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Classroom attendance system based on face recognition tkinter+openpyxl+face_ recognition

2022-07-03 17:43:00 lyx4949

This project combines the previous article be based on face_recognition The library realizes face recognition , By using Python Of tkinter Module to design the graphical interface of the attendance system , In addition, the combination of openpyxl modular , Save the student's information and attendance clock data to the table , Easy to view and call . The system has “ Brush your face and punch in ”、“ New student registration ” And so on .

One 、 Interface effect

 main interface
Press... Respectively on the main interface “ New student registration ” Button and “ Brush your face and punch in ” The process effect of the button is shown in the figure :
 Implementation process

Two 、 development environment

Windows10+python3.5.5+Vs Code( development tool )

3、 ... and 、 The development of preparation

Create a new workbook on the desktop , Name it Data.xlsx( See the end of the article , Links to complete procedures and forms are attached ) There are two small tables , Namely “ Student information sheet ” and “ Student attendance sheet ”, Fill in the following information in the first and second columns . See the link at the end of the article .
Data Workbooks

Four 、 Implementation process

1. Import related library functions
Be careful face_recognition If the library doesn't have it, it needs pip install face_recognition Installation .

import cv2  #OpenCV library 
import openpyxl  #openpyxl library 
import os  # Operating system related libraries , Standard library 
import time  #time library 
import tkinter.messagebox  #messagebox Message box module 
from tkinter import *  #tkinter library 
import face_recognition

2. Main interface programming
*( The main interface program is placed at the end , This is explained in advance )* The main interface has a “ Brush your face and punch in ”、“ New student registration ”、“ Exit the system ” Button .

# Main interface program 
top = Tk()
top.title(" Time Attendance ")  # Window title 
top.geometry("500x300")  # Window size 
# Framework components of the main interface main_frame
main_frame = Frame(top) # First floor frame components 
main_frame.place(relwidth=1,relheight= 1)  # Parameter set to 1 It means that the frame covers the whole window 
Label(main_frame,text = " Intelligent classroom attendance system ",bg = "white",font = (" In black ",20),
width = 35,height = 2).place(x = 0,y = 0)  # place “ Intelligent classroom attendance system ” label 
Button(main_frame,text = " Brush your face and punch in ",bg = "green",font = (" In black ",12),width = 12,height = 2,
command = take_photo).place(x = 30,y = 150)  # place “ Brush your face and punch in ” Button 
Button(main_frame,text = " New student registration ",bg = "green",font = (" In black ",12),width = 12,height = 2,
command = register).place(x = 200,y = 150)  # place “ New student registration ” Button 
Button(main_frame,text = " Exit the system ",bg = "green",font = (" In black ",12),width = 12,height = 2,
command = top.destroy).place(x =360,y = 150)  # place “ Exit the system ” Button ,destroy() Directly destroy the window 
# Define file path 
path = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/face/"  #face Folder 
path0 = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/"  # desktop 
top.mainloop()  # Enter wait and process window events 

3. Photo function get_photo()
This function is used to call notebook camera or other external camera . Turn on the camera , And then through capture.read() Get one of the frames , adopt cv2.imwrite() Save the image to the specified path , Parameters img Is the name of the picture taken , It also includes the designated route .

# Take photos function 
def get_photo(img):  #i Parameters mg, Is the name of the picture taken , It also includes the designated route 
    capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_DSHOW)  # Turn on the camera , Parameters 0 It's the camera port , Replaceable 
    ref,frame=capture.read()  # Save a frame of data in the camera 
    cv2.imwrite(img,frame)  # Save the picture 
    cv2.imshow(img,frame)  # Window display 
    cv2.waitKey(1000) # Time delay 1000ms, namely 1s
    cv2.destroyAllWindows()  # close window 
    return img  # Return image data 

4. Brush face punch function take_photo()
Press... On the main interface “ Brush your face and punch in ” After button , Jump to this function . By calling get_photo() Function to take a temporary picture of a student brushing his face , After image processing and encoding the picture , adopt os.listdir() Methods through face The pictures in the folder ( These pictures also need image processing and coding ), And then through face_recognition.compare_faces Compare faces , Face comparison succeeded , Get the number of the picture , By numbering num Locate the position of the verifier in the table , Then fill in the clock in time and date in the form . If the verification fails, the face flag bit flag by 0

