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07 personal R & D products and promotion - human resources information management system

2022-07-06 17:26:00 Heart blue 168

Human resource information management system

HR The system is used by many enterprises , But we can really touch the enterprise HR How many systems are there ? Enterprise HR The system manages a certain kind of personnel , How many precise data processing such as marshalling ?HR How hard can the staff of the department be ? I don't have to say the answer , Everyone should also be clear , The final work is still done by the bottom staff .

The system mainly realizes the information management of a certain kind of personnel , It mainly includes personnel resumes , Entry of personnel , Basic information of personnel , Personnel archives , Personnel transfer , Resignation , Personnel attendance , Personnel salary Insurance , Staff salary inquiry , Notice, announcement and other information management .

Entry of personnel : The business personnel of each department shall submit the resume information of the personnel , Approved by the competent department , Submit written materials , Complete the induction . After entering the post , from HR Department personnel enter HR System .

Personnel files : After entering the post , The business personnel of each department are responsible for maintaining the basic information of the internal personnel of the Department , File materials are uploaded to the system for filing , For reference .

Personnel transfer : The transfer in department shall first negotiate offline with the transfer out department or the company's competent department , The transfer in department shall fill in the transfer application online , By the superior department , Transfer out department , The leader in charge approves .

Resignation : The resigned personnel first ask the Department business personnel to make an oral explanation , And the business personnel shall fill in the resignation registration information , Submit to the leader in charge for approval .

Personnel attendance : The business personnel should directly record the attendance of each employee in the system , Or directly import it into the attendance machine and uniformly import it into the system , Generate attendance statistics .

Personnel salary Insurance : from HR Personnel provide insurance data , Import into the system . At the same time, the business personnel of each department shall, according to the position of personnel , Generate initial salary data , And generate attendance amount according to attendance data , And generate salary information , Provide HR Statistical summary of the meeting .

Statistics query : According to the needs of enterprises , Carry out extensibility development .



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