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Douban scoring applet Part-2

2022-07-05 22:56:00 MAOpasX

One 、 primary coverage

Movie theater hit horizontal scroll box and Star rating component ( Full marks 10 branch , Five stars , One two points )

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Two 、 Implementation of scroll box

1、 analysis

Whether it's hot in cinemas or hot in Douban , The layout is the same , So we just need to realize the big box of cinema hot screening
The analysis chart is as follows :

 Insert picture description here
2、 Homepage single item layout

stay index.wxml In file , Let's write first modelGroup( Model group )、modelTop( Top of the model )、modelTitle( Model Title )、more( To view more )、itemNavigator( A movie navigation map )

 Insert picture description here
explain stay navigator We can make more copies of things in , For better understanding

3、 Picture external link

Above src Import external links , You can choose any movie in Douban movie , Right click on the , Copy the picture address

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4、 Home page layout

index.wxss chart 1:

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index.wxss chart 2:

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5、 Add sample

Let's copy four more examples , Five items in one line , Better understanding

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6、 Minor modifications

After the scroll chart scrolls to the far right , We found that it is more out of alignment with the above view , This is because in the itemNavigator( Navigation map of each item ) Added margin-right:20rpx( The right side of each navigation box is empty 20rpx), We can only let the last item margin-right be equal to 0

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Adding so many items is definitely not pure copy and paste , Otherwise, a small project light wxml The document is hundreds of thousands of lines , We'll use it later wx:for The list of rendering , Now let's first understand this layout (〃‘▽’〃)

3、 ... and 、 Implementation of star component

1、 analysis

Now we still need the stars and scores under each item , Of course, write your own score at present text Just go , Then the stars should correspond to our score , Full marks 10 branch , A star ( Highlight stars )2 branch , Half a star ( Half bright stars )1 branch , No stars ( Grey stars )0 branch
eg】 If it is 7.4 branch , Then there will be three stars and one and a half stars , A dim star ( All in all 5 star ), To solve this problem alone , We can customize it stars Component to solve the problem

2、 Create and use stars Components

You can refer to what I wrote before Douban scoring applet Part-1 , Here's just a little more about

Two 、 Realization 】 Medium 【2、 establish searchbar Components

stay index.json To be used in the file stars Components , After the index.wxml In file movieName( The movie name ) You can use it later

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3、 Add star pictures

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4、 Add component properties and usage

We are stars.js Add its attributes to the file ,type( type ) It's digital ,value( value ) Default 0, Then we can go to the homepage index.wxml Use... In the document ( Because in the homepage rate The attribute of scoring will involve our next question about stars )
stars.js chart 1:

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index.wxml chart 2:

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5、stars preliminary wxml file

First rateGroup( Scoring group ) Cover the big box , But I found that we can only insert these three pictures first , The number of times each piece appears cannot be changed according to the score

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6、stars Components wxss file

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7、 Solve the star problem

We can go through wx:for The list of rendering , Let the picture repeat
score 7.2, Corresponding to a whole star ( Highlight stars ) Should have 3 individual , Then you can create an array , establish for loop , This array can store 1, 2 ,3 Three elements , Then corresponding in image Use in wx:for, Will render the image three times , So that the picture appears three times

Q:wx:for What is list rendering ?

A: You can check the official wechat documents The list of rendering , Simple usage can also be viewed as previous blogs Zero foundation wechat applet Day3

② stay stars Component's js Solve in the document

stay lifetimes( Life cycle ) In the field attached() Function

Q: Why is it lifetimes Write in , What is this? ?

A: You can check the official wechat documents Component lifecycle , You can write it down first , Just write in here

stars.js chart 1:

 Insert picture description here
But wx:for Only the list can be rendered ( Array ), So we build the corresponding array , There are several elements in the array corresponding to several stars

stars.js chart 2:

 Insert picture description here
Correspondingly, I will rewrite the corresponding wxml file
stars.wxml chart 3:

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8、 Add and use rateNum

To enhance logic , We can create rateNum Variable (rateNum=rate There is ? And greater than 0? If so, keep one decimal point , Otherwise, assign a value “ No score ”)

stars.js chart 1

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stars.wxml chart 2

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9、 Update data

Next setData It is a template for data update 、 tricks , One birth and two ripening

setData Function to send data from the logical layer to the view layer ( asynchronous ), At the same time change the corresponding this.data Value ( Sync )

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Four 、 design sketch

design sketch 1:
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design sketch 2:

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5、 ... and 、 ending

Here, only two groups of data are simply modified , But you will find that these data are actually dead , It's all written by us . Then you want live data , It's about API The interface , and wxml Documents should not be so cumbersome , Let's talk about it in our next article

If you have any questions , You are welcome to point out ~ ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙

