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Linux server development, detailed explanation of redis related commands and their principles
2022-07-07 07:55:00 【Tuen Mun pheasant calls me chicken】
Recommend a free open course of zero sound College , Personally, I think the teacher spoke well , Share with you :Linux,Nginx,ZeroMQ,MySQL,Redis,fastdfs,MongoDB,ZK, Streaming media ,CDN,P2P,K8S,Docker,TCP/IP, coroutines ,DPDK Etc , Learn now
MySql use B+ Tree organization data structure , and redis use dictionary Way to organize data structures .
- lpush liststr Mark Darren King King
- lrange liststr 0 -1 // It means from the first to the last
- set sayid 1000
- incr sayid
- incrby key 100
- decrby key 100
- setnx feng - // No, set successfully
- object encoding Mark
- setbit xxxx 9 1
- Record the number of likes of friends , Comments and hits .(hash)
- Record the circle of friends and talk about the list ( Sort ), Easy to display on the list page .(hash)
- Record the title of the article , Abstract , Sitting and cover , For list page display .(hash)
- Record the likes of users in the circle of friends ID list , Comment on ID list , For display and weight removal technology .(zset)
- Caching hot data , Reduce database pressure .(hash)
- If the circle of friends say ID Is an integer ID, have access to redis Let's allocate a circle of friends and talk about ID( Counter ).(string)
- Through set (set) Call and search set operation to record friends .(set)
set role:10001 ‘{[name]=“mark”,[age]=‘18’,[sex]=male}’
// Little change
Distributed lock
- redis The implementation is an unfair lock , Block waiting
- setnx lock 1
- set lock uuid nx ex 30
- del lock
An operation
- setbit sign:10001:202106 1 1
- bitcount sign:10001:202106
- getbit sign:10001:202106 2
- LPUSH key value value value
- LPOP key
- LRANGE key start end
- LREM key count value
- BRPOP key timeout // Key features , The empty one is blocked here 0 For permanent blocking
- LTRIM say 0 49 // Get the leftmost 50 individual
- LRANGE say 0 49
- HINCRBY key field increment
- HLEN key
- Disordered storage , Intersection and difference need to be sorted
- SADD key value1 value2 value3
- SINSMENBER key value1
- SRANDMEMBER key 2 // Random access 2 individual
- SPOP key 1 // Kick one randomly
- SIDFF key
- SINTER key
- SUNION key
- ZADD rank 100 MARK
- ZINCRBY rank 20 MARK
- ZCARD rank
- ZRANGE rank 80 100 byscore
- ZRANGE rank 80 100 byscore withscore
- ZREVRANGE rank 80 100 byscore withscore
Typical applications : Ranking List
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