2022-07-03 20:34:00 【cristianoxm】
protected TransactionAttribute computeTransactionAttribute(Method method,
Class<?> targetClass) {
// Don't allow no-public methods as required.
if (allowPublicMethodsOnly() && !Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {
return null;
此方法会检查目标方法的修饰符是否为 public,不是 public则不会获取@Transactional 的属性配置信息
注意:private,protected、private 修饰的方法上使用 @Transactional 注解,虽然事务无效,但不会有任何报错,这是我们很容犯错的一点。
- 手动抛出别的异常, rollbackFor 设置错误
如果在事务中抛出其他类型的异常,但却期望 Spring 能够回滚事务,就需要指定 rollbackFor属性
@Transactional(rollbackFor = MyException.class)
public void withoutRollBackFor(User user) throws MyException {
userMapper.update(user,new LambdaUpdateWrapper<User>().eq(true, User::getName,user.getName()));
//普通的Excetion(非运行时异常),事务失效,除非明确指定@Transactional(rollbackFor = MyException.class)
throw new MyException();
- 同一个类中方法调用,导致@Transactional失效
public class UserService {
UserMapper userMapper;
public Integer insert(User user){
return userMapper.insert(user);
public void test(User user) throws MyException {
@Transactional(rollbackFor = MyException.class)
public void updateStatus(User user) throws MyException {
userMapper.update(user,new LambdaUpdateWrapper<User>().eq(true, User::getName,user.getName()));
throw new MyException();
- 异常被 catch“吃了”导致@Transactional失效
@Transactional(rollbackFor = MyException.class)
public void rollbackFailed(User user){
try {
userMapper.update(user,new LambdaUpdateWrapper<User>().eq(true, User::getName,user.getName()));
throw new MyException();
catch (MyException e){
- 数据库引擎不支持事务
- 多线程调用导致事务失效
- 背景介绍
- 简单示例演示多线程事务
@Transactional(rollbackFor = MyException.class)
public void failedRollBackUnderMultipleThreads(User user) throws MyException {
userMapper.update(user,new LambdaUpdateWrapper<User>().eq(true, User::getName,user.getName()));
new Thread(()->{
throw new MyException();
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