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Digital transformation: five steps to promote enterprise progress

2022-07-07 22:42:00 Software testing network

Whether the digital transformation plan of the enterprise slows down or stagnates ? If faced with such a problem , You can listen to the advice of experts , Let the digital transformation go smoothly .

The concept of digital transformation is not new . Since the Internet boom , People have been talking about a fully integrated digital workforce . however , With the continuous emergence of new technologies , Volatile markets have prompted companies to tighten their budgets , And for the most common buzzword in email inboxes ,“ efficiency ” More than the “ growth ”, The pressure to maximize the return on investment of digital transformation is increasing .

in the final analysis , Digital transformation is a game of accurately predicting trends , The goal is to prepare enterprises for greater success in the digital future . If you feel that the digital transformation work seems to have slowed down , The following five methods can make the engine of enterprise digital transformation run again .

The first 1 Step : Where the assessment is located

Before enterprises change their digital transformation route , It is important to critically review what has been done . for example , Who is the main leader of digital transformation ? How do they implement the goals they set at the beginning of their digital transformation journey ? As an employee who bears the burden of change within the enterprise , What is their overall mood ?

No matter where you are , Evaluate the key changes you want to achieve ( efficiency 、 precision 、 Time to market, etc ) And redrawing the roadmap that will help the enterprise achieve its goals is crucial . When making adjustments , Pay attention to making a plan , Because most employees may work remotely from home . The solution being built should not be designed to be temporary , It should be lasting . Before execution , It is necessary to ensure the recognition of all employees . And cooperation may be the best way to boost employee morale .

The first 2 Step : Appoint the chief data officer (CDO)

Expect the CIO of the enterprise (CIO) Or CTO (CTO) The transformation plan of managing the base figure may be unrealistic . data / Information management and technology are just part of a larger digital transformation plan . what's more , CIO (CIO) And the CTO (CTO) Professional knowledge can not lead enterprises to the road of making the best use of the digital tools they have .

Consider setting up a chief digital officer (CDO) LED digital transformation team , Its main responsibility is to organize and lead the enterprise wide digital strategy and vision . Chief digital Officer (CDO) It can also act as a preacher of digital transformation , Provide enterprise executives with reasons for change , They must participate in the digital transformation to really move forward .

Recruitment of chief digital officer (CDO) There are two ways : Internal promotion or external employment . The position can be full-time , It can also be contractual . No matter which way the enterprise chooses , All depend on the composition of its internal organization and the scale of the project being implemented . Appoint the chief digital officer internally (CDO) Have an advantage —— Because he is usually familiar with the situation of the enterprise 、 Values and key decision makers . however , If enterprises lack qualified talents to support these digital programs , Then getting the support of external experts can help speed up the digital transformation process .

The first 3 Step : Know what data is available and how to use it

The amount of data available continues to grow exponentially , Most of these data have been created only in the past few years . For businesses , There are too many things to understand , Let alone use , So it is very important to think strategically about the invoked data . Enterprise data is likely to fall into an island , As a result, most data cannot be used across functions .

The most innovative 、 The most effective solution cannot replace the critical thinking of a good team . This requires a build ( Or purchase ) Roadmap of enterprise data platform . This includes data ingestion and storage ( Data lake and warehouse ) The architecture of 、 Artificial intelligence for processing and extracting relevant insights from data / Machine learning function , And the way to turn these data into reality in some kind of data visualization dashboard . This is the CIO (CIO)、 Chief technical officer (CTO) And the chief digital officer (CDO) The importance of close collaboration .

The first 4 Step : Focus on employees

The most innovative 、 The most effective solution cannot replace the critical thinking of a good team . Employees can be said to be the most important part of the digital transformation process of enterprises , The ultimate goal is to make their work easier .IT Leaders must always work with the human resources department , To ensure the implementation of the correct learning and development plan .

In the journey of enterprise transformation , Invest resources in retraining and skill upgrading , And assume that employees are as agile as the company they are trying to build . Help them meet the challenge . As the enterprise changes , Maximizing the use of available talent will help build stability . And the right people with the right knowledge make the process easier .

The first 5 Step : Know when to finish

Innovation will continue until the end , But the wise executive team knows when to finish . KPIs and other data will highlight the impact of the digital transformation workplace . This information should describe the evolution of employees in the process and their productivity level , No matter where they are . Executives should see more effective cross departmental collaboration 、 Better data to drive decisions 、 Less employee turnover and more active employee engagement .

Enterprises perform these steps systematically , Can quickly start the stagnant digital transformation .


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