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A brief introduction to the microservice technology stack, the introduction and use of Eureka and ribbon

2022-07-06 10:38:00 The code became a big hit

One 、 Understand microservice architecture

1、 Microservice technology stack

  1. The overall framework

      Overall learning planning route 2、 The difference between microservice and single architecture

Monomer architecture : Develop all the functions of the business in one project , Deploy as a package


  • Simple structure
  • Low deployment cost


  • High coupling degree , It is not conducive to construction and development

3、 Distributed architecture : Split the system according to the business function , Each business module is developed as an independent project , Become a service .

advantage :

  • Reduce service coupling
  • Service expansion is conducive to

shortcoming :

  • The architecture is very complex
  • Operation and maintenance 、 monitor , Deployment is more difficult

4、 Microservices : It is a distributed architecture scheme with good architecture design

Microservice architecture features :

  • Single responsibility : Micro service dishes have smaller grains , Each service corresponds to a unique business capability , Single responsibility , Avoid duplicate business development
  • Service oriented : Microservices expose business interfaces
  • autonomous : Team independence , Technology independence , Data independence , Deploy independent
  • Strong isolation : Isolate service calls 、 Fault tolerance 、 Downgrade 、 Avoid cascading problems

5、 Microservice technology comparison



 6、 General enterprise demand comparison



  Two 、SpringCloud

1、 Introduce :SpringCloud It is the most widely used microservice framework in China .

SpringCloud It integrates various micro service functional components , And based on SpringBoot The automatic assembly of these components is realized , This provides a good out of the box experience



 SpringCloudyuSpringBoot The version compatibility relationship of is as follows :



 2、 Service splitting and remote invocation

  • Different microservices , The same business cannot be developed repeatedly
  • Microservice data independence , Do not access the databases of other microservices
  • Microservices can expose their business as interfaces , For other microservices to call

3、 Microservice remote call

  • Remote call analysis : Issue in the module http request , Interfaces to access other modules , Realize the call of remote interface
  • be based on RestTemplate Sponsored http Request to implement remote call
  • http Requesting a remote call is a language independent call , Just know each other's ip, port , Interface path , Request parameters .
// In main class ( Configuration class ) Introduction in springboot With RestTemplate(), Inject spring Containers 
// The main class springbootApplication Configuration class
@Bean public RestTemplate restTemplate(){ return new RestTemplate(); }
According to the requested address ( The request address is the same as the address in the browser ),User.class Can return json The type is converted to the corresponding class ( object );

   Providers and consumers of remote calls :

  • Service providers : In a business , Services invoked by other microservices .( Provide interfaces to other microservices )
  • Serving consumers : In a business , Call the services of other microservices .( Call interfaces of other microservices )
  • Intermediate role ( Call other microservices , It is called by other micro Services ): According to business logic , Providing interface and invoking interface are service provider and service consumer respectively
  • The roles of providers and consumers are relatively ( Relative to business )

3、 ... and 、Eureka Registry Center

1、 The problem of traditional direct address call

Hard encoding : Write dead address ( How to solve multiple addresses of microservice )



 Eureka The role of :

(1)Eureka The registry is divided into two parts :





Consumers choose the corresponding microservices according to load balancing , And make a remote call



  The registry has a relationship with the service provider 30 Second heartbeat renewal , Check whether the microservice is still running normally , If it doesn't work properly ,

Just delete it from the registry , And consumers will no longer receive the corresponding information of this micro service , As shown in figure of 8083



The main problem : solve

  •   How can consumers obtain specific information about service providers ?
  1. When the service provider starts to Eureka Register your information
  2. Erueka Save this information
  3. The consumer sends to... According to the service name Eureka Pull provider information
  • If there are multiple service providers , How consumers choose ?
  1. Consumers use load balancing algorithms , Pick one from the list of services
  • How consumers perceive the health status of service providers ?
  1. The service provider will every 30 Second direction EurekaServer Send heartbeat request , Report health status
  2. Eureka The record service list information will be updated , Abnormal heartbeat will be eliminated
  3. Consumers can get the latest information

 Eureka The main steps of building :

Eureka Server side :

  • introduce eureka-server rely on
  <!--eureka Server side -->
  •   Add... To the main class @EnableEurekaServer annotation
  • stay application.yml Middle configuration Eureka Address
  port: 10086 #  Service port 
    name: eurekaserver # eureka Service name of 
    service-url:  # eureka Address information for 

Eureka client :

  • introduce Eureka-client rely on
<!--eureka Client dependency -->
  • stay application.yml Middle configuration Eureka Address
    name: user-service # The service name 

    service-url:  # eureka Address information for ( The client is the same as the server )

General service construction process :@LoadBalanced Annotations are used for load balancing



  Four 、Ribbon( Load balancing )SpringCloud The components of

  • Load balancing principle
  • Load balancing strategy
  • Lazy loading



  Implementation principle of the underlying source code :

technological process :

  1. Initiate request :RibbonLoadBanlancerClient according to URL Medium id Get the service list dynamically DynamicServerListLoadBalancer Pull the corresponding service list
  2. After getting the list of services, according to your own strategy IRule( Customizable ), Select a server to return to RibbonLoadBanlancerClient, Re splice the address , Request to the corresponding server

  Polling strategy :



  Modify load balancing strategy :(server: The server ;service: service )
1、 Code mode , In configuration class , Define a new IRule; After configuration in this way, no matter which service this class accesses, it will follow this rule , The servers assigned are random .

// Here is application( Need the main class of random server ) Configuration class configured in , The load balancing strategy is random
public IRule randomRule() { return new RandomRule(); }

2、 In the configuration file application.yml, Adding a new configuration can also modify the configuration rules ; ( Here you can specify that certain service requests will use this rule , Here is userservice) Represents the class , This service class requests userservice Will follow this rule when , Whatever else .

    NFLoadBalancerRuleClassName: com.alibaba.cloud.nacos.ribbon.NacosRule  #  Load balancing rules 

Load balancing : Initialize to lazy load , Cache after lazy loading , It will be faster to request access later

( Turn on hunger loading )


  If there are multiple designated Services :



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