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Release notes of JMeter version 5.5

2022-07-07 07:07:00 Software testing uncle


New and noteworthy


Non functional changes

Bug Repair

thank you

Known problems and solutions

New and noteworthy

JMeter Now supports Java 17

JMeter 5.5 Incidental log4j2 2.17.2

Open model thread group

New components : Open model thread group   Allows the creation of load profiles with variable loads .

for example , If you need to be in Change the load from 0/sec Gradually increase to 10/sec , You can use Thread Group + Timer Combine . however , You need to calculate the expected number of threads , Make sure to create them only when needed , wait .

Use Open model thread group , You can configure and rate(0/sec) random_arrivals(1 minute) rate(10/sec) Same load profile . The thread group will generate threads as needed to drive the configured load . Load profiles can use attributes , So you can start the same script with slightly different load levels , however , The configuration file cannot be updated while the test is running .

The new thread group is JMeter 5.5 Is experimental , So please feel free to submit your feedback .

Open model thread group example

Prepare to discard Oro Regex usage

JMeter 5.5 Another experimental feature in is the ability to be based on Oro Of Regex The implementation is replaced by based on Java Built in implementation of . To select based on Java Of , Please put JMeter attribute jmeter.regex.engine  Set to value java.

Core improvements

Kotlin Language is now used in some core classes and tests ( for example Open Model Thread Group).JMeter Use apiTarget=1.5 compile , With kotlin-stdlib 1.6.

Added lets-plot-kotlin Chart Library , So in the future UI It will be easier to improve and create new charts .


Thread group

HTTP Sampler and test script recorder

  • error 65027 - Add files to HTTP The sampler automatically detects the mime type
  • error 65020 - HTTP Sampler / File upload tab - Add missing button
  • Pull request #650 - When catching exceptions HTTP Sampler timestamp repair . from Konstantin Kalinin Contribution (konstantin at kkalinin.pro)
  • error 65328 -  Pull request #666 - I won't support it HTTP 308 Permanent redirection . from Baptiste Gaillard Contribution (baptiste.gaillard at gmail.com)

Other samplers

  • error 65149 -  Pull request #644 - stay SMTP The personal part of the sampler that encodes the email address
  • Pull request #638 - Various additions of bolt sampler . Added Transaction Timeout 、 Neo4j 4.x The required database   Options ( Support multiple databases ) and Access pattern Options , Allow for Neo4j Enterprise causal cluster operation . from David Pecollet Provide (gmail.com Upper david.pecollet)


  • Pull request #665 - increase IfController and WhileController Lines of code visible in . be based on David Getzlaff Ideas (t-systems.com> Upper david.getzlaff).


  • error 64988 - In the order expected by mankind DebugPostProcessor and DebugSampler Sort the attributes and variables of
  • error 63061 - Sort the view results in the table in the order expected by human
  • Pull request #706 - Try to keep UI Respond to . You can use new attributes  view.results.tree.simple_view_limit To configure

timer 、 Assertion 、 To configure 、 Pre processor and post processor

  • Pull request #638 - Bolted connection configuration : Added ConnectionPoolMaxSize Parameters . from David Pecollet Provide (gmail.com Upper david.pecollet)
  • error 65515 - Allow in JDBC Collect the prepared statements in
  • error 65299 - JSONPathAssertion Property disorder / Compare JSON Objects rather than their string representation .

The report / instrument panel

  • error 65353 - The estimator used to calculate the percentile on the dashboard can be configured


  • error 61805 -  Pull request #663 - Add a simple HTTP The request template . from Ori Marko Provide (gmail.com Upper orimarko)
  • error 65611 -  Pull request #673 - Add a pair when specifying a remote work node IPv6 Address support . be based on Peter Wong Patch for (csexperts.com Upper peter.wong)
  • Reduce the memory consumption of the log panel ( Disable its undo event )
  • error 63620 -  Pull request #694 - Fixed when viewing the response body with long line breaks GUI frozen
  • Pull request #699 - add to Graphite Back end listener documentation . from Ji Hun Contribution (jihunkimkw at gmail.com)
  • error 57672 -  Pull request #700 - Add a switch ( jmeter.regex.engine ) With built-in Java Replace Oro Regex Realization .

