei 、 Germany is the third country after Germany to master the most critical technical level , And reached the international advanced level .

There are also many researches on the calibration of inertial sensors in China . Strapdown inertial unit (SIMU) Calibration is the premise of inertial navigation , The calibration results will have a direct impact on the accuracy of inertial navigation , The literature [5] The calibration method of gyro combination in strapdown inertial navigation system is studied , The proposed method reduces or eliminates the influence of the earth's rotation , It effectively solves the problem that the gyro calibration cannot be carried out accurately when the experimental conditions are insufficient . The literature [6] Through simulation algorithm , The influence of horizontal reference error and North reference error on Laser Strapdown inertial unit is studied (LSIMU) Influence of calibration accuracy , Then the feasibility and reliability of the calibration of the two axis position turntable are verified . With the upgrading of inertial navigation devices , Calibration methods and technologies are also constantly developing and improving , The literature [7] A linearized iterative algorithm for solving the nonlinear equations of gyro calibration is proposed , A more concise method of accelerometer calibration data processing is given , Finally, the simulation test is carried out . The literature [8-11] A series of short calibration time , Low calibration cost 、 Calibration method with high navigation accuracy . There are also a large number of scholars abroad who have done relevant research on the calibration of inertial navigation sensors . The literature [12] The calibration method using precision equipment is studied , At the same time, the position calibration without equipment and the Kalman filter calibration method are also carried out . The literature [13] Use the three-dimensional turntable to calibrate the gyro , And consider the correction of angle correlation between different sensors , The calibration reaches the accuracy of professional calibration tools , And minimize the angular correlation between sensors . The literature [14-16] All right MEMS The calibration of inertial devices is a useful exploration .

The calibration of inertial devices is over , It is equivalent to solving the device error , We know that in addition to device errors , The initial attitude error will also affect the navigation effect , therefore , For the determination of the initial attitude angle , Scholars at home and abroad are also constantly studying and exploring . The literature [17] The formula for calculating the attitude of the carrier using the acceleration of gravity and the rotation rate of the earth in static state is derived , And analyze the error , Come to a conclusion , In the installation IMU Pay attention to the installation position of gyroscope and accelerometer with good performance . The literature [18] The dynamic high-precision initial alignment technology is studied , A method of initial alignment by dead reckoning is proposed , Results show , When the distance between the starting point of loading and the point with known position is 6 km Left and right , The initial alignment heading angle can achieve angle classification accuracy . The literature [19] The initial alignment method is studied for the low-cost sensors that occupy one of the main markets of inertial navigation , A measurement strategy combining different types of inertial navigation aids is proposed , Through numerical simulation and field experiments, an adaptive Kalman filter is found to improve the alignment performance .


Yan Gongmin , Weng Jun . Strapdown inertial navigation algorithm and integrated navigation principle . Northwestern Polytechnic University Press , 2019

Cheng Meng . be based on GPS/INS Loose integrated navigation UAV Research on Location Algorithm . Hebei University of Engineering ,2021

Yan Gongmin , Qin Yongyuan . Research on calibration method of gyro combination in strapdown inertial navigation unit . Journal of missile and guidance ,2005, The first 4 period :872-875

Yan Gongmin , Qin Yongyuan . The calibration simulation of double axis position turntable of Laser Strapdown inertial unit [J]. Chinese Journal of Inertial Technology ,2007(01):123-127.

Yan Gongmin , Zhaochunlian , Wu Feng . A laser gyro SIMU Improvement of the new calibration method [C]. //the 32nd Chinese Control Conference( The 32nd China Control Conference ) proceedings . 2013:4861-4865.

Wang Zihui , Chengxianghong , Fan shisec . Strapdown inertial navigation system based on two axis turntable 8 Position system level calibration method ( english )[J]. Chinese Journal of Inertial Technology , 2019, The first 27 volume (1):23-31.

Cheng Junchao , The house is completed , Wuweiren et al . A hybrid calibration method of laser gyro inertial measurement unit [J]. Chinese Journal of Inertial Technology , 2014, (4):445-452.

Wang sui'er 1, Yang Gongliu 1, Wang Lifen 2 etc. . A kind of IMU Fast calibration method of full zero bias [J]. Chinese Journal of Inertial Technology , 2020, The first 28 volume (3):316-322.

Jian wang , Liang Jian , Han Houzeng . Low cost IMU Multi position rotation field calibration method [J]. Chinese Journal of Inertial Technology , 2017, The first 25 volume (3):294-298.

Poddar, S., Kumar, V., and Kumar, A. (September 26, 2016). “A Comprehensive Overview of Inertial Sensor Calibration Techniques.” ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. January 2017; 139(1): 011006. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4034419

R. Zhang, F. Hoflinger and L. M. Reind, “Calibration of an IMU Using 3-D Rotation Platform,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1778-1787, June 2014, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2303642.

Md. Riaz Pervez, Hafiz Ahamed, Md. Manirul Islam, Christof Hille, and Hubert Roth
, “Evaluation and calibration of an inertial measurement unit”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2121, 040002 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5115873

M. V. Gheorghe, “Advanced calibration method for 3-axis MEMS accelerometers,” 2016 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS), 2016, pp. 81-84, doi: 10.1109/SMICND.2016.7783046.

T. Dar, K. Suryanarayanan and A. Geisberger, “No Physical Stimulus Testing and Calibration for MEMS Accelerometer,” in Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 811-818, Aug. 2014, doi: 10.1109/JMEMS.2013.2294562.

Yan Gongmin , Qin Yongyuan . Research on two position alignment of vehicle Laser Strapdown Inertial Navigation System [J]. Journal of missile and guidance ,2005(S8):478-480+494.

Yan Gongmin , Qin Yongyuan , Majianping . Dynamic high-precision initial alignment technology of vehicle navigation system [J]. Systems engineering and electronics ,2006(09):1404-1407.

I. Klein and Y. Bar-Shalom, “INS Fine Alignment With Low-Cost Gyroscopes: Adaptive Filters for Different Measurement Types,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 79021-79032, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3079381.

Y. Huang, Y. Zhang and X. Wang, “Kalman-Filtering-Based In-Motion Coarse Alignment for Odometer-Aided SINS,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 3364-3377, Dec. 2017, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2017.2737840.


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