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Remember the implementation of a relatively complex addition, deletion and modification function based on jeecg-boot

2022-07-06 06:22:00 Hanyue Zhuge crossbow

Distributed database , Cross database dictionary data , Add, delete and modify multiple tables , Need to save redundant fields , The interface is as follows :

demand :

(1)list Pages can be reused

(2) increase 、 Delete the customized page

1、JEECG-BOOT Understanding of the generated front-end page

(1) Blend script

Front end custom page List It's a list page, no doubt , But there are some methods 、 Function does not appear , Because JEECG For the sake of front-end code simplicity , Mixed packaging , It mainly includes two mixed scripts :@/utils/mixin and @/mixins/JeecgListMixin


Besides , increase 、 Delete ,JEECG-BOOT stay ant-design-vue Of a-modal On the basis of , so : All pop-up windows are realized through slots , as follows :

Jump to DeviceModal.vue Look again :

DeviceModal.vue There is no need to make other changes to the page . All unnecessary codes can be kept consistent with those generated .

Pass the above figure , You can complete the replacement of the default page

2、 Access data across libraries

JEECG Although the micro service mode is used , But the database is still not separated . This can continue well SOA The idea of the development of . therefore , In the development process, the database needs to be distributed . coordination nacos Online configuration , Realize different applications to access different databases .

(1) Database settings

As can be seen from the above figure , Each subsystem is an independent database , There are many advantages of this , One is to reduce coupling ( Library table separation ), The second is to improve the robustness of the system ( A library has problems or is stuck , It will not affect the operation of other business systems ), Third, improve the performance of the system ( Implement distributed )

(2) stay nacos Do a good job in configuration

remember springboot Configuration loading order :

Read priority :bootstrap.yml( Local ) > application.yml ( Global sharing , namely :test/dev/prod Universal )> application-dev.yml > order-service.yaml >order-service-dev.yaml

Action priority : In reverse order to the above , namely : The last read overwrites the previous read configuration

Which is the specific application nacos Configuration , stay start Module bootstrap.yml Specified in configuration , Here's the picture :

It's officially recommended , Theoretically, it can all be configured locally , Or configure to nacos, Why do you do this , It has not been studied in depth , Need further study .

3、 Function realization

(1) Realize the cross database data reading and sharing through views

As mentioned above ,JEECG-BOOT Although I have made a micro service , But on the database side, it is still a single database , So the generated code 、 Control , All from boot Extract data from the Library ( The default control reads data in boot), On the basis of it, we designed the distributed database ( Write data in the specific business library ), Although it can be completely abandoned jeecg-boot Build code for , Customize all kinds of controls to achieve the purpose of complete library classification , But it's a lot of work , There is no need to ( It can be modified later jeecg-boot Bottom , Make the generated code meet its own personalized needs ).

In order to meet jeecg-boot Default read requirements , It's simple , Share data across libraries through views , In the following figure device Table as an example , stay jeecg Of boot In the library , Just press :select * from hanlin_product.device Generate a file named device View of the .

(2) Custom multi table entity class , Meet deserialization requirements

The functions implemented this time are shown in the figure below :

This is a typical “1 For more than ”, Insertion of main schedule .

JEECG There is no good way to realize this highly customized function . Therefore, the front and back ends need to be redeveloped according to the interaction design .

First ,Jeecg The deserialization of is well encapsulated , Very convenient , Than JQuery Use... Directly json2 It's easy , Consistent with all deserialization ideas : First create an entity class , And then deserialize . So the back-end code is JEECG Build the following on the basis of generation :

here , My personal suggestion is to build a multi table package , Put all entities involving multiple tables in this folder , Convenient operation, maintenance and management . Such as in the figure above , The created package name is :multiTable

secondly , Create back-end operations for multiple tables , Still based on jeecg The generated code can , Writing is very efficient 、 Simple

What needs to be noted here is :jeecg Generated saveBatch operation (jeecg through mybatis-plus Generated code ) It is not really batch storage , There is an efficiency bottleneck in large concurrent writes . There is no problem when writing content in small batches , Once concurrency is too high , Use redis+mq Break through the bottleneck ( We'll talk about that later , Write by yourself ).

(3) The front-end code , And front and back end calls

First look at the front data, Notes such as

data() {
  return {
    showPopMsg: false,// Control pop ups 
    deviceId:'',// Current devices id, Default allocation when adding guid, When editing, it is the record of the current edit id
    model: {},// Follow the generated code , Put the entities of the current table , namely : Various table attributes are represented by model.xx There is 
    labelCol: {
      xs: { span: 24 },
      sm: { span: 5 }
    wrapperCol: {
      xs: { span: 24 },
      sm: { span: 16 }
    confirmLoading: false,// Whether the prompt is loading , Use in mass data operations 
    validatorRules: {},
    url: {
      add: '/jeecg-product/deviceMultiTable/saveWhole',
      edit: '/jeecg-product/deviceMultiTable/editWhole',
      queryById: '/jeecg-product/device/device/queryById'
    },// edit 、 Delete the backend controller Address of the interface 
    columns: [
        title: ' The index type ',
        dataIndex: 'itemTypeId',
        key: 'itemTypeId',
        width: 80,
        scopedSlots: { customRender: 'itemTypeId' }
        title: ' Index name ',
        dataIndex: 'itemName',
        key: 'itemName',
        width: 120,
        scopedSlots: { customRender: 'itemName' }
        title: ' Display type ',
        dataIndex: 'dataShowingTypeId',
        key: 'dataShowingTypeId',
        width: 80,
        scopedSlots: { customRender: 'dataShowingTypeId' }
        title: ' The default value is ',
        dataIndex: 'defaultValue',
        key: 'defaultValue',
        width: 80,
        scopedSlots: { customRender: 'defaultValue' }
      { title: ' Company ', dataIndex: 'unit', key: 'unit', width: 80, scopedSlots: { customRender: 'unit' } },
        title: 'PLC Address ',
        dataIndex: 'plcPlace',
        key: 'plcPlace',
        width: 80,
        scopedSlots: { customRender: 'plcPlace' }
        title: 'PLC data type ',
        dataIndex: 'plcType',
        key: 'plcType',
        width: 100,
        scopedSlots: { customRender: 'plcType' }
        title: ' Whether to focus on observation ',
        dataIndex: 'isObservingItem',
        key: 'isObservingItem',
        width: 80,
        scopedSlots: { customRender: 'isObservingItem' }
        title: ' Whether maintenance monitoring ',
        dataIndex: 'isMaintainingItem',
        key: 'isMaintainingItem',
        width: 80,
        scopedSlots: { customRender: 'isMaintainingItem' }
        dataIndex: 'oper',
        key: 'oper',
        width: 80,
        scopedSlots: { customRender: 'oper' },
        slots: { title: 'operTitle' }
    ],//list The fields of the list 
    deviceItemData: [],// Custom properties , Content for batch generation 
    selectedDeviceTypeId: ''// Custom properties , Used to save the value of the custom control 

Methods The code is not displayed one by one ( See the attachment for details )

It should be noted here that submitForm() Modification of :

4、 Improve your thinking

(1)saveBatch In the process of large concurrency, it can provide a real batch save implementation , Can also pass redis+mq Write to the database stably ( Avoid database “ Write ” Blocking ), present mybatis-plus The generated code is “ loop + Insert ”, There must be a write bottleneck in large concurrency .

(2) The database is distributed , Perform read-write separation again , It can greatly improve the concurrency efficiency

(3) Although the front-end code has completed the function , But the writing is sparse , Not conducive to maintenance , It can be encapsulated on the basis of existing code , Include js Encapsulation and single file component encapsulation .


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