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Why does the market need low code?

2022-07-07 23:10:00 Gemcoder

Gartner forecast , end 2021 year , The market scale of application development demand increases , Will at least surpass the enterprise IT Delivery capability 5 times . Facing such a huge IT The gap , If there is no revolutionary “ New productivity ” system , It is hard to imagine the continuation of the development of the existing traditional technology system , Can completely solve the problem . And it is with this mission that low code technology comes , Expect to pass the following aspects , Thoroughly innovate the application and develop productivity , The rescue is almost in dire straits IT The world .

1. Improving efficiency and reducing costs & Quality assurance

Although the software industry has been developing at a high speed , New language 、 Frameworks and tools emerge in endlessly , But I have to admit : Software development is still in the manual workshop stage , Low efficiency 、 High labor costs 、 The quality is out of control . Project delay has become the industry norm , And the bottleneck is almost always the developer ; Excellent development talents are always scarce resources , Still expensive ; Software quality defects never converge , There are frequent failures on the line , Continuous damage .

Low code is industrializing the application development process : Every low code development platform is a technology intensive application factory , All project related personnel work closely in the same production line . The main force of development is no longer familiar with for The technique of cycling a hundred ways of writing Geek, It's a group of thinking businesses sense Full application Maker. With a variety of mature infrastructure in the application factory 、 Ready made standard parts 、 Automated assembly line , Developers just need to focus on the core business value . Even when it comes to non-standard requirements , You can do it yourself at any time , Customize with the most flexible hand ( Code ) To solve all kinds of corner problems .

2. Expand the application development labor force

Use simple drag and drop and configuration to complete most of the development work , Low code ( Include 0 Code ) Significantly lower the user threshold , Enable enterprises to make full use of developer resources . Partially pure 0 Code requirements , Low code can also enable business personnel to achieve self-service application delivery , It has solved the tradition IT Task accumulation in delivery mode , Avoid the scarcity of professional development resources being massively simple 、 Repetitive application development requirements occupy , It also enables business people to implement applications according to their own ideas , Get rid of the inevitable shackles of being developed by others .

3. Strengthen the communication and cooperation in the development process

The results of multiple surveys show that , One of the main reasons for software project failure is the lack of communication . Under the traditional development mode , Business 、 product 、 Design 、 Development 、 The test and operation and maintenance personnel perform their respective duties , And each has its own set of tools and languages in its field , For a long time, it's easy to form “ Shaft ”, Make cross functional communication difficult and inefficient .

With low code , This situation will be fundamentally improved : All of these roles can work closely together on the same low code development platform ( It can even be the same person ), It's not just this new paradigm of collaboration that breaks down , It can also use a unified visual language , And a single application representation ( page / data / Logic ), Easily align the understanding of application form and project schedule by all parties in the project , Achieve the ultimate agile development model . Like the domestic cutting-edge professional low code platform “ Agile code ”, We attach great importance to the provision of collaborative development capabilities , It allows different teams to collaborate across time and space to build applications , More easily 、 Achieve business needs faster , Respond to customers ; Of course , Jetcode low code platform also supports building multiple business systems on the same platform , Linked data and materials , Breaking the data silos , Synergy .

4. The aggregation effect under the unified development platform

Low code attempts to integrate all activities related to application development , All converge to the same platform , There will be more aggregation effects and returns to scale :

People are converging : In addition to the close cooperation of various functional roles , After the personnel converges to the unified low code development platform to carry on the work , It can also promote the standardization of the whole project process 、 Standardization and unification .

Application aggregation : One side , Architecture design for new applications 、 Asset reuse 、 Calling each other becomes easier ; On the other hand , The data of each application is naturally interconnected , At the same time, the data outside the platform can also be connected through the integration ability , Completely eliminate the enterprise data island problem .

Ecological convergence : When the low code development platform gathers enough developers and Applications , Will form a huge 、 Connect everything 、 An ecosystem with unlimited imagination , Let go of the value of low code .

Share business opportunities with partners , It is also one of the ecological values that Jiema is trying to expand . By launching its own application market , In the daily business operation of a large number of partners , Project opportunities that cannot be delivered independently or cannot be developed in time , Share with other partners in the ecosystem , Form a substantial business drainage . at present , A high-quality ecological partner on the Jiema platform 、 partners , It has accumulated to 500 More than , It has successively shared more than 1000 new business opportunities for project development with ecological partners , Hundreds of contracts were actually signed .

