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[C language supplement] judge which day tomorrow is (tomorrow's date)

2022-07-01 16:54:00 One reed to sail FP

One 、 summary

1.1 Function is introduced

  • Enter a valid date randomly , Output the date of the next day

1.2 a key

  • Whether this date is the last day of a month ?
  • Is it leap February ?
  • Is it the last month ?

1.3 Implementation method

  • Use structure , Store the month, year and day in a structural variable

Two 、 Code

#include<stdbool.h> // introduce bool type 

struct date {
    							// Structure label date 
	int year;
	int month;
	int day;

int numberOfDays(struct date d);		// Number of days in a month  
bool isLeap(struct date d);				// Judgement of leap year  

int main(int argc, char* const argv[]){
	struct date today, tommorow;
	printf(" Enter the date ( year   month   Japan ):"); 
	scanf(" %i %i %i", &today.year, &today.month, &today.day);
	if( today.day != numberOfDays(today) ){
    		// Comparison days ,  Determine whether the last day  
		tommorow.day = 1;
		tommorow.month = today.month + 1;
		tommorow.year = today.year;
	else if( today.month == 12 ){
		tommorow.day = 1;
		tommorow.month =1;
		tommorow.year = today.year + 1;
	else {
		tommorow.day = today.day + 1;
		tommorow.month = today.month;
		tommorow.year = today.year;
	printf(" Tomorrow is  %i year %i month %i Japan .\n", 
			tommorow.year, tommorow.month, tommorow.day);
	return 0;

// Judge the number of days in this month  
int numberOfDays(struct date d)
	int days;				// Record the number of days in this month  
	const int daysPerMonth[12] = {
    31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};	// The number of days in each month of the year  
	if( d.month == 2 && isLeap(d) )
		days = 29;						// Leap February , take 29 God  
		days =  daysPerMonth[d.month-1]; 
	return days; 

// Judgement of leap year  
bool isLeap(struct date d)
	bool leap = false;
	// Leap year : Can be 4 Divide but not be 100 to be divisible by , Or can be 400 to be divisible by  
	if( (d.year%4 == 0 && d.year%100 != 0) || d.year%400 == 0 )
		leap = true;
	return leap;

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