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The third season of ape table school is about to launch, opening a new vision for developers under the wave of going to sea

2022-07-06 00:37:00 InfoQ

7  month  7  Japan  19:00,《 Ape table pie 》 Season 3 ,
From a global perspective , Start a new chapter
Focus on 【 Rongyun global Internet communication cloud 】 Learn more about

The new manager
Song Chenchen
Will work with  
NextBillion.AI CTO  Zheng Shaolin
Shen Min, vice president of a well-known group company
Together , Looking at the global market , Explore developer ecology and open source community construction .
Ape table pie  3, New narrative

“ Is there any reference for your model in the United States ?”

Only a short while ago , This is the most important part of the business plan of Internet start-ups .
“ Chinese version of  XXX” Is the most popular story , When the new product has a foreign standard , It becomes easy to understand and logical . All parties in the market, especially investors, can quickly understand your business model 、 The size of the market 、 The target user can even see the highlight moment of the bell at a glance .

Twenty years is just a moment , Today's story is quite different . from “Copy to China” To “Copy from China”, China's Internet is building its own unique narrative .

One side ,
The scale of China's Internet goes to sea
, Already in tools 、 Short video 、 game 、 Online retailers 、 Payment and other fields
Enter the overseas mainstream market
On the other hand , China's product model and successful experience have also been used for reference all over the world , It even achieved the... Of the United States
Reverse output

Many regions are emerging star enterprises , There are Chinese Internet people .
A large number of talent advantages accumulated in the rapid development of the past 20 years , Is spilling over the world 、 Blossom everywhere .
And the rise of the Internet in China , It benefits from China's huge “ Talent bonus ”. Every year, , China has more than  190  10000 science and engineering graduates walk out of the campus . according to  GitHub  The data of ,2021  China has  755  Ten thousand programmers , Ranked second in the world .

In the future  Web3  On the ground , The huge group of programmers is also the basis for China to draw new rules and go out of the new world .
all the time , Programmers are the focus of rongyun . Rongyun not only continuously iterates products and optimizes services to make developers' work more efficient and convenient , It also focuses on a broader group of programmers , Share technology and expand vision through industry conferences .

Rongyun launched its first variety show focusing on programmers 《 Ape table pie 》, Now , The third season is about to start .
As always, , We
Pay attention to the developer ecology 、 Open source community and cutting-edge technology
, We
Care about the professional development and healthy life of programmers
. Under the new industry environment and development trend , We will also work with programmers , Take a broader view of the global market , Focus on Internet going to sea .

Song Chenchen, the new manager, will be with  NextBillion.AI CTO  Zheng Shaolin 、 Shen Min, vice president of a well-known group company , uncover 《 Ape table pie 》 A new chapter .

The program manager

The song dynasty   clear   morning

The current
General manager of rongyun overseas business
, He has rich working experience in front-line large factories at home and abroad , Years of experience in overseas Internet market expansion , More than 10 years of architecture design in the Internet field 、 Experience in technology research and development and product design , He used to be a senior R & D Engineer of Alibaba 、Grab  Senior R & D Manager and project leader . stay  Grab  During this period, I was mainly responsible for the construction of R & D team and technical architecture , Help multiple businesses make great progress .

Guests of this issue

Shen   Min
Once worked in the world's leading enterprise management solution provider , Long term life 、 Working in the United States 、 Germany, etc , Provide digital transformation consulting services for global customers , After returning home, he joined a well-known group company as Vice President , For the global developer ecosystem 、 Internet market and digital economy have unique views .

zheng   Less   '
Once deeply participated in the online car hailing and takeout platforms in Southeast Asia  Grab  Global collaboration , Manage a research and development team of hundreds of people .2020  Founded a global AI solutions company  NextBillion.AI, Its scene map business quickly covered India 、 Middle East and North Africa 、 East Africa 、 In North America 、 Southeast Asia 、 Australia and other countries and regions .

This topic

  • Major decision-making principles in career
  • How to build and operate the developer ecosystem
  • Value cognition and experience sharing about technology open source

In this season's program, we will have an in-depth discussion and sharing on the Internet going to sea , Click the link to make an appointment .
in addition , In this direction
What topic do you care about most
, Welcome to leave a message below .
