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Is "golden nine and silver ten" the best time to find a job? Not necessarily

2022-07-05 04:02:00 Refugees in the twenty-firstcentury


  • There are many companies to choose from , More opportunities

Inferiority :

There is a strong talent supply

The chances of becoming a spare tire are greatly increased , obtain offer The time is slow

If there is no obvious competitiveness , The salary increase will not be too high

Compared with those in job hopping season ( Kim San Yin four , Golden nine silver ten ) People who get together to find jobs , Riding a donkey and looking for a horse may be more reliable , For example, the average in summer 38 Individuals apply for a position , The average in the last quarter 43 One person grabs a post . The competitive pressure of misplacing golden nine and silver ten positions is relatively not so great .

On the other hand , The post left after the waves wash the sand , Deleted the job hopping without purpose , Rushing to get a raise and change jobs , Or just to change the environment of job hopping , On the contrary, enterprises and job seekers rush to recruit and find jobs for the purpose of better career development , Maybe we can have a coincidence .

Secondly, in 9 Month and 10 There are more people looking for jobs in January , Competition is fierce , If you choose during this time , job-hunting , Resumes , If the ability is not very outstanding , Then your resume will easily be brushed down by better competitors , Submerged in a huge stream of people .

Towards the end of the year

One 、 Most people don't want to change jobs at this time , It leads to far less than the demand

Two 、 The threshold is lower , Higher passing rate

Years ago , The personnel composition of most companies is basically stable , Companies that are not in a hurry to include newcomers , Usually choose to recruit after one year .

And the team's puzzle is not complete , Also know , It was not easy to recruit people years ago , Because objectively speaking , Job seekers are not as many as job hopping season and graduation season .

therefore , If the applicant , Can achieve 80% The matching degree of , Basically, they will be included .

3、 ... and . The salary may be relatively better

The possibility of promotion and salary increase will also be higher . Because by the end of the year , The company will make a financial budget for the next year , In order to keep the people in the company , Save next year's recruitment expenses , The company may have more employee benefits and holiday red envelopes .

meanwhile , Talk with the company about raising salary at the end of the year , The company will prepare a budget for , Take the salary increase plan into account , This will be better than talking about raising salary after the company budget comes out , The success rate may be higher .

Four . Reduced competition

For some people , At the end of the year, because many outsiders want to go home for the new year , All want to go home , Wait until the end of the new year to find a job , So I decided to resign . Especially at the grass-roots level , All major enterprises are indispensable , It's relatively easy to find .

At this time, the employing unit is short of manpower , And there are few job seekers , Relatively speaking, it has reduced the number of fierce competitors , You have an advantage . therefore , Many enterprises need to make recruitment plans in advance at the end of the year , Job seekers can also take this opportunity to easily find a good job .

5、 ... and . To avoid the “ Golden nine silver ten ” Job hunting craze

Each of us is not casually looking for a job , If given the chance , I will give priority to the company I love most . however , The company you like has excellent conditions , Good atmosphere , It is also the target of others , Its competition must also be very cruel .

Now , If you apply in the off-season of recruitment , Can greatly increase the probability of passing , Everyone knows , Every year, Jiuhe and October are the peak seasons for job hopping , If you don't want to squeeze into the single log bridge with more people , that , To open or find a new path or snap course , It's the best way .

Of course , All the people , Especially job seekers , Need time to rest and recharge . however , Use the holiday to carefully plan for job hunting , Instead of taking this time period as an excuse to relax , It's a wise way to accelerate your career .

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( One ). Basics

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  • Modifier
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  • Other important knowledge points

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  • abnormal
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( Two ). Concurrent

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  • BlockingQueue
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  • Executor frame
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  • What is pessimistic lock and optimistic lock
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  • Disadvantages of optimistic lock
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  • Run time data area
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  • Key supplementary content

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