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LeetCode#36. Effective Sudoku

2022-07-06 15:21:00 Rufeng ZHHH

subject :

Please judge a  9 x 9 Is the Sudoku effective . It only needs According to the following rules , Verify that the numbers you have filled are valid .

Numbers  1-9  Only once in a row .
Numbers  1-9  It can only appear once in each column .
Numbers  1-9  Separated by thick solid lines in each  3x3  Only once in the palace .( Please refer to the example figure )


Be careful :

An effective Sudoku ( Part has been filled in ) Not necessarily solvable .
Just follow the above rules , Verify that the numbers you have filled are valid .
Blank space  '.'  Express .


Example 1:

Input :board = 
Output :true
Example 2:

Input :board = 
Output :false
explain : Except for the first number in the first line from 5 Change it to 8 outside , The other numbers in the space are the same as Example 1 identical . But because of the 3x3 There are two in the palace 8 There is , So this Sudoku is invalid .


Tips :

board.length == 9
board[i].length == 9
board[i][j] It's a number (1-9) perhaps '.'

source : Power button (LeetCode)
link : Power button

Personally, I think this problem is mainly about the third condition of Sudoku judgment, which is relatively difficult , The first two conditions should be able to understand the principle by looking at the code , We mainly talk about the judgment process of the third condition .

Let's create a string first , The following methods will be used .


Conditions for a :

        for i in board:
            for j in store:
                if num>1:
                    return False

Condition 2 :

        while nums < 9:
            for i in board:
            for j in store:
                if ls.count(j)>1:
                    return False

Condition 3 :

We know that every Sudoku matrix has 9 A small cube matrix , So we can think of a way , Judge whether a small cube matrix is qualified each time , In this case, we have to judge 9 Time ( This is the cycle 9 Time ).

Subdivide again , Every three small square matrices are in one row , So we can judge three times in each line ( loop 3 Time ).

Through this , With the help of method 2 ( Create another list ) Same method , We can judge whether each of our small squares is qualified .

Here it is , I created two variables to help with the loop ,line: Indicates the number of rows indexed ; lis: Indicates the number of columns in the index .

        for i in range(3):  # Circle the three lines ( One big line corresponds to three small lines )
            for i in range(3):  # Every big line ( Three small lines ), Cycle three times ,3 ride 3 be equal to 9
                for j in board[line:line+3]:
                    for k in j[lis:lis+3]:
                for m in store:
                    if ll.count(m)>1:
                        return False
                lis+=3 # Advance the number of columns by three , Enter the next cube matrix of the big row 
                ll=[]  # Notice that after judging each small cube matrix , Clear list 
            lis=0    # After a large line of each cycle , Zero the number of columns 
            line+=3  # Go a long way 

  Last , If the above judgment does not return False, Then this is an effective Sudoku , We return at the end True that will do .

class Solution:
    def isValidSudoku(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> bool:
        for i in board:
            for j in store:
                if num>1:
                    return False
        while nums < 9:
            for i in board:
            for j in store:
                if ls.count(j)>1:
                    return False
        for i in range(3):
            for i in range(3):
                for j in board[line:line+3]:
                    for k in j[lis:lis+3]:
                for m in store:
                    if ll.count(m)>1:
                        return False
        return True


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