Non functional changes

  • by JMeter The engine implementation adds Kotlin 1.6.21 (apiVersion=1.5).JSR 223 The language set is complete .
  • error 65128 -  Pull request #643 - In thread group Add information about the same user in each iteration of   Missing document . from njkuzas Provide .
  • Pull request #648 - take xmlgraphics-commons Updated to 2.6( from 2.3 Start ). from Stefan Seide Provide (trilobyte-se.de Upper stefan)
  • Pull request #655 Pull request #667 Pull request #675 Pull request #698 - take x-stream Update to 1.4.19( from 1.4.15). from Stefan Seide Provide (trilobyte-se.de Upper stefan)
  • Pull request #656 Pull request #668 - to update json-smart To 2.4.8( from 2.3),accessors-smart To 2.4.8( from 1.2) and asm 9.3( from 9.0). from Stefan Seide Provide (trilobyte-se.de Upper stefan)
  • error 64831 - At the debug level, it is recorder org.apache.jmeter.util.keystore.JmeterKeyStore Record truststore entries
  • error 65232 - Hide the startup screen when displaying errors , Because the test plan cannot be parsed .
  • take Groovy Update to 3.0.11( from 3.0.7).
  • take Darklaf Update to 2.7.3( from 2.5.4).
  • take Apache ActiveMQ Update to 15.6.4( from 15.6.0).
  • take Asm Update to 9.2( from 9.1).
  • take Bouncycastle Update to 1.70( from 1.67).
  • Update caffeine to 2.9.3( from 2.8.8).
  • take Apache commons-dbcp2 Update to 2.9.0( from 2.8.0).
  • take Apache commons-io Update to 2.11.0( from 2.8.0).
  • take Apache commons-lang3 Update to 3.12.0( from 3.11).
  • take Apache commons-net Update to 3.8.0( from 3.7.2).
  • take Apache commons-pool2 Update to 2.11.1( from 2.9.0).
  • take equalsverifier Update to 3.10( from 3.4.2).
  • take Apache Freemarker Update to 2.3.31( from 2.3.30).
  • take hsqldb Update to 2.5.2( from 2.5.0).
  • take Apache HttpClient Update to 4.5.13( from 4.5.12).
  • take Apache HttpCore Update to 4.4.15( from 4.4.13).
  • take jacoco Update to 0.8.7( from 0.8.5).
  • take json-path Update to 2.7.0( from 2.4.0).
  • take jsoup Update to 1.15.1( from 1.13.1).
  • take JUnit Update to 4.13.2 and 5.8.2( from 4.13.1 and 5.7.0).
  • take Apache log4j2 Update to 2.17.2( from 2.13.3).
  • take Miglayout Update to 5.3( from 5.2).
  • take Neo4j Java Driver updated to 4.4.6( from 4.2.0).
  • take Objenesis Update to 3.2( from 2.6).
  • take ktlint Updated to 0.40.0
  • take PH CSS and PH commons Update to 6.5.4 and 10.1.6( from 6.2.3 and 9.5.1).
  • take RSyntaxTextArea Update to 3.2.0( from 3.1.1).
  • take SLF4J Update to 1.7.36( from 1.7.30).
  • take SvgSalamander Update to from
  • Pull request #698 - take Apache Tika Update to 1.28.3( from 1.26).
  • take WireMock-JRE8 Update to 2.30.0( from 2.24.1).
  • Updated com.github.vlsi.vlsi-release-plugins 1.76( come from 1.74).
  • Update Jackson to 2.13.3( from 2.10.5)
  • take jmespath Updated to 0.5.1
  • take Saxon-HE Update to 11.2( from 9.9.1-8)
  • take Apache xmlgraphics commons Update to 2.7( from 2.6)
  • Pull request #671 - Attribute jmeter.reportgenerator.statistic_window Of Example definition move   To user.properties, Because it is read from this location . from Rithvik Patibandla Provide (rithvikp98 at gmail.com)
  • error 65456 - take commons-jexl 3 Update to 3.2.1( from 3.1). from Ori Marko Contribution (orimarko at gmail.com>)
  • Pull request #654 - Try to provide better feedback when loading the keystore
  • Pull request #672 - by timeShift Add more details to the documentation of the function . from Mariusz Provide (gmail.com Upper mawasak)
  • take Gradle Update to 7.3( from 7.2)
  • Pull request #689 - StringFromFile Code cleanup in . from Sampath Kumar Krishnasamy Provide (aexp.com Upper sampathkumar.krishnasamykuppusamy)
  • Pull request #690 - Refactor some unit tests . from Sampath Kumar Krishnasamy Provide (aexp.com Upper sampathkumar.krishnasamykuppusamy)
  • Pull request #692> - Repair Gradle Some deprecation warnings for . from Sampath Kumar Krishnasamy Provide (aexp.com Upper sampathkumar.krishnasamykuppusamy)
  • Pull request #697> - Junit 5 The test uses data from Junit 5 API Assertion of . from Sampath Kumar Krishnasamy Provide (aexp.com Upper sampathkumar.krishnasamykuppusamy)
  • error 65983 -  Pull request #707 - Use the current screenshot for saving in the document to the file listener . be based on NaveenKumar Namachivayam Patch for (catch.nkn at gmail.com)
  • Pull request #708 - Make people who are prone to mistakes happier . be based on Wilson Kurniawan Patch for (visenze.com Upper wilson)>
  • take Rhino JavaScript Update to 1.7.14( from 1.7.13)

