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Flex --- detailed explanation of flex layout attributes

2022-07-06 15:22:00 Cirrod

One 、 Preface

Traditional solutions for layout , Based on the box model , rely on display attribute + position attribute + float attribute . It is very inconvenient for those special layouts , such as , Vertical centering is not easy to achieve .

2009 year ,W3C Put forward a new scheme ----Flex Layout , It's easy 、 complete 、 Responsive implementation of various page layouts . at present , It's supported by all browsers , It means , Now you can use this function safely .Flex Layout will be the first choice for future layout .


Two 、Flex Concept

2.1 brief introduction

Flex yes Flexible Box Abbreviation , Meaning for " Elastic layout ", To provide maximum flexibility for box models .

Any container can be specified as Flex Layout .

Webkit Browser for kernel , Have to add -webkit Prefix .


display: -webkit-flex; /* Safari */

display: flex;


Be careful , Set to Flex After the layout , The child element float、clear and vertical-align Property will fail .

2.2 Basic concepts

use Flex Elements of layout , be called Flex Containers (flex container), abbreviation " Containers ".

All its child elements automatically become container members , be called Flex project (flex item), abbreviation " project ".


The container has two axes by default : Horizontal spindle (main axis) And the vertical cross axis (cross axis). Starting position of spindle ( The intersection with the border ) be called main start, The ending position is called main end; The starting position of the cross axis is called cross start, The ending position is called cross end.

Items are arranged along the main axis by default . The spindle space occupied by a single project is called main size, The cross axis space occupied is called cross size.

3、 ... and 、Flex-Container attribute

3.1 flex-direction

flex items The default is along main axis( Spindle ) from main start Start to go main end Directional arrangement

flex-direction To determine the main axis The direction of , There are four values , Respectively :

row( The default value is )




The corresponding examples are shown in the figure :


3.2 justify-content

justify-conten To determine the flex item In the alignment of the spindle , Values are :

flex-start( The default value is ): And main start alignment

flex-end: And main end alignment

center: Align center

space-between: flex items The distance between them is equal , And main start、main end full-justified

space-evenly: flex items The distance between them is equal , And main start、main end The distance between is equal to flex items Distance between

space-around: flex items Equal distance between ,flex items And main start、main end The distance between them is flex items Half the distance between

3.3 align-items

align-items To determine the flex items stay cross axis Alignment on , Its value is as follows :

normal: In a flexible layout , Effect and stretch equally

stretch: When flex items stay cross axis The direction of the size by auto when , Automatically stretches to fill flex container, When not set item1 item2 item3 At height , It will automatically stretch and fill :


When setting item At height , The effect is as follows :


flex-start: And cross start alignment


flex-end: And corss end alignment


center: Align center


baseline: Align with the baseline of the first line of text


3.4 flex-wrap

flex-wrap To determine the flex container Single line or multi line display , There are three values :

-nowrap: The default value is , A single , all flex-items All on one line , If the show doesn't open , Will compress the width


You can find , At this time, the width is not the width value we set ,flex To each item The width is compressed

wrap: Line feed display


wrap-reverse: Line break , The first row is at the bottom


3.5 flex-flow

flex-flow yes flex-direction and flex-wrap Abbreviation properties of , The default value is row nowrap.

.box {

flex-flow: <flex-direction> || <flex-wrap>;


3.6 align-content

align-content Decided on multiple lines flex items stay cross axis Alignment on , Usage and justify-content similar , The values are as follows :

stretch: The default value is , The axis occupies the entire cross axis


flex-start: And cross start alignment


flex-end: And cross end alignment


center: Align center


space-between: flex items Equal distance between , And cross start 、 cross end full-justified


space-around: flex items The distance between them is equal ,flex item And cross start、cross end The distance between them is flex items Half the distance between


space-evenly: flex items Equal distance between ,flex items And cross start、cross end The distance between is equal to flex items Distance between


Four 、Flex-Item attribute

4.1 order

order To determine the flex items The arrangement order of .

You can set any integer ( Positive integer Negtive integer 0) , The smaller the value. , It's on the front

The default value is 0

.item1 {

background-color: sienna;

order: 18;


.item2 {

background-color: navy;

order: 2;


.item3 {

background-color: aquamarine;

order: 99;



4.2 align-self

flex items Can pass align-self Cover flex container Set in the align-items.

