当前位置:网站首页>[informix] Resolving startup errors and solutions
[informix] Resolving startup errors and solutions
2022-08-05 04:14:00 【little panic】
2、Create backup logical log files
oninit -ivy
查看日志:onstat -m(This statement is only displayed20Line log to see the full log attmp下)
二、报错1(Stack benefits)
[[email protected] informix]$ oninit -ivy
bad INFORMIXSERVER[[email protected] informix]$ cd data/
shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXSERVER '<NULL>'
1、修改 "~/.bash_profile"文件,加入如下环境变量
vi . bash_profile
export INFORMIXDIR=/opt/IBM/Informix_Software_Bundle
export ONCONFIG=onconfig.tramsserver
export INFORMIXSERVER=tramsserver
source .bash_profile
[[email protected] ~]$ oninit -v
attn: Ignoring unknown or deprecated config parameter (PHYSDBS)
Reading configuration file '/opt/informix//etc/onconfig.tramsserver'...succeeded
Allocating and attaching to shared memory...succeeded
Creating resident pool 4310 kbytes...succeeded
Creating infos file "/opt/informix//etc/.infos.tramsserver"...succeeded
Linking conf file "/opt/informix//etc/.conf.tramsserver"...succeeded
Initializing rhead structure...rhlock_t 16384 (512K)... rlock_t (2656K)... Writing to infos file...succeeded
Initialization of Encryption...succeeded
Initializing ASF...succeeded
Initializing Dictionary Cache and SPL Routine Cache...succeeded
Initializing encryption-at-rest if necessary...succeeded
Bringing up ADM VP...succeeded
Creating VP classes...succeeded
Forking main_loop thread...succeeded
Initializing DR structures...succeeded
Forking 1 'soctcp' listener threads...succeeded
Starting tracing...succeeded
Initializing 8 flushers...succeeded
Initializing SDS Server network connections...succeeded
Initializing log/checkpoint information...succeeded
Initializing dbspaces...succeeded
Opening primary chunks...FAILED
oninit: Fatal error in shared memory initialization
WARNING: server initialization failed or timed out.
Check the message log, online.log, for errors.
23:59:37 The chunk '/opt/informix/data/rootdbs' must have READ/WRITE permissions for owner (600).
23:59:37 oninit: Fatal error in shared memory initialization
[[email protected] data]$ cd /opt/informix/data/
[[email protected] data]$ chmod 600 rootdbs
四、报错3(Logical log is full)
Initializing DBSPACETEMP list...succeeded
1、View the logical log
[[email protected] ~]$ onstat -l
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC9DE -- Fast Recovery -- Up 00:16:18 -- 148084 Kbytes
Physical Logging
Buffer bufused bufsize numpages numwrits pages/io
P-2 0 64 0 0 0.00
phybegin physize phypos phyused %used
1:263 25000 7819 0 0.00
Logical Logging
Buffer bufused bufsize numrecs numpages numwrits recs/pages pages/io
L-2 0 32 1 1 1 1.0 1.0
Subsystem numrecs Log Space used
Buffer Waiting
Buffer ioproc flags
L-2 0 0x21 0
address number flags uniqid begin size used %used
44d04f88 1 U------ 1 1:25263 5000 5000 100.00
44afef68 2 U------ 2 1:30263 5000 5000 100.00
44bb8f40 3 U------ 3 1:35263 5000 5000 100.00
44bb8fa8 4 U------ 4 1:40263 5000 5000 100.00
44ce8c50 5 U------ 5 1:45263 5000 5000 100.00
44ce8cb8 6 U---C-L 6 1:50263 5000 4999 99.98
6 active, 6 total
2、Create backup logical log files
[[email protected] informix]$ mkdir Logicallog_bak
[[email protected] informix]$ cd Logicallog_bak/
[[email protected] Logicallog_bak]$ touch 20220801
[[email protected] Logicallog_bak]$ ll
总用量 0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 informix informix 0 8月 2 00:54 20220801
[[email protected] Logicallog_bak]$ chmod 600 20220801
[[email protected] Logicallog_bak]$
3、Modify the backup file path
cd /opt/informix/etc
vim onconfig.tramsserver
LTAPEDEV /opt/informix/Logicallog_bak/20220801
或者LTAPEDEV /dev/null
4、Perform automatic backups
[[email protected] Logicallog_bak]$ ontape -a
Performing automatic backup of logical logs.
Please mount tape 1 on /opt/informix/Logicallog_bak/20220801 and press Return to continue ...
Logbackup failed - No log backup allowed during recovery.
This tape contains no log data
Program over.
五、报错4(err = -951)
5:17:03 Get Shadow Password for user [informix] failed!
15:17:03 Check for password aging/account lock-out.
15:17:03 listener-thread: err = -951: oserr = 0: errstr = [email protected]: Incorrect password or user [email protected] is not kno.
/etc/shadowPermissions are too dead,修改/etc/shadow其它用户可读,But this is not the final solution!
The ultimate reason is to implement it yourselfchown -R informix:informix /home/informix Changed some file permissions inside.
[[email protected] data]$ oninit -vy
attn: Ignoring unknown or deprecated config parameter (PHYSDBS)
Reading configuration file '/opt/informix//etc/onconfig.tramsserver'...succeeded
Allocating and attaching to shared memory...succeeded
Creating resident pool 4310 kbytes...succeeded
Creating infos file "/opt/informix//etc/.infos.tramsserver"...succeeded
Linking conf file "/opt/informix//etc/.conf.tramsserver"...succeeded
Initializing rhead structure...rhlock_t 16384 (512K)... rlock_t (2656K)... Writing to infos file...succeeded
Initialization of Encryption...succeeded
Initializing ASF...succeeded
Initializing Dictionary Cache and SPL Routine Cache...succeeded
Initializing encryption-at-rest if necessary...succeeded
Bringing up ADM VP...succeeded
Creating VP classes...succeeded
Forking main_loop thread...succeeded
Initializing DR structures...succeeded
Forking 1 'soctcp' listener threads...succeeded
Starting tracing...succeeded
Initializing 8 flushers...succeeded
Initializing SDS Server network connections...succeeded
Initializing log/checkpoint information...succeeded
Initializing dbspaces...succeeded
Opening primary chunks...succeeded
Validating chunks...succeeded
Initialize Async Log Flusher...succeeded
Starting B-tree Scanner...succeeded
Init ReadAhead Daemon...succeeded
Init DB Util Daemon...succeeded
Initializing DBSPACETEMP list...succeeded
Init Auto Tuning Daemon...succeeded
Checking database partition index...succeeded
Initializing dataskip structure...succeeded
Checking for temporary tables to drop...succeeded
Updating Global Row Counter...succeeded
Forking onmode_mon thread...succeeded
Creating periodic thread...succeeded
Creating VP cache drain thread...succeeded
Creating limits manager thread...succeeded
Starting scheduling system...succeeded
Verbose output complete: mode = 5
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