# Brush face punch function 
def take_photo():
    print(" Brush your face and punch in ")
    student = face_recognition.load_image_file(get_photo(path0 + "img.jpg" )) # Load face image , Parameter to call the photographing function , Get an image of the verifier 
    student_rgb =cv2.cvtColor(student,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)  # Image type conversion function  
    student_encode = face_recognition.face_encodings(student_rgb)[0]  # Given an image , Returns each face in the image 128 Dimensional face coding 
    # return face What's in the folder , To delete a face from a face database face In the folder , Get the identity of the verifier 
    pathDir = os.listdir(path)  # Each picture in the folder is returned 
    flag = 0  # Face marker 
    # Test another image 
    for i in pathDir: # Traverse 6 A picture 
        face = face_recognition.load_image_file(path + i) # Open every picture in the folder 
        face_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(face,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)  # Convert every picture in the folder 
        face_encode = face_recognition.face_encodings(face_rgb)[0]  # Encode the image 
        #compare_faces Compare the face coding list with face Candidate codes in the folder , See if they match , Match successfully returns [True]
        s = face_recognition.compare_faces([student_encode],face_encode,tolerance=0.49)  # Parameters tolerance It is the distance between two faces that counts as a match . The smaller the value, the stricter the comparison ,0.49 It's the best one I measured 
        if s == [True] :  # If the match is successful, the result is a Boolean list True
            flag = 1  # If successful, assign the flag bit to 1
            num = i[:len(i)-4]  # Get the number of the picture , Get rid of “.jpg”. For example, photos “7.jpg”, here num Namely 7, Is the number of the registrant 
            break  # Jump straight out of the loop 
            flag = 0  # If no match is successful, the flag bit is 0
    if flag ==1:  # By numbering num Find the location of the verifier in the table 
        # Form operation 
        sheets = openpyxl.load_workbook(path0 + "Data.xlsx")  # open “ Student information sheet ” Workbooks 
        sheet1 = sheets[sheets.sheetnames[0]]  # obtain Data The first table in the workbook “ Student information sheet ”
        max_row1 = sheet1.max_row  # Get the number of rows in the last row of data in the first table 
        print(" The number of the verifier is :" , num)  # Output comparison results 
        for j in range(2,max_row1+1):  # Traverse ‘ Student information sheet ’
            if sheet1.cell(j,1).value == str(num):  # Locate the position of the corresponding student in the table according to the number , For example, Jack's number is 1,num=1, from “ Student information sheet ” The first column found in is 1 That line j, That's the second line 
                name = sheet1.cell(j,2).value    # Get student name 
                # Get the current clock in date 、 Time , Statistics to the student attendance sheet 
                date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d",time.localtime()) # Date of the day 
                Time = time.strftime("%H:%M",time.localtime()) # Check in time 
                # Open the student attendance sheet , Add the student's clock in date to the workbook 
                sheet2 = sheets[sheets.sheetnames[1]]  # obtain Data The second table in the workbook “ Student attendance sheet ”
                max_row2 = sheet2.max_row  # Get the number of rows in the last row of the table with data 
                sheet2.cell(row = max_row2+1,column=1,value = date)  # Write the sign in date 
                sheet2.cell(row = max_row2+1,column=2,value = name)  # Write the students who sign in 
                sheet2.cell(row = max_row2+1,column=3,value = Time)  # Write the check-in time 
                sheets.save(path0 + "Data.xlsx")  # Save to Data Workbooks 
                print(str(sheet1.cell(j,2).value) +" Sign in successfully ," + " The clock in time is " + Time)  # Broadcast sign in 
                tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title=" Tips ",message=name + " Successful punch in ,"+ " The clock in time is " + Time)  # Message box 
                break  # Jump out of the current traversal loop 

5. Register function register()
Press... On the main interface “ New student registration ” After button , Jump to this function . The implementation covers the original framework components main_frame, Layout new frame components second_frame, Used to place the buttons needed for the new interface 、 Tag components .“ confirm ” Button Association Message function , Used to confirm 、 Save the registration information of new students

# Register function 
def register():
    print(" register ")
    main_frame.place_forget()  # hide main_frame frame 
    second_frame = Frame(top)  # Define the second framework second_frame, For the registration interface 
    second_frame.place(relwidth=1,relheight= 1)  
    # Lay out the components of the new interface : label , Enter text box , Button 
    Label(second_frame,text = " Welcome to face recognition system ",font = (" In black ",18),
    width = 40,height = 2).place(x = 20,y = 0)
    Label(second_frame,text = " full name ",font = (" In black ",12),
    width = 20,height = 1).place(x = 50,y = 100)  # Prompt text “ full name ”
    name_entry = Entry(second_frame, font=(" In black ", 12), width=20)
    name_entry.place(x = 240,y = 100)  # Text box components , Used to fill in “ full name ”
    Button(second_frame,text = " confirm ",font = (" In black ",12), width=10,
    command=lambda:Message(name_entry)).place(x = 100,y = 150)  # confirm button 
    Button(second_frame,text = " return ",font = (" In black ",12), width=10,
    command=lambda:back_main(second_frame)).place(x = 300,y = 150)  # Return button 

6. Student information storage Message()
Click on “ confirm ” After button , This function operates the table to obtain the number of rows with the last row of data in the table max_row, As the serial number of newly registered students , As shown in the figure below . Name the freshman picture with this number “max_row.jpg”, Then call the camera to take pictures of the new students and save them to face In the folder . Put the student's name 、 Serial number filled in to “ Student information ” In the table
 Insert picture description here

# Student information storage 
def Message(name_entry):
    # Form operation 
    sheets = openpyxl.load_workbook(path0 + "Data.xlsx")  # open “ Student information sheet ” Workbooks 
    sheet1 = sheets[sheets.sheetnames[0]]  # obtain Data The first table in the workbook “ Student information sheet ”
    max_row1 = sheet1.max_row  # Get the number of rows in the last row of data in the first table 
    print(" Lines :",max_row1)
    name = name_entry.get()  # utilize get() Method to get Entry What is entered in the component 
    tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title=" Tips ",message=" Start entering face information !")  # Message box 
    image = str(max_row1)+".jpg"  # Get the number of rows from the table , Number the photos 
    get_photo(path + image)  # Get photos of new students , Save to face Folder 
    # Fill in the student information , Include serial number 、 full name  
    sheet1.cell(max_row1 + 1,1).value = str(max_row1)  # Student serial number , Photo number 
    print(type(sheet1.cell(max_row1 + 1,1).value))
    sheet1.cell(max_row1 + 1,2).value = name  # The student's name 
    sheets.save(path0 + "Data.xlsx")    
    print(" Registered successfully , Your number is "+ str(max_row1)+" Number ")
    tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title=" Tips ",message=" To complete the registration !")  # Message box 

7. Return button back_main() function

# Return button , From the current interface (second_frame) Back to the main interface (main_frame)
def back_main(second_frame):
    second_frame.place_forget()  # hide second_frame frame 
    main_frame.place(relwidth=1,relheight= 1)  # Show main_frame frame 

5、 ... and 、 remarks

Data Workbook and completion program link
Extraction code :lyx4