The default value is auto, follow flex container Of align-items Set up

stretch、flex-start、flex-end、center、baseline Effect and align-items Agreement

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">



.box {


 Turn on flex after , No longer distinguish between block level elements and inline elements 


display: flex;

width: 500px;

height: 500px;

background-color: sandybrown;

margin: 0 auto;

align-items: center;


.item {

width: 100px;

height: 100px;

text-align: center;

line-height: 100px;

color: white;


.item1 {

background-color: sienna;

/* order: 18; */


.item2 {

background-color: navy;

align-self: flex-end;

/* order: 2; */


.item3 {

background-color: aquamarine;

/* order: 99; */





<div class="box">

<div class="item item1">item1</div>

<div class="item item2">item2</div>

<div class="item item3">item3</div>




effect :


4.3 flex-grow

flex-grow Attribute defines the magnification of the item

The default is 0, You can set any non negative number

When flex container stay main axis There's a surplus in the direction size when ,flex-grow Attributes will work

If all flex items Of flex-grow The sum of the sum exceed 1, Every flex item Extended size=flex container The rest of size * flex-grow / sum

If all flex items Of flex-grow The sum of the sum Less than 1, Every flex items Extended size=flex container The rest of size * flex-grow

flex items The extended final size No more than max-width\max-height


If all of the items flex-grow Attributes are 1, Then they will divide the remaining space equally ( If any ). If a project flex-grow The attribute is 2, Everything else 1, Then the former will occupy twice as much space as the others .

4.4 flex-shrink

flex-shrink To determine the flex-items How to contract .

The default value is 1, You can set any non negative number , Negative values are not valid for this property

When flex items stay main axis Exceeded in direction flex container Of size,flex-shrink Attributes will work

If all flex items Of flex-shrink The sum of the sum exceed 1, Every flex items Contracted size= flex items beyond flex container Of size * Shrinkage ratio / all flex item The sum of the shrinkage ratios of


.box {

display: flex;

width: 500px;

height: 500px;

background-color: sandybrown;

margin: 0 auto;


.item {

width: 250px;

height: 100px;

text-align: center;

line-height: 100px;

color: white;


.item1 {

background-color: sienna;

/* width = 250 -250/6*2 = 250 - 83.33 = 167.67 */

flex-shrink: 2;


.item2 {

background-color: navy;

flex-shrink: 3;


.item3 {

background-color: aquamarine;

flex-shrink: 1;




If all flex items Of flex-shrink The sum of the sum No more than 1, Every flex item Contracted size= flex item Of size - flex items beyond flex container Of size * flex-shrink

.item1 {

background-color: sienna;

/* width = 250 -250/6*2 = 250 - 83.33 = 167.67 */

/* flex-shrink: 2; */

/* width = 250 - 250*0.2 = 200 */

flex-shrink: .2;


.item2 {

background-color: navy;

/* width = 250 - 250*0.3 = 175 */

flex-shrink: .3;


.item3 {

background-color: aquamarine;

/* width = 250 - 250*0.2 = 225 */

flex-shrink: .1;


flex items The final after contraction size Not less than min-width/min-height

If all of the items flex-shrink Attributes are 1, When space runs out , I'm going to scale it down . If a project flex-shrink The attribute is 0, Everything else 1, When there is not enough space , The former does not shrink .

4.5 flex-basis

flex-basis Used to set flex items stay main asis Space size in direction

auto: The default value is , That is, the size of the project itself

Specific width value : 100px , 200px

decision flex items Final base size Factors , The priority is from high to low :




The content itself size

4.6 flex

flex yes flex-grow | flex-shrink | flex-basis Shorthand for three attributes ,flex Properties can be specified 1 individual ,2 Or three values .

4.6.1 Single valued Syntax

The value must be one of them :

A unitless number (number): It will be treated as flex-grow Value

An effective width (width) value : It will be treated as flex-basis Value

keyword none auto or initial

4.6.2 Double valued grammar :

The first value must be a unitless number , He will be treated as flex-grow Value

The second value must be one of the following :

A unitless number : It will be treated as flex-shrink Value

A valid width value : It will be treated as flex-basis Value

4.6.3 Ternary grammar :

The first value must be a unitless number , As flex-grow Value

The second value must be a unitless number , As flex-shink Value

The third value must be a valid width value , As flex-basis Value

