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Wechat applet - simple diet recommendation (3)
2022-07-05 09:55:00 【Sunqk5665】
This article is my article Simple diet recommendations ( One ) In function realization Turntable meal selection module .
Custom turntable assembly reference article :https://blog.csdn.net/qq_23375733/article/details/81274955
1、 Introduction to the random catering function of the turntable :
This module mainly uses small programs , Support customization of simple components , Use simple component-based programming supported by applets , Through this function, the design of turntable is realized . Then through the turntable , Realize random selection , Choose your meal today , Catering is through scientific diet , To serve you , The results of the catering will be displayed , If you are not satisfied , You can also choose this meal again .
2、 Module creativity
In this module , The creative points are as follows :
The creative point is in the form of turntable , To achieve the random choice of catering , It is not only possible to choose meals at one time , You can still achieve , Choose... Again , Choose the final one .
Another creative point is to use the custom components of wechat applet , The customization module of wechat applet is a way for developers to customize , Developers can abstract the function modules in the page into custom components , In order to reuse in different pages ; You can also split a complex page into multiple low coupling modules , Helps code maintenance . The custom component is very similar to the basic component when used .
3、 Design thinking
To complete this module and realize the corresponding functions of dish identification , The following problems must be solved :
- Implementation of custom components
- Use custom components
- Rotary table rotation is realized through components
- Return to catering
- Display catering data
- Overall interface design
4、 Implementation process
4.1 Use custom components
After searching for relevant information , Learned that wechat applets can use custom components , Custom components are a custom way for wechat developers , You can abstract the function modules in the page into custom components , In order to reuse in different pages ; You can also split a complex page into multiple low coupling modules , Helps code maintenance . The custom component is very similar to the basic component when used .
4.2 How to use custom components
Create custom components ( Official custom component development documentation ): Similar to page , A custom component consists of json wxml wxss js 4 Files make up . To write a custom component , The first thing you need to do is json File for custom component declaration ( take component Field set to true This set of files can be set as custom components ):
"component": true
meanwhile , Still in wxml Write component template in file , stay wxss Add component styles... To the file , They are written in a similar way to the way pages are written .
<!-- This is the inside of the custom component WXML structure --> <view class="inner">
/* The style here only applies to this custom component */
.inner {
color: red;
In the custom component of js In file , Need to use Component() To register components , And provide the property definition of the component 、 Internal data and custom methods .
The property values and internal data of the component will be used for the component wxml Rendering of , among , Property values can be passed in from outside the component .
properties: {
// It's defined here innerText attribute , Property values can be specified when the component is used
innerText: {
type: String,
value: 'default value',
data: {
// Here are some component internal data
someData: {
methods: {
// Here is a custom method
customMethod: function(){
Before using registered custom components , First of all, on the page json Make a reference statement in the document . At this time, you need to provide the tag name of each custom component and the corresponding custom component file path :
"usingComponents": {
"component-tag-name": "path/to/the/custom/component"
such , On page wxml You can use custom components just like basic components . The node name is the tag name of the custom component , The node property is the property value passed to the component .
4.3 Write custom components of the turntable
Write through wechat applet development documents , Custom components of turntable , Because this is the first time to write custom components , So I'm not familiar with the process , So there are many problems when using , And the idea went wrong , By using online tutorials , By reading someone else's code , Change writing code , The customization of components has been successfully realized .
The color of the first row turntable , Treatment of appearance , Use fan-shaped processing , Color is through JS The document defines .
<view animation="{
{animationData}}" class="gb-wheel-content" style='width:{
<!-- Fan colored background When the option length is equal to 2 perhaps 3 Special treatment was made during -->
<view class="canvas-list">
<view class="canvas-item2" wx:for="{
{awardsConfig.awards}}" wx:key="key" style="transform: rotate({
size.h/2}}rpx {
<view class="canvas-item2-after" style="transform: rotate({
size.h/2}}rpx;transform-origin: {
size.h/2}}rpx {
<view wx:if='{
{awardsConfig.awards.length==3}}' class="canvas-item2-after" style="background-color:{
size.h/2}}rpx;transform-origin: {
size.h/2}}rpx {
Then deal with the options :
<!-- Options content -->
<view class="gb-wheel-list">
<view class="gb-wheel-item" data-index="{
{index}}" wx:for="{
{awardsConfig.awards}}" wx:key='key'>
<view class="gb-wheel-icontent" style="height:262rpx;overflow:hidden;font-size:{
item.name.length>9?'20':'26'}}rpx;width:26rpx;padding-top:5rpx;transform: rotate({
index*turnNum}}turn);transform-origin: 50% {
<text style='word-break:break-all;'>{
Then the style processing of the middle start key :
<!-- The button in the middle of the turntable -->
<image bindtap="_zhuan" src='/images/canvas_button_go_unclick.png' style='width:{
block1}}' mode='widthFix'></image>
<image src='/images/canvas_button_go_click.png' style='width:{
block2}}' mode='widthFix'></image>
<image bindtap="reset" src='/images/canvas_button_reset_unclick.png' style='width:{
size.h/4.4}}rpx;left:41%;top:38%;position: absolute;margin-top:-11rpx;z-index:9999;display:{
block3}}' mode='widthFix'></image>
<image src='/images/canvas_button_reset_click.png' style='width:{
block4}}' mode='widthFix'></image>
And then in JS The definition of component attributes is implemented in the file. The attribute list of the component is used for component custom settings External properties of components , This can be achieved when calling components , The style has changed , Length and width , Color , Even the turning probability of the turntable .
