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Torefs API and toref API
2022-07-07 07:10:00 【To be a woman of light】
1. If we use ES6 Deconstruction grammar of , Yes reactive The returned object is deconstructed to obtain the value , Then, whether it is to modify the value after deconstruction , Or modify reactive Back to state object , Data is no longer responsive :
const info=reactive({
let {name,age}=info
2. Is there a way for us to deconstruct properties that are responsive ?
- Vue It provides us with a toRefs Function of , Can be reactive The properties in the returned object are converted to ref;
- Then we deconstruct it again name and age In itself ref Of ;
// When we do this , Will return two ref object , They are responsive
let {name,age}=toRefs(info)
//1.toRefs: take reactive All properties in the object are converted to ref, Building links
3. This approach is equivalent to info.name and refvalue A link has been established between , Any modification will cause another change ;
toRefs and toRef The difference between
- toRefs: take reactive All properties in the object are converted to ref, Building links
- toRef: Convert one of the attributes into ref, Establishing a connection
let {name}=info
let age=toRef(info,"age");
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