当前位置:网站首页>21. [STM32] I don't understand the I2C protocol. Dig deep into the sequence diagram to help you write the underlying driver

21. [STM32] I don't understand the I2C protocol. Dig deep into the sequence diagram to help you write the underlying driver

2022-07-05 15:48:00 According to point_ DW


Author's brief introduction : Hello, everyone , My name is DW, Share some of my new knowledge every day , Look forward to making progress with you
  Series column :STM32
  Development board :STM32F103

If there is anything that is not well written, you are welcome to correct
Creation time :2022 year 7 month 3 Japan  

        I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit BUS) For integrated circuit bus , The bus is controlled by NXP Company design , It is mainly used for master-slave communication between master controller and slave devices .IIC and SPI Strictly speaking, interfaces are a combination of software and hardware defined by people , It is divided into physical layer and protocol layer .

SDA(Serial data) It's the data line , It is used to transmit data .
SCL(Serial clock line) It's a clock line , It controls the timing of data transmission  .

 I2C The three most important points are :

1. Start and end conditions

2. Reply and non reply  

3. The validity of the data

         below , I will introduce how to use these three important knowledge points one by one , Because of the SDA Output and input mode selection , So first configure its output and input modes . 

// Mode configuration  out input
void I2C_Mode(u8 addr){

	GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
	if(addr){  //out
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = SDA;//PB0 
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;// Output rate 
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;// Push pull output 
	else{  //Input
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = SCL;//PB1
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IPU;// Push pull output 
		GPIO_Init(I2C_PROT,&GPIO_InitStructure);// Initialization pin 

1: The output mode

0 : The input mode

Start and end conditions

1. When SCL When it's high level ,SDA Online by Jump from high to low Is defined as Starting conditions .

2. When SCL When it's high level ,SDA Online by Jump from low to high Is defined as Stop conditions .


Starting conditions

         It can be known from the sequence diagram ,SCL and SDA It is high level by default , At the same time, it needs to be delayed 4.7us above , I give it 5us Delay of , After the SDA Pull it down , Further delay 5us, At the same time SCL Pull it down , Then the writing of the starting condition sequence code is completed .

Pay attention here ,SDA Select output mode

// start 
void I2C_Start(void){


  The end condition

         It can be known from the sequence diagram ,SCL The default state is high ,SDA The default state is low , At the same time, it needs to be delayed 4.7us above , I give it 5us Delay of , hold SDA pull up , Further delay 5us, Then the completion of the end condition timing code .

Pay attention here ,SDA Select output mode

towards SDA Bus write : The output mode

towards SDA Bus read : The input mode

// end 
void I2C_Stop(void){


Response and non response

         Every time the master sends a byte of data to the slave , The master always needs to wait for a reply from the slave , To confirm whether the slave has successfully received the data , The clock needed by the slave to answer the host is still provided by the host , The response appears every time the host completes 8 The clock period immediately following the data bit transmission , Low level 0 To answer ,1 It means no response .

         It can be known from the sequence diagram , No matter in the answer state , Or in the non response state ,SCL It's all high level , Well, first put SCL pull up , Then delay 4us, To determine SDA The state of ;

         Define a Time Variable , If you don't answer , Both read SDA Data bits for 1, Just send a stop signal , Indicates that the device does not exist , Prevent the program from stopping stuck in this position , Then a non reply signal is returned 1;

         If you read SDA Data bits for 0, To answer , Then put SCL Pull it down , Time delay 4us, Finally back to 0, It completes an operation of answering .

// Answer non answer judgment 
u8 I2C_Write_Ack(void){

	u8 Time;
				return 1;//1  Non response 
		SDA_Low;//0  The reply 
	return 0;

The validity of the data  


         stay Writing data when , When SCL Low power level , Allow data to change , At this time, you can write data . that , How to operate ? First of all, we need to put SCL Pull it down , And then keep 4us; Then select the output mode , Then start from the high position bit One bit Writing data .

  Be careful :I2C Write data from the high order .

// Write Bytes 
void I2C_Write_Byte(u8 data){

	for(u8 i=0;i<8;i++){
		if((data<<i)&0x80) SDA_High;

         stay Reading data when , Select input mode ,  We need to SCL Bus up , Because at this time, the data is stable and effective , After reading the SDA The data of , If SDA High level ,data Or on the 0x01, After reading the data , take SCL Pull it down , Finally back to data.

data<<=1;// Read data from the low order , Keep moving left , Low will become high .

// Reading data 
u8 I2C_Read_Data(void){
	u8 data;
	for(u8 i=0;i<8;i++){
		if(GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(I2C_PROT,SDA) == SET){
			data |= 0x01;
	return data;

         Since then , All the three parts of the code have been written , After we understand the principle and usage of these three sequences , Next, I will tell you how to drive on this basis I2C Interface OLED.

OLED brief introduction


1. Working voltage : 3.3V/5V
2. communication interface : 3-wire SPI, 4-wire SPI, I2C
3. Screen type : OLED
4. Control chip : SSD1306
5. The resolution of the : 128*64(Pixel)
6. Dimensions : 128*64(Pixel)
7. Display color : Yellow blue ( Two color block screen )
8. working temperature : -20°C ~ 70°C
9. Storage temperature : -30°C ~ 80°C
10. visual angle : >160
matters needing attention :
OLED The display is different from LCD,OLED Power on is unresponsive , You need a driver to display !

Wiring way :

SDA --- PC0

SCL --- PC1

VCC --- 5V

GND --- The earth

OLED Communication address and register address  

         be-all I2C Devices will have hardware addresses , That is, the address of the chip , You can know from the manual ,b7~b2 Is fixed ,b1(SA0) General choice 0,bo(R/W) Used to determine the I2C Operation mode of general interface ,R/w # = 1, It is in read mode .R/w # = 0, It is in write mode . Generally only to OLED Writing data , Therefore, its address is :0111 1000(0x78) , So we define OLED The device address is

#define OLED 0X78
0x78: Write device address

Bus sequence diagram


We can know from the bus sequence diagram ,  The process of sending data or commands is as follows : 


  According to the above steps , The code we write is as follows :


void OLED_Write_Cmd_Data(u8 cmd,u8 data){

0: Write orders

1: Writing data  

  thus , The most important part of the code has been written , Other things about OLED The description of has been detailed and clear in the ninth article :

9.[STM32]0.96 " OLED Hard to understand ? Take a look at this . Well, let's see the effect !



  In order to facilitate the next search , Remember to pay a little attention .

This chapter ends , I'll see you in the next chapter

Reference material :

1.STM32 Firmware library manual

2. The punctual atoms STM32 Incomplete manual _ Library function version

3. Reference video    Reference article   9.[STM32]0.96 " OLED Hard to understand ? Take a look at this

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