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Demonstration of the development case of DAPP system for money deposit and interest bearing financial management

2022-07-06 22:50:00 InfoQ

Detailed explanation of the development of cash and interest bearing financial management system ,hkkf5566, Kagavi , Money deposit and interest bearing financial management dapp System development
With some security problems in the exchange , Cause the user to pay / easy 、 Store more carefully , A wallet that can store multiple currencies in accordance with security 、 The money holding and interest earning mode, which can never use transaction risk to generate income, comes out of the wallet . For radical 、 Prudent money * People in this circle are dangerously attractive .

What is a money and interest bearing financial management system ?
Put digital assets into the interest bearing financial management system , According to the rules and regulations of its platform , You can get static income , It can also be dynamic income , In a period of strong market volatility , Not only won't you lose money , You can also get a certain amount of money , This kind of interest bearing financial management mode has naturally become a favorite method of many investors at this stage .
  First of all, let's know what is the static and dynamic wallet with money :
1. static state : You are welcome to disturb the author at any time in the development of cash bearing interest bearing system , Just like the literal meaning , It's mainly constant , It doesn't need any movement , Players only need to deposit money in the platform , According to the rules of the platform, for example, how much interest will be returned to the player on a regular basis , This is the same as the interest earned on deposits .
2. dynamic : Dynamic income requires players to operate some operations to get a certain amount of interest , It is common to recommend friends to deposit money on the platform while saving money on the platform , Get extra interest based on the stock of friends .
  Holding money earns interest APP The role of :
1. Easy to trade
Today's wallets can have a built-in trading system , Users can trade directly with the assets in their wallets , You don't have to go to the exchange to trade and then put it into your wallet , It avoids such repeated operations . The wallet platform side can also get more benefits .
2. Holding money earns interest
Interest bearing plate , There is a certain amount of money in the purse , The way it works can be flexible .
