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There are so many factors that imprison you

2022-07-07 11:30:00 Dotnet cross platform


2022 Year of 7 month , Friends can see happy moments , Celebrating the return of Hong Kong 25 Anniversary of the , This is indeed a great milestone . At the same time, it is also the founding of the party 101 Anniversary of the , Full of honor , You can feel the festivity across the circle of friends .

Domestic and international affairs , Care about everything , Concerned but not worried , Instead, I began to feel melancholy about my own affairs . This is not selling anxiety , But reflection and summary .

see 2022 More than half a year has passed , But I can't find anything with a sense of achievement in more than half a year , On the contrary, I'm afraid of hands and feet . After work , I set some goals every year , Stay in a room, listen to music and write down your plan , Then follow these plans to complete as much as possible , Although there is unfinished, there is also a lot completed , I also feel very happy .

This year, , I began to fear a lot , There is no plan , On the contrary, there are more inner plays , Like lengtouqing, what you think is what , From time to time, I confide a lot of things I want to do when eating with my colleagues , The response of colleagues is also very “ Deep-Fried Dough Sticks ”, Maybe looking at the young guy in front of me is very excited .

actually , These mouths hi , It's easy for me to calm down after a period of excitement . For example, a typical example , I miss the snack specialty of my hometown , Every time I go home, I will buy some bags to satisfy my hunger . So I had an idea , I want to offer these goods to the people around me for promotion , By the way, it's better to go through the process of experience .

So I contacted the master of my hometown store , I bought dozens of kilograms and gave a very favorable source of goods . There is no batch contract for transportation outside the province , Logistics transportation is more expensive , The master has made the goods, so he can only accept them with his teeth clenched . Then the moisture-proof and oil-proof packaging bags and simple snacks logo Entrust some manufacturers to make it , It's really well packaged .


▲ chart /  Snack product packaging samples

According to the previous idea, it was promoted in the shops and community groups of official account , At first, some people did come to buy . Once, when the delivery came back to the community at night , When the security uncle opened the door for me, he looked at me carrying many bags of snacks and asked , I was very happy to say that it was a local specialty and gave uncle a bag to taste , Uncle looked at me and said not to take advantage of others , Support my sideline and insist on transferring my money , Sigh uncle's good character .

At first, I didn't receive any feedback about snacks and actively asked about snacks . Placed for a week , Snacks are still in stock , Try to sell these snacks . So I plan to squat and set up a stall with my aunt in or around the community . I hesitated for a long time , Finally, I defeated my fear and ran to the small square nearby , There are many dancing aunts and uncles and aunts who play with their children .

Yes , I'll squat here , I set up a small table and sat around with snacks , Watch them dance , play . gradually , Many people look at me , Unconsciously, I felt a little timid and forced myself to be calm again . When there are children or uncles and aunts passing by, I will learn to take the initiative to ask if I want to try , This is my hometown specialty . The uncle sitting near me watched the children play , Come and chat with me , He asked if he was a student , Still professional ? I look no different from students in appearance , It's expected to ask these questions , And reply to uncle to experience life , Try your mentality .


▲ chart /  Stay in the third person perspective

Uncle is more interested , Speaking of the early years , Learn to set up stalls in all streets , Try small businesses for everything , Now many people have become rich , The times are different now , Setting up a stall and experiencing life can , But it's hard to get rich now ...... Then uncle also pointed out my problem , Nowadays, unless there is a brand to win the trust of the public , Generally, parents don't buy snacks they don't know , And it's hard to explain eating problems , And your snacks are spicy , Hangzhou people actually don't eat spicy ...... If , You sell some fluorescent toys around here , Small toys that glow may be very popular with children , Parents will be very willing to buy .

After the chat , When uncle left, he bought a bag of snacks from me and expressed his support . Then I sat for a while , I thought uncle was very honest , In terms of the actions I have done , I am not mature enough to think about a thing , I never thought about the audience of snacks , I haven't considered that the spicy taste of snacks doesn't meet the taste of local people ... Or, , Maybe I'll take uncle's advice and sell some shiny toys at night , More active .

