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If you open an account of Huatai Securities by stock speculation, is it safe to open an account online?

2022-07-04 23:39:00 Koufu Q & A

If you invest in stocks and open an account of Huatai Securities , Is it safe to open an account online ?

Take the answer 1:
Hello , If you invest in stocks and open an account of Huatai Securities , It's safe to open an account online , Because now is the Internet age , Securities companies have opened accounts online , Online account opening is convenient, fast, safe and reliable .

The online opening of stock accounts is as follows :
1、 Click the exclusive link of the account manager to enter the account opening interface to register the stock account ; Opening exclusive vip Account
2、 Sign in with your mobile number ;
3、 After that, you need to upload the front and back of your ID card , And fill in basic personal information ;
4、 Make video confirmation 、 Do some risk tolerance tests ;
5、 Select the shareholder account to be opened 、 Fund account ;
6、 Bind third-party deposits 、 Set the password
7、 Waiting for a follow-up notice ,

fast , Open an account and contact me , Free learning materials available : Stocks + fund + conduct financial transactions +retis fund + New debt + stagging + National debt reverse repurchase, etc , At the same time, free community teaching services are provided .
Our company is one of the top ten securities companies , Profession empowers your investment path , Help more Xiaobai users learn more about investment !


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