properties: {
myProperty: {
// Property name myProperty2: String, A simplified way to define
type: String, // type ( Required ), The current types of acceptance include :String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, null( Represents any type of )
value: '', // Property default Initial value ( Optional ), If it is not specified, it will select one... According to the type
observer: function (newVal, oldVal, changedPath) {
// The function executed when the property is changed ( Optional ), It can also be written in methods The method name string defined in the section , Such as :'_propertyChange'
// Usually newVal Is the newly set data , oldVal It's old data
probability: {
type: Boolean, // Probability switch , Default random false
value: false
musicflg: {
type: Boolean, // Turntable sound switch , Default true
value: true
fastJuedin: {
type: Boolean, // The switch that turns the turntable quickly , Default false
value: false
repeat: {
type: Boolean, // Repeat the extraction switch , Default false
value: false
size: {
type: Object, // Turntable size , Width height unit rpx
value: {
w: 659, // Note that width is smaller than height 1rpx
h: 660
zhuanpanArr: {
// Turntable options that can be switched , Support multiple
type: Array,
value: [
id: 0,
option: ' Title name of the turntable ',
awards: [
id: 0,
name: " most 17 An option ", // Option name
color: 'red', // Background color of options
probability: 0 // probability
id: 1,
name: " Options can be filled in at most 13 word ", // exceed 9 The font will become smaller when you write two words
color: 'green',
probability: 0
// Limit : most 17 An option , A single option can be filled in at most 10-13 A word , The maximum number of option names 21 A word
awardsConfig: {
// Default current turntable options
type: Object,
value: {
option: ' My little decision ?',
awards: [
id: 0,
name: " most 17 An option ",
color: 'red',
probability: 0
id: 1,
name: " Options can be filled in at most 13 word ",
color: 'green',
probability: 0
Define the turntable animation :
data: {
id: '',
animationData: {
}, // Turntable animation
zhuanflg: false, // Whether the rotary table can click the switch flag
fastTime: 7600, // The time when the turntable rotates rapidly
slowTime: 3900, // The time when the turntable rotates slowly
block1: 'block', // The picture flag in the center of the turntable , Used to show hidden
block2: 'none',
block3: 'none',
block4: 'none',
Then use the component life cycle , Pay attention to Create What cannot be used in the life cycle setDate,
Then, carry out various definitions and settings of the turntable , The button in the middle of the turntable starts to rotate , After the rotation is completed, return the data , Rotate reset , Then the position of the turntable changes randomly .
4.4 Use customized turntable components
The above is for customized components , Just for the following use . First , On the page where the component is to be referenced json In file , write :
"usingComponents": {
"zhuanpan":"/components/zhuanpan/zhuanpan" // Directory of your custom components
And then it's in WXML The interface references these components , The data that must be used in the reference process is size,myData,myAwars,startZhuan,zhuanpanArr,awardsConfig, With these, you can define the data on the turntable , How much data of the turntable , Rewriting of events after the turntable turns , The event occurs after the turntable stops .
<view >
<view class="title">
What are you going to eat today ?
<view class="title"> I'll tell you .....</view>
<!-- Refer to the component ↓↓↓ -->
<zhuanpan id='zhuanpan' bind:myData='getData' bind:myAwards="getAwards" bind:startZhuan="startZhuan" size='{
{size}}' musicflg='{
{musicflg}}' fastJuedin='{
{fastJuedin}}' repeat='{
{repeat}}' zhuanpanArr='{
{xiaojuedingArr}}' awardsConfig='{
<!-- Refer to the component ↑↑↑ -->
<view class="title">{
<view class="liebiao"> Catering list :
Write the data of the turntable ,
data: {
// The size of the turntable can be configured
},// Turntable size ,
musicflg: true, // voice
fastJuedin: false,// Make a quick decision
repeat: false,// Do not repeat extraction
probability: false,// probability
s_awards: '?',// result
option: ' title ',
// Total data of turntable , If you want to add more than one, you can add a piece of data with the same format to this array
xiaojuedingArr: [
id: 0,
option: '',// Title name of the turntable
awards: [
id: 0, // id Increasing
name: " Food match 1", // Option name exceed 9 The font will become smaller when you write two words Greater than 13 The number will hide the excess
color: '#FFA827', // Background color of options
probability: 10 // probability 0 The representative will never turn to this option , The larger the number, the greater the probability ,data Medium probability Property is set to true Only when it comes into effect , This attribute must also be filled , If you don't fill in, you will make an error
id: 1,
name: " Food match 2",
color: '#AA47BC',
probability: 10
id: 2,
name: " Food match 3",
color: '#42A5F6',
probability: 10
Then there is the writing and calling of events .
