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ZABBIX introduction and installation

2022-07-06 10:16:00 Lick sheep azei


One 、zabbix Introduce

Two 、 choice zabbix The advantages of

3、 ... and 、zabbix Program components

Four 、zabbix Installation

1、 Prepare a new machine , Environment initialization

2、 obtain zabbix Download source

3、 download zabbix

4、 install zabbix Front end environment

5、 install zabbix The required database

6、 Configuration database , Boot up

7、 Initialize database , Set the password

8、 Add database users and zabbix Required database information

9、 Use zabbix-mysql Command to import database information

10、 modify zabbix_server The configuration file , Change database password

11、 modify zabbix Of php The configuration file

12、 restart zabbix And set it to start automatically

13、 Log in zabbix Front settings

14、 Log in zabbix

One 、zabbix Introduce

Zabbix By Alexei Vladishev Developed a kind of network monitoring 、 Management system , be based on Server-Client framework . It can be used to monitor various network services 、 Server and network machine etc .

Using a variety of Database-end Such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle or IBM DB2 Store data .Server Terminal base on C Language 、Web The management end frontend Is based on PHP Made by .

Zabbix There are many ways to monitor . You can just use Simple Check No installation required Client End , It can also be based on SMTP or HTTP ... Custom monitoring of various protocols .

On the client side such as UNIX, Windows Install in Zabbix Agent after , Can be monitored CPU Load、 Network usage 、 Hard disk capacity and other states . And even if it's not installed Agent In the monitoring object ,Zabbix You can also go through SNMP、TCP、ICMP、 utilize IPMI、SSH、telnet Monitor the target .

Zabbbix Self contained Item Enough to meet the monitoring needs of ordinary small companies , For large companies, you can also set custom Item, Automatically generate reports , Also have API Can be integrated with other systems .

Two 、 choice zabbix The advantages of

zabbix It can meet the requirements of the idealized monitoring system
● Support custom monitoring scripts , Provide the value to be output

●zabbix The stored database table structure is slightly complex, but the logic is clear

●zabbix There is Concept of template , It's convenient to put - Deploy group monitoring items ( For example, we have many zabbix Server side , If we were in a machine a It defines 100 Monitoring content , We're working on the machine b If so many monitoring contents need to be defined in, we don't need to redefine them , Just put the machine a Export the monitoring template of to the machine b Can )

●zabbix each individual item That is to say Monitoring item , You can see the history , And web Friendly interface

●zabbix Yes Powerful Trigger( trigger ) Define the rules , Complex alarm logic can be defined

●zabbix Provides ack Alarm acknowledgement mechanism

●zabbix Support email , SMS , Wechat and other alarms

●zabbix stay After triggering the alarm , System commands can be executed remotely

●zabbix Yes Native PHP Drawing module

3、 ... and 、zabbix Program components

●Zabbix_ server, Server daemons

●Zabbix_ agentd, agent Daemon

●zabbix_ proxy, proxy server

●zabbix_ database, The storage system ,mysql, pgsq|

●Zabbix_ web, web GUI Graphical interface

●Zabbix_ get, Command line tools , Test direction agent Initiate data collection request

●Zabbix_ sender, Command line tools , Test direction server send data

●Zabbix_ java_ gateway, java gateway

Four 、zabbix Installation

zabbix The official download : download Zabbix

1、 Prepare a new machine , Environment initialization

zabbix The machine memory should be large enough ,4G Just fine .

Know the name of the device and take it out ip Address

Turn off firewall :

sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/config

systemctl disable --now firewalld

 selinux close , also iptables All three links allow data opening

2、 obtain zabbix Download source

rpm -Uvh https://mirrors.aliyun.com/zabbix/zabbix/5.0/rhel/7/x86_64/zabbix-release-5.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm​

At Alibaba cloud's open source mirror zabbix5.0 Download the installation package

Once the download is complete , We can see in our repo There is one in the warehouse zabbix file

And then we vim Open this document , It is found that the default download path is zabbix official , That is, the Internet , Download too slow

So we need to zabbix.repo Source changed to Alibaba , use sed Command to replace the contents of the document

sed -i 's#http://repo.zabbix.com#https://mirrors.aliyun.com/zabbix#' /etc/yum.repos.d/zabbix. repo

Then open the file here to check whether the modification is successful

And then modify zabbix-fronted Front end source , take 0 Change to 1

then yum clean all Empty the old yum cache

3、 download zabbix

yum install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-agent -y

Installation tools , Multiple versions of software can be used on the machine , And it will not affect the dependent environment of the whole system .

yum install centos-release-scl -y

4、 install zabbix Front end environment

yum install zabbix-web-mysql-scl zabbix-apache-conf-scl -y( If it's installed scl Tools )

Generate the files in the following directory

5、 install zabbix The required database

Just use our own mariadb

yum install mariadb-server -y

6、 Configuration database , Boot up

systemctl enable --now mariadb

7、 Initialize database , Set the password

First, make sure that the database is turned on

systemctl status mariadb

netstat -tunlp Make sure 3306 Open port

Enter the command to start the initialization operation mysql_secure_installation

Then the following options will appear :

First of all : Enter your current root password .# We newly installed mysql, The default password is empty , So we just go back

second : Whether to set up root password ,Y/N?# We type in Y, Set the password

Third : Set your password .

Fourth : Enter the password you set again .

The fifth : Remove anonymous users ?# We choose Y, Remove him .

The sixth : prohibit root Remote login ?# We selected N, Convenient for testing .

The seventh : Whether to remove the test database and execute ?# We selected Y

The eighth : Whether to refresh the authorization table ?# We selected Y

Then enter the password to enter the database : mysql -uroot -p

8、 Add database users and zabbix Required database information

Access to database

And then create a zabbix database , Character encoding set to utf-8

create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf_bin;

  Create a zabbix User and set password

create user [email protected] identified bu 'chaoge666';

  Authorize the user

grant all privileges on zabbix.* to [email protected];

  Refresh authorization table flush privileges;

  Exit database .

9、 Use zabbix-mysql Command to import database information

First, check whether the file exists

ls /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql*/create.sql.gz

  Then use the command to import the compressed file into the database

zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql*/create.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix

#mysql -u user name -p( password ) zabbix( This zabbix It's not a code , But specified zabbix This library )

  Enter the database to check whether the import is successful

 use zabbix

show tables; Check whether the table is successful

10、 modify zabbix_server The configuration file , Change database password

Get into zabbix_server Configuration file for

In the document /DBpassword Find the line that needs to be modified

  Then change the empty password

Use grep Command to check whether the modification is successful

grep '^DBpa' /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

11、 modify zabbix Of php The configuration file

Enter the configuration file

Find in the document /timezone This business , Make changes

Change the back area to Shanghai , And cancel the comments before the line

  Continue to use grep Command to check whether the modification is successful

grep 'timezone' /etc/opt/rh/rh-php72/php-fpm.d/zabbix.conf

12、 restart zabbix And set it to start automatically

systemctl restart zabbix-server zabbix-agent httpd rh-php72-php-fpm

systemctl enable zabbix-server zabbix-agent httpd  rh-php72-php-fpm

13、 Log in zabbix Front settings

If you only enter your ip What I visited was httpd Test page , belong ip Then add zabbix The suffix

Such as

Go in and click NEXT step next step

  The next page will detect technology request Whether the environmental dependency is normal

All green cut ok Click next

  Enter your password to log in to the database and click next

  Click next again

  Move on to the next step

  Click finish

14、 Log in zabbix

After entering this page , The default account number is Admin The password is zabbix, Be careful A It's capital

  Login successful


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