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[reverse intermediate] eager to try

2022-07-06 17:23:00 TiggerRun

Eager to


After downloading , Title said to find Serial
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Let me use it first. PEiD Check the shell , See if it's an executable , It is found that it is an executable file with a shell .
Then I changed the suffix to exe, Find that you can open .
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0x1 Shelling

This question is classified in intermediate , Because at the beginning, I did a program to analyze the registration code by debugging the encryption algorithm , I think this problem is to get rid of the shell first .

OD Pause after loading pushad, Save register state
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I use esp Law + HR The breakpoint , To trace popad
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But it's strange , This shell retn To a CALL, And then go into this CALL After that is push ebp Wait for the operation , I guess CALL What's inside is OEP, The use of plug-in Dump After the program runs, an error is reported , Checked the information and said it was repaired IAT, I downloaded it again importREC, Finally, I know by querying the information win7 Not suitable for shelling , Need to install XP virtual machine , I didn't continue shelling .

This process will occur after the subsequent shelling is successful , This shell should have other protective treatments .

0x2 OD debugging

I just type in an email , Casually enter the following SerialNumber, Then click OK
Through the last registration machine learning , I used API The breakpoint , Because at last, a message box appears , I ctrl + G Came to MessageBoxA The function header of , Put a common breakpoint on its function header .

Then click OK again , Through the stack, you can return to the call MessageBoxA Code snippet of function

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So follow up yyyx Module

Then we analyze where these parameters come from
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Among them, the 4 Parameters , Among them eax It's the information box text Content , come from lecal.80

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Then analyze it upwards , Where did you jump from
There is a jmp Go directly to this message box to prompt , Skipped the middle piece of code , Then I went to check what was skipped in the middle of the code

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local.16 Deposited Success The prompt text of , It shows that this code is likely to be the code successfully executed by registration , Then execute the above line from top to bottom jmp, This jmp Directly jump to the pop-up message box , It shows that this code is not executed in sequence , It's a jump from an address , adopt OD Find this jump on the Internet .
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Find this jump je, If jump is not realized ,lea eax,[local.7],local.7 Stored in Registration Failure, Then proceed push Pressing the stack calls the following one CALL, Then jump directly to the pop-up message box , This code is used to handle registration failure .

Position the cursor on this line of code , Found from many addresses
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This shows that , The above is the verified Algorithm , There is a large jnz

JNZ : jump if not zero If the result is not zero, then transfer

Then I pull up , See two GetDialogText function
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Verify that the content in the edit box is taken out through the breakpoint
We found the beginning of the program processing events , Then we can make a positive analysis
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I found this jmp The span is very large , Directly jump to the previous analysis
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Where error events are handled .
And the one above ASCII Written in the string “E-mail address is not valid” The email address cannot be verified , Explain the previous several CALL Is doing the correct judgment of the format of the email address .

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This piece of code needs to be pondered , This function is to take the length of the string , The method is different from that of the last topic , The last topic passed scas Traversal string , Then the register decrements and reverses + 1

Here is the incremental address , Get the address of the terminator and subtract the first address to calculate the length

Through this cmp and jnz You can know ,serial The length of is 0x10 namely 16 position

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And then some in the back jnz I think it's quite stupid , It should be put in the elementary question …
Last serial Is a static value
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0x3 New knowledge

  1. Calculate the string length by increasing the address
  2. ASPack Stack method Shelling
  3. importREC IAT Repair tools
  4. LordPE Dump Tools
  5. Files without suffix can pass PEiD Check the following EP