Receive the data from the initialization of the turntable ,
getData(e) {
option: e.detail.option
Receive the answer option after the end of the current turntable , For a data transmission after the completion of the turntable , Show the list of the table and table you choose .
getAwards(e) {
s_awards: e.detail.end ? "?" : e.detail.s_awards,
// id:e.detail.id,
At the beginning or end of rotation , The occurrence of the incident .( There are some codes used in the experiment , Was noted out )
startZhuan(e) {
// if(f == 0){
// a = Math.floor(Math.random()*7)
// console.log(a)
// f = 1
// }else{
// f = 0
// }
zhuanflg: e.detail ? true : false
Event to reset the turntable , An event called when using the reset turntable occurs , Switch the turntable , Reset the order of the turntable .
switchZhuanpan(e) {
// Switch the turntable only when the turntable stops
if (!this.data.zhuanflg) {
var idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx, zhuanpanArr = this.data.zhuanpanArr, obj = {
for (let i in zhuanpanArr) {
if (this.data.option != zhuanpanArr[i].option && zhuanpanArr[i].id == idx) {
obj.option = zhuanpanArr[i].option;
obj.awards = zhuanpanArr[i].awards;
awardsConfig: obj // In fact, by default, if you want to change the data of the current turntable, you need to transfer this object , It works
Another important thing is , For instantiation of component objects , Without instantiation, the use of component objects cannot be realized , So I instantiate this component object , Write directly into OnLoad In the life cycle , This enables the instantiation of component objects in the process of applet loading
onLoad: function () {
// Instantiate component objects , In this way, the methods in the component can be called when necessary
this.zhuanpan = this.selectComponent("#zhuanpan");
4.5 The method of displaying the randomly selected catering list
The method used is a relatively simple way to use the data written in the component id Return , This function was not written at the beginning , In the previous custom component , So I added this later id Return , Data transferred by the turntable , Return the id. Below r This is the return id, Before using random numbers , Produced , Returned the result , But not back id, Lead to later use id Can't call , So I added a id Return .
animationData: {
s_awards: awardsConfig.awards[r].name,// The final selected result
awardsConfig: awardsConfig,
block1: 'none',
block2: 'none',
block3: 'block',
zhuanflg: false,
Then through the return id, To call the catering retrieved from the global data ,
// Receive the answer option after the end of the current turntable
getAwards(e) {
liebiao:lie[e.detail.id],// Call up the list of catering
s_awards: e.detail.end ? "?" : e.detail.s_awards,
// id:e.detail.id,
5、 Overall appearance design
5.1 Design of turntable
This part wxml The key codes are as follows
<view animation="{
{animationData}}" class="gb-wheel-content" style='width:{
<!-- Fan colored background When the option length is equal to 2 perhaps 3 Special treatment was made during -->
<view class="canvas-list">
<view class="canvas-item2" wx:for="{
{awardsConfig.awards}}" wx:key="key" style="transform: rotate({
size.h/2}}rpx {
<view class="canvas-item2-after" style="transform: rotate({
size.h/2}}rpx;transform-origin: {
size.h/2}}rpx {
<view wx:if='{
{awardsConfig.awards.length==3}}' class="canvas-item2-after" style="background-color:{
size.h/2}}rpx;transform-origin: {
size.h/2}}rpx {
Here is the fan-shaped design of the turntable , Can pass JS File changes .
awards: [
id: 0, // id Increasing
name: " Food match 1", // Option name exceed 9 The font will become smaller when you write two words Greater than 13 The number will hide the excess
color: '#FFA827', // Background color of options
probability: 10 、
In this way, the implementation effect of this part is shown in the following figure :
5.2 Middle button design
This part wxml The key codes are as follows
<!-- The button in the middle of the turntable -->
<image bindtap="_zhuan" src='/images/canvas_button_go_unclick.png' style='width:{
block1}}' mode='widthFix'></image>
<image src='/images/canvas_button_go_click.png' style='width:{
block2}}' mode='widthFix'></image>
<image bindtap="reset" src='/images/canvas_button_reset_unclick.png' style='width:{
size.h/4.4}}rpx;left:41%;top:38%;position: absolute;margin-top:-11rpx;z-index:9999;display:{
block3}}' mode='widthFix'></image>
<image src='/images/canvas_button_reset_click.png' style='width:{
block4}}' mode='widthFix'></image>
The icon is obtained from Alibaba vector icon library .
The effect is as follows .
6、 Verification effect
Click on “GO”, The turntable began to turn .
Select ,? Become a catering table , And the food came out .
Click Reset button , The sequence is reset .
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