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2022 the 4th China (Jinan) International Smart elderly care industry exhibition, Shandong old age Expo

2022-07-07 16:01:00 feisha0001

CSOLDE China ( jinan ) International Smart elderly care industry exhibition , A platform that quickly integrates domestic and foreign cutting-edge technology and pension products ;

2022 The fourth China ( jinan ) International Smart elderly care industry exhibition
The 2022 fourth China (Jinan) International Smart elderly care industry exhibition

Time :2022 year 09 month 26-28 Japan
exhibition hall : China · Jinan International Convention and Exhibition Center

The smart elderly care industry that urgently needs to be developed : Smart pension is the backbone industry in the development of pension industry ; Especially in China, the development of pension industry started late , The overall development of relevant facilities and services lags behind , Vigorously develop the smart elderly care industry , It can better improve the convenience of the elderly in their old age 、 Security 、 Health and happiness . According to the data , By the end of last year, the market scale of China's pension industry was nearly 9 One trillion , Among them, the market scale of smart elderly care industry is close 5 One trillion . With the Internet of things 、 Cloud computing 、 The continuous penetration of new generation information technology such as intelligent hardware ,2022-2025 The year will be a period of rapid development of smart pension . The smart pension model can effectively integrate new technologies and pension resources , Help pension resources realize effective docking and optimal allocation , Improve the quality of life of the elderly . therefore , Smart pension is an important segment of the pension industry . As the smart pension industry has not yet formed a full market ,2022-2023 The year is a critical period for the layout and expansion of pension enterprises .

The driver of enterprise development : It is held annually in Jinan, China “ China ( jinan ) International Smart elderly care industry exhibition China (Jinan) International Smart elderly care industry exhibition”, Once created and developed , That is, it has received the attention and support of all sectors of society . Three years of development , The scale and influence of the exhibition have improved qualitatively every session , The scale of the exhibition has reached more than 30000 square meters , The participating purchasers cover the whole world 120 Countries and regions . Self creation exhibition , The organizing committee puts the exhibition benefits of enterprises at the top priority . All work revolves around the service of attracting investment and promoting benefits for enterprises , Set up : Audience organization department 、 Media department 、 Data maintenance department 、 Investment Department 、 International Department 、 Planning Department 、 Service departments such as the Department of field support , Closely combine to provide considerate investment promotion and publicity services for each exhibitor .

Wonderful review of the last grand occasion : The last Shandong smart elderly care exhibition was grandly held in late May last year , come from 43 There are many countries and regions 416 Home unit 、 Organizations and enterprises attended the conference with products and services . The national 29 Provinces and autonomous regions , as well as 37 Exhibitors from countries participated . Exhibition area 25000 Square meters , Compared with the previous session, the scale has expanded 20% many . A three-day exhibition , It has attracted more than 60 countries and regions 33000 A large audience , The on-site turnover reached 35.4 One hundred million yuan . Huge audience size , The eight month struggle of the audience organization department and the cooperation of thousands of media are indispensable . Hitachi China 、 Help me more 、 Ouwan intelligent 、 Aishule 、 Evergreen International 、 Kangying International 、 philips 、 Bertelsmann 、 Home of Taikang 、 China resources land 、 Youyi pension 、 Sigma 、 Little fish at home 、 Tianlu industry 、 Strong feet 、 Vitality International 、 Hundred books of nursing 、 Bachman 、 Moto IOT 、 Fall intelligence 、 Leling sojourns 、 Quality life 、 Tongjie Ruikang and other domestic and foreign enterprises all appeared at the Conference .

Set sail again with thousands of exhibitors : Will be in 2022 year 09 month 26-28 Japan , Once again, it was held in Jinan International Convention and Exhibition Center “2022 The fourth China ( jinan ) International Smart elderly care industry exhibition The 2022 fourth China (Jinan) International Smart elderly care industry exhibition”. When the ,900 Units at home and abroad 、 Organize and enterprises to participate in the exhibition , Display more than 10000 smart elderly care technologies 、 Products and services . Since the pre exhibition work started last September , The media and publicity department has worked with... In 70 countries and regions 1100 Media have established cooperation ; As of June , Monthly information release 1.5 Ten thousand times , Reading views 7000 More than ten thousand times ; At the same time, for the enterprises that have signed up for the exhibition , With pictures and pictures 、 Short videos, etc. do a good job of preheating and publicity before the exhibition , Ensure the investment attraction and publicity benefits of exhibitors . The audience organization department is built by itself 30 Million buyer Data Center , Combined with the media 、 Associations and other resources , For nine months , Received 3 Ten thousand receipts of procurement registration letters at home and abroad ,9 The number of on-site visitors is expected to reach 60000 Person time .

undertake :
Shandong flying shark International Exhibition Co., Ltd
Shandong flying shark International Exhibition Co., Ltd


