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How to write cover letter?

2022-07-05 08:21:00 Three nights is no more than string Ichiro

cover letter Elements that should be included in

  1. Editor's name ;
  2. Manuscripts title;
  3. The name of the journal delivered ;
  4. State that this article has not been published before , At present, it is not invested in other journals ;
  5. A brief description of the study , Why is it important , Why do you think the readers of this journal will be interested in this article ;
  6. Contact information of the author ;
  7. Explain that there is no conflict of interest .

Places to avoid ;

  1. Do not copy directly Abstract, Explain the importance of the article in your own words , Problem solved , And why should I contribute to this journal ;
  2. Don't use too many professional words or abbreviations , Simple and direct ;
  3. Avoid too many details , One page at most ;
  4. Avoid spelling and grammar mistakes .


Download link of template :https://download.csdn.net/download/m0_37412775/85840056 ( Is reviewing )



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