But , I chose to throw it away , After that night, I felt frustrated , I didn't go to that small square anymore . The small snacks in tun will not be sold , The idea of flash toys is not done , All this is so bad , There are so many things that imprison me .

Once, during work, I found that the front-end development was becoming more and more cutting-edge , Both syntax and engineering are more and more like the back end . Some technology stacks are also interesting , After interest , I went to study systematically and did some demo. I learned with relish and talked about social platforms , It has attracted mixed reviews , So my heart began to shake , The front end is very miscellaneous ? Not popular at the back end ? The whole stack of pseudo propositions ? Although I know it's just that each of them has different views , A subjective and one-sided answer , But I am still entangled by these problems , It starts to rot again , Stagnated , From the perspective of the third person, this person is really bad .

Another example is this week , An industry meeting and exchange held by some big men . The announcement was issued in advance , But I ignored this thing because I was so busy , Until the day before the exchange meeting , Teacher Leah sent a circle of friends , I just woke up with a start , I contacted lyala and joined the communication group . I hurriedly checked the route on Friday evening , Book a hotel , Buy a ticket , That's it npc Act according to the specified instructions ......

On Saturday morning , My heart began to move , I always think , Will the epidemic get worse this time, or will it be quarantined after coming back ? I'm afraid their resumes are so excellent that they can't live in the market ? I'm so confused. There's nothing I can communicate in any direction ? Too bad ?

Sure enough , The negative I finally defeated the positive I . Return the ticket , Return the hotel , Cover the air conditioner and go to bed . After retreating, I read a sentence in the announcement of the communication group , Throw the backpack over the wall first , I can't laugh or cry when I see it , I lost my backpack directly this time .

Looking back at the circle of friends and communication groups , Look at them in full swing . ah , There are so many handsome men and beautiful women ? There are so many college students , Is the thought so immediate ? ah , This is not the head of the R & D team of a central enterprise , Can you communicate more ? ah , And the little sister who plays games ......


▲ chart /  Shanghai Industry Exchange


▲ chart /  Resume of the leader of the R & D team of a central enterprise

All in all , I'm baffled by the cloud again . On the same day, I saw some of my friends in the circle of friends and met their girlfriends in Shanghai , Someone went to Xishuangbanna . I recall the decision I made last week , After a two-day visit to Jiaxing, I withdrew because of a brief rainy weather . I don't know what I did , I don't understand myself anymore .

Recall that I got the pseudonym sang Xiaoyu , The firm theory that the official account was originally named sang Xiaoyu , Why take firm doctrine , Just want to integrate knowledge and practice , Strengthen your faith and follow your heart , Now it's back to the prototype .

original , There is a new evil idea in my heart , It can destroy so many defense lines in your heart , My evil thoughts linger in my ears , Constantly shake your will , Have a disagreement 、 Cowardice 、 Shrink back , The psychology of fear .

therefore , More than half of this year has passed , There was no result in half a year , All the decisions made are rotten , This is very bad . I think the last thing I should do at my age is to taste it , You should not have too many immature ideas , Think about this learning , That contact is no problem , In fact, there is no way to go . Instead, you should follow a firm direction in your heart and persevere , Think about it , Just do it. , If you fail, reflect , Do it after reflection , Again and again, and then return to the origin to choose the direction .

Whenever there are differences in making decisions , Like Schrodinger's cat , Theoretically, there are only two results , Yes , Or not ; Go to , Or not ; well , Or bad . Only when you decide to uncover ( choice ) At the moment , The two results are combined into one result , Good is good , Bad I don't know and don't exist , Bad is bad , OK, I don't know . instead of , You choose the good, and I want to see the bad , If you choose bad, you still want to look back and hope for good .

This article , Be alert to your young self or yourself , Erratic , The uncertain heart can return to the original self 828bf82b49eaadacfda3dfcc8c9fd72c.pnga77472d0ee94cda9f883a64c88838be7.png.

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