Bug Repair

HTTP Sampler and test script recorder

  • error 65310 - Don't let users overwrite HC4 In the sampler multipart/form-data  Content type   header .
  • error 65363 - When from remote 401 Response and httpclient4.auth.preemptive=false when HTTPHC4Impl$ManagedCredentialsProvider.getAuthorizationForAuthScope Medium NullPointerException
  • error 65692 - HTTP(s) Test script recorder : stay SSLContext Enable settings on the enabled Password Suite and enabled protocols / stay Java and HC4 Achieve alignment SSL attribute
  • error 65108 - Support GraphQL HTTP In the request JMeter Variable
  • error 65864 - Record the test plan from JSoup Capture NullPointerException

Other samplers

  • error 65152 - Operating system process sampler - unable From the clipboard Add command parameters
  • Pull request #638 - Bolt sampler : Fixed enable “ Record query results ” Error in displaying results when . from David Pecollet Provide (gmail.com Upper david.pecollet)



  • error 64962 - Save recursively from the view result tree CSV Sub result
  • error 65784 - Aggregation report / No chart is shown in the response time chart
  • error 65884 - GUI No display Manual Response to encoded multipart request

timer 、 Assertion 、 To configure 、 Pre processor and post processor

  • error 65257 - If JMESPath The filter returns an empty result ,JMESPathExtractor Error log entries are written
  • error 65259 - need JMESPathExtractor  attribute Matching number
  • error 65269 - JSON Extractor and JSON JMESPath Extractor Ignore sub samples
  • error 65352 - A warning is logged when the boundary extractor does not find any matches
  • error 65681 - Use JSONPostProcessor Use Default value of null value
  • allow ConstantThroughputTimer The setter in updates the value at run time
  • error 65782 - stay HTMLAssertion In Chinese, it means MessageFormat Use the correct message format
  • error 65794 - JSON The assertion is always successful , The path is uncertain



The report / instrument panel


  • Pull request #658 - improvement javadoc. from Ori Marko Provide (gmail.com Upper orimarko)


  • error 64318 - DNS Cache manager - Customize by default DNS The parser does not use the system parser
  • Pull request #641 Pull request #698 - take xercesImpl Update to 2.12.2( from 2.12.0). be based on Stefan Seide Patch for (stefan at trilobyte-se.de).
  • Pull request #645 - stay AbstractInfluxdbMetricsSender  Add escape for new line in . from David Getzlaff Provide (t-systems.com Upper david.getzlaff>)
  • error 65198 - from FunctionHelper Copy the generated function
  • Pull request #661 - Fix the wording in the document . from BugKing Contribution (fit2cloud.com Of wangzhen)
  • Pull request #664 - Allow spaces in the path . from Till Neunast (github.com/tilln) Provide
  • error 65270 - from Postman Generated POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded cURL The code was not imported correctly
  • Linux Missing... During next startup Arial Mute warning of fonts
  • error 65300 -  Use Java 16 When the file dialog box opens IllegalAccessError
  • error 65336 - Blank labels when different elements have the same name
  • error 65522 - When the parameter contains spaces , Restart does not work
  • error 63914 - simplify :src:dist:clean To configure , Make sure /lib/junit/test.jar stay clean Is deleted
  • Pull request #696 - Retain JSyntaxTextArea Text value to be used in headless mode . from Peter Paul Bakker Contribution (stokpop.nl Of peter.paul.bakker)

thank you

We thank all the contributors mentioned in the errors and improvements section above :

