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js graphics operation one (compatible with pc, mobile terminal to achieve draggable attribute drag and drop effect)
2022-08-05 09:13:00 【Program Yuanzcc】
draggable 属性是 HTML5 新增的.属性规定元素是否可拖动.
提示: draggable Properties are often used for drag and drop operations.
语法:<element draggable="true|false|auto">
A sample project diagram is as follows:PC 实现拖动、drop function
PC:Drag and drop elements to adddraggable属性,Then bind the event on the received element,Handle logic on drop,主要代码:
var oDrag5 = document.getElementById("dragbox" + screenid);
oDrag5.ondragenter = handle_enter;
oDrag5.ondragover = handle_over;
oDrag5.ondragleave = handle_leave;
oDrag5.ondrop = handle_drop;
function handle_enter(e) {
console.log('handle_enter-Fired when an element enters the destination');
// 阻止浏览器默认行为
e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false;
function handle_over(e) {
//console.log('handle_over-Fired when the element is at the destination')
function handle_leave(e) {
console.log('handle_leave-Fired when the element leaves the destination');
// 阻止浏览器默认行为
// e.preventDefault()Fired when the element is dropped at the destination
function handle_drop(e) {
console.log('handle_drop-Fired when the element is dropped at the destination');
var id = parseInt(e.currentTarget.id.replace(/[^0-9]/ig, ""));
// console.log("拖拽的元素id== " + id);
移动端:draggable 无效,Want to achieve a similar effect,Drag out the elements to follow for custom modification,如图:
一、Use native mobile touch events:
let g = 7;//伪代码示例
for (var j = 0; j < list.length; j++) {
if (list[j].slot == g) {
var svp = list[j];
var html2 = `<ul class="clearfix ul-borderbottom-color" slot='${svp.slot}' port='${svp.port}' type='${svp.type}' draggable='true' onmousedown='outCardListClick(this)'>
<li><img src='${svp.imgsrc}'></li>
<li id='outportText${svp.slot}-${svp.port}'>${svp.name}</li>
<li><input type="tel" name="phone" class="layui-input" value='${svp.remark}' onchange='setOutputPortRemark(this, ${svp.slot}, ${svp.port})'></li>
<li class="tr"><button class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm" srxyuyan="SubSetting" onclick="OutputPortSet(${svp.type})" ></button></li>
$("#cont" + g).append(html2);
let oDrag = document.getElementById("outportText" + svp.slot + "-" + svp.port);
drag2(oDrag);//bind drag
function drag2(oDrag) {
let ismove;
let d = "<div id='dragD' style='padding: 4px 10px;border:2px solid #0071ff;border-radius: 5px;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index: 99999;background: #3c95d7;color:#fff;text-align: center;line-height:20px;'></div>";
oDrag.ontouchstart = function (ev) {
ismove = false;
oDrag.ontouchmove = function (ev) {
ismove = true;
let moveX = ev.changedTouches[0].pageX ;
let moveY = ev.changedTouches[0].pageY ;
let xxs = moveX -20;//Follow finger position
let yys = moveY -10;
$("#dragD").css({"left": (xxs) + "px", "top" : (yys) + "px"});
return false;
oDrag.ontouchend = function (ev) {
console.log("!!!ontouchend ");
if($("#dragD")) {
let element = document.elementFromPoint(ev.changedTouches[0].pageX - $(document).scrollLeft(), ev.changedTouches[0].pageY - $(document).scrollTop());
console.log("Dropped element== " + element);
if (element.className.indexOf('drag') > -1){
console.log("It's the element you want to let go id=== " + element.id);
二、使用 hammer.js
The difference is in getting properties: changedPointers changedTouches
function inSlotPortBindPress(uid) {
var slotPort = document.getElementById(uid);
let d = "<div id='dragD' style='padding: 4px 10px;border:2px solid #0071ff;border-radius: 5px;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index: 99999;background: #3c95d7;color:#fff;text-align: center;line-height:20px;'></div>";
var hammer_windowsDiv = new Hammer(slotPort);
hammer_windowsDiv.get('pan').set({ enable: true });
hammer_windowsDiv.on("doubletap panstart panmove panend", function (ev) {
switch (ev.type) {
case "panstart":
// break;
case "panmove":
let moveX = ev.changedPointers[0].pageX;
let moveY = ev.changedPointers[0].pageY;
let xxs = moveX - 20;//Follow finger position
let yys = moveY - 10;
$("#dragD").css({ "left": (xxs) + "px", "top": (yys) + "px" });
case "panend":
if ($("#dragD")) {
let element = document.elementFromPoint(ev.changedPointers[0].pageX - $(document).scrollLeft(), ev.changedPointers[0].pageY - $(document).scrollTop());
console.log("Dropped element== " + element);
if (element.className.indexOf('drag') > -1) {
console.log("It's the element you want to let go id=== " + element.id);
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