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The underlying mechanism of the class
2022-08-05 05:05:00 【Chicken Island~】
- Why class function calling convention must bethis call
- 为什么静态成员函数没有this指针
- 为什么类的静态成员函数不能访问类的非静态成员函数
- Do classes really have constructors?
class T {
int hp;
int Add(int a, int b) {
return hp + a + b;
int main(int count, char** args)
T t1;
t1.Add(100, 200);
00241034 push 0C8h
00241039 push 64h
0024103B lea ecx,[ebp-4]
0024103E call 00241000
00241000 55 push ebp
00241001 8B EC mov ebp,esp
00241003 51 push ecx
00241004 89 4D FC mov dword ptr [ebp-4],ecx //ecxvalue becomes a local variable
00241007 8B 45 FC mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
0024100A 8B 00 mov eax,dword ptr [eax] //this->hp
0024100C 03 45 08 add eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
0024100F 03 45 0C add eax,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
00241012 8B E5 mov esp,ebp
00241014 5D pop ebp
00241015 C2 08 00 ret 8
when the function is usedthis->hp时,ecxwill be used to store类的首地址
when the function is not usedthis->hp时,ecxwill also be used to store类的首地址
发现规律:当调用类的成员函数的时候,ecxwill store the first address of the class,will then be treated as局部变量来使用
_thiscall 是C++中 When accessing a member function of a class Defined function calling convention
(1) 寄存器ecxpointer to store the class
(2) 参数由右到左入栈
(3) 堆栈由 被调用者 负责恢复
All non-static member functions of a class can be usedthis指针,thisA pointer is essentially a pointer in an object through a registerecxto pass into member functions,So member functions in a class access its member variables,through pointers+offset to access the,whether or not explicitly usedthis指针
class T {
inline static int count;
static int GetCount(int a, int b) {
return 2;
int main(int count, char** args)
T t1;
t1.GetCount(2, 3);
00D31023 6A 03 push 3
00D31025 6A 02 push 2
00D31027 E8 D4 FF FF FF call T::GetCount (0D31000h)
00D3102C 83 C4 08 add esp,8**
00A21003 A1 28 31 A2 00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[00A23128h]
00A21008 83 C0 01 add eax,1
00A2100B A3 28 31 A2 00 mov dword ptr ds:[00A23128h],eax
类的静态成员函数,essentially adopted_cdecl约定
(2) 由[调用者]restore stack balance
答:Because a static member function of a class is essentially an ordinary function,So no pointer to the object is passed at all,Therefore, it cannot access its member variables.;
The static member variable of the class is essentially equivalent to a global variable,有固定的内存地址,Has nothing to do with class objects,So a static member of a class can be passed without an instance of the class[类::静态成员]access in this form
int hp{
- 当int hp{1}时,The disassembled code calls the constructor,The purpose of the call is to make给hp赋值
- 当int hp 时,Disassembled code doesn't call constructor
类TMost of the time there is no constructor,这是因为C++The standards committee requires every class to have a default constructor.
But an empty constructor actually don't have any meaning,So in some cases the compiler will delete meaningless constructors,这是编译器优化的结果.
原则上来讲,Every class has a default constructor.
- 为什么AIM的大小为8个字节?
- p->Die()is how to ensure that the call isWOLF里面的Die()
class AIM {
public :
int HP;
virtual void Eat() {
std::cout << "AIM" << std::endl;
virtual void Die() {
std::cout << "AIM-DIE" << std::endl;
class WOLF :public AIM{
virtual void Eat() {
std::cout << "WOLF" << std::endl;
virtual void Die() {
std::cout << "WOLF-DIE" << std::endl;
void Sound() {
std::cout << "aoaoaoaoaoaoao!!!!" << std::endl;
int main(int count, char** args)
AIM* p = new WOLF();
std::cout << sizeof(AIM) << std::endl;
猜测+实证:AIMThe class should storea four-byte address,through it you can goaccess the address of a virtual function.Through the following print statement, we can see that the four bytes are placed in theAIM类的首地址
std::cout << p << " " << &p << std::endl;
问题2猜测:调用p->Die()function will be passed存储了WOLFpointer to the address of the virtual function of the class进去,然后计算出对应的虚函数地址
eaxthe memory address inside前四个字节→edx
[edx+4]这个内存地址的前四个字节→ eax
00D11A5D 8B 45 FC mov eax,dword ptr [p]
00D11A60 8B 10 mov edx,dword ptr [eax]
00D11A62 8B 4D FC mov ecx,dword ptr [p]
00D11A65 8B 42 04 mov eax,dword ptr [edx+4]
00D11A68 FF D0 call eax
- 虚函数的地址will be placed in a virtual table
- 这个虚表的地址会被放在类的首地址,当我们通过指针调用虚函数will pass the virtual table when计算out this address,然后执行
std::cout << std::hex << "vtable地址:" << pTable[0] << std::endl;
int* func = (int*)pTable[0];
std::cout << std::hex << "Eat地址:" << func[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << std::hex << "Die地址:" << func[1] << std::endl;
unsigned* eat = (unsigned*)func[1];
__asm {
call eat
(1)Multiple instances of the same class all point to the same virtual function table
(2)The virtual function table is called only if the virtual function is accessed through a pointer
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