  • Stefan Seide (stefan at trilobyte-se.de)
  • njzukas (github.com/njzukas)
  • David Getzlaff(t-systems.com Upper david.getzlaff>)
  • Constantine · Kalinin (konstantin at kkalinin.pro)
  • David Pecollet(gmail.com Upper david.pecollet)
  • Ori Marko(gmail.com Upper orimarko)
  • BugKing(fit2cloud.com Upper wangzhen)
  • until Neunast (github.com/tilln)
  • Baptist · Gaillard (baptiste.gaillard at gmail.com)
  • Rithvik Patibandla (rithvikp98 at gmail.com)
  • Mariusz(gmail.com Upper mawasak)
  • [email protected]
  • Woonsan Ko (woonsan.ko at bloomreach.com)
  • Chromico Rek (atech5122 at gmail.com)
  • Magnus Spångdal (magnus.spangdal as avanza.se)
  • Piotr Smietana (Piotrsmietana1998 at gmail.com)
  • Sampath Kumar Krishnasamy(aexp.com Upper sampathkumar.krishnasamykuppusamy)
  • Ji Xun (jihunkimkw at gmail.com)
  • Peter Paul Barker (peter.paul.bakker at stokpop.nl)
  • NaveenKumar Namachivayam (catch.nkn at gmail.com)
  • Wilson Kurniawan(visenze.com Upper wilson)

We also want to thank you for helping us improve JMeter Error reporter .

  • Nikola Aleksic(gmail.com Upper nalexic)
  • Vladimir Rosu(gmail.com Upper rosuvladimir)

If we miss anyone else , We apologize for .

Known problems and solutions

  • Once Only The controller behaves correctly under the thread group or loop controller , But beyond that, its behavior is inconsistent ( Or specify ).
  • The number on the left of the green box is the number of active threads / Bus number , The number of bus passes is only applicable to locally running tests , Otherwise, it will show by 0( see  Bug 55510).
  • Please note that , In some Windows Under the system , You may receive the following warnings :
    WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0
    x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(…) returned error code 5.
    The fix is to run as an administrator JMeter, It will create a registry key for you , Then you can restart as a normal user JMeter, You will no longer have warnings .
  • You may encounter the following errors :
    java.security.cert.CertificateException: Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints
    If you have SSL certificate ( In itself or in its chain of trust SSL One of the certificates ) Run on your website HTTPS request , The certificate has the use of MD2 The signature algorithm of ( Such as md2WithRSAEncryption) Or smaller than 1024 Bit SSL certificate . This error is related to Java 8+ Increased security in .
    To allow you to perform HTTPS request , You can edit Java jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms Attribute to reduce Java Safety of installation . According to your situation , Delete MD2 Value or size limit .
    This attribute is in this file :
    For more information , see also   error 56357.
  • stay Mac OSX Next , The aggregation graph will display the wrong value due to the mirror effect of the number . This is due to a known Java error , See error JDK-8065373  The fix is to use JDK8_u45 Or later .
  • Viewing the result tree may not work in HTML Some... Are displayed under the renderer HTML Code , see also   error 54586. This is due to a known Java An error caused the line to not be parsed / Column properties “ px ” Company . See error JDK-8031109  The fix is to use JDK9 b65 Or later .
  • With keyboard JTable choice (SHIFT  +  up/down) stay Mac OSX Upper Java 7 Completely unavailable in . This is due to a known Java error JDK-8025126  The fix is to use JDK 8 b132 Or later .
  • since Java 11 rise ,JavaScript Realization Nashorn Has been abandoned . If you use based on Nashorn Of JavaScript,Java The following deprecation warnings will be issued .
    Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release
    To mute these warnings , Please put -Dnashorn.args=--no-deprecation-warning Add to your Java Parameters in . This can be done by setting the environment variable JVM_ARGS To achieve
    export JVM_ARGS="-Dnashorn.args=--no-deprecation-warning"
  • stay Java 15 in ,JavaScript Realization Nashorn have been deleted . To add compatibility again JSR-223 Of JavaScript engine , You have two options :

    Use Mozilla Rhino

    take rhino-engine-1.7.14.jar Copied to the $JMETER_HOME/lib/ext in .

    Use OpenJDK Nashorn

    OpenJDK Nashorn The implementation is provided as a module . In order to use it , You must download it and add it to the module path . Download version 15.0( Or later ) And its dependencies and set the module path hacky The method is summarized as follows :
    mkdir lib/modules
    pushd lib/modules
    wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/openjdk/nashorn/nashorn-core/15.3/nashorn-core-15.3.jar
    wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/ow2/asm/asm/9.2/asm-9.2.jar
    wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/ow2/asm/asm-commons/9.2/asm-commons-9.2.jar
    wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/ow2/asm/asm-util/9.2/asm-util-9.2.jar
    wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/ow2/asm/asm-tree/9.2/asm-tree-9.2.jar
    wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/ow2/asm/asm-analysis/9.2/asm-analysis-9.2.jar
    export JVM_ARGS="--module-path $PWD/lib/modules"

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