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2022-07-07 13:38【InfoQ】
AM5系列微机保护装置在浙江横店影视产业园配电工程中的应用 安科瑞 崔远航 摘要 目前,微机保护装置广泛应用于电力系统中,该类装置能够合理监测电力系统的运行状况,并实时记录电力系统出现故障的位置及性质,从而为故障的快速处理提供合理的参考信息。本文介绍的AM5系列微机保护装置,可以针对横店影视产业园三...
2022-07-07 13:41【Acrelhh】
1、效果 https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/d49635d34513481395ede620a03bd603.jpeg https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/dc9a60d5e1784c68b13c4f81540858e0.jpeg 2、简介 通知是...
2022-07-07 13:43【锐湃】
阅读更多Unity3D_ Class fishing project, bullet rebound effect is achieved
The bullet rebound diagram is as follows : https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/20190926193840719.png?x oss process=image/watermark,type ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,s...
2022-07-07 15:52【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多Unity3D_ Class fishing project, control the distance between collision walls to adapt to different models
background , Recently took over a project , Fishing like game , The demand is that the bullet can rebound in the surrounding wall after being fired ,...
2022-07-07 15:52【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多Dotween -- ease function
Picture description here https://img blog.csdn.net/20151022164141659 Picture description here https://img blog.csdn.net/20151022164306487
2022-07-07 15:52【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多Shader_ Animation sequence frame
// Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul UNITY MATRIX MVP,/ ' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos / ' Shader 'Zombie/ZombieAnimation' { Properties { MainTex 'Base RGB ' ...
2022-07-07 15:52【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多U3D_ Infinite Bessel curve
Lua edition local Bezier = {} 【 Infinite Bessel curve 】 @params t The corresponding percentage position of the whole line {0 1} @params node The ...
2022-07-07 15:52【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多Application example of infinite list [uigridview]
UIGridView Source code using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; //Introd...
2022-07-07 15:52【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多The unity vector rotates at a point
This article is an example for you to share Unity The specific code that the vector rotates according to a certain point , For your reference , The d...
2022-07-07 15:53【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多TCP framework___ Unity
using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threa...
2022-07-07 15:53【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多Regular expression string
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace tablegen2.common...
2022-07-07 15:53【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多[excelexport], Excel to Lua, JSON, XML development tool
Text : be based on https://github.com/monkey256/ExcelExport https://github.com/monkey256/ExcelExport The development has been revised again , C...
2022-07-07 15:53【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多Unity drawing plug-in = = [support the update of the original atlas]
Preface : Project needs ,1. It needs to be provided to the art collection tool ,2. Atlas update function , So that the subgraphs in the new atlas d...
2022-07-07 15:53【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多Particle effect for ugui
Reprinted address ; https://github.com/mob sakai/ParticleEffectForUGUI https://github.com/mob sakai/ParticleEffectForUGUI
2022-07-07 15:53【Le_ Sam】
阅读更多Three singleton modes of unity (hungry man, lazy man, monobehavior)
Unity The next three singleton modes Single example usage scenario The object is globally unique , And often used . static Introduction to stat...
2022-07-07 15:55【Listen to the rain outside the window】
阅读更多Eye of depth (VII) -- Elementary Transformation of matrix (attachment: explanation of some mathematical models)
List of articles One 、 Introduction of elementary transformation 1 Two 、 The elementary transformation of the three matrices and the correspondi...
2022-07-07 15:55【Light chasing rain】
阅读更多Eye of depth (VI) -- inverse of matrix (attachment: some ideas of logistic model)
List of articles One 、 The introduction of matrix inverse and the definition of matrix inverse (/ ) 1 Two 、 Calculation of matrix inverse 10 3、...
2022-07-07 15:55【Light chasing rain】
阅读更多leetcode 241. Different ways to add parentheses design priority for operational expressions (medium)
One 、 The main idea of the topic label : Divide and conquer ways to add parentheses ways to add parentheses Give you a string of numbers an...
2022-07-07 15:55【okokabcd】
阅读更多SPI master RX time out interrupt
background : test spi Of time out interrupt , The board A master rx, The board B slave tx.master Set to timeout interrupt TIME OUT. slave Send data ...
2022-07-07 15:56【lixingdian】
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The basic chapter ( Can solve the problem of 80% The problem of ): 1. MongoDB Overview 、 Application scenarios 、 Download mode 、 Connection mode and ...
2QQ的药,腾讯的票 来源:字母榜(ID:wujicaijing) 作者:彦飞 摸索了一年半后,腾讯元宇宙的轮廓日渐清晰,QQ“全家桶”成为新的桥头堡。 7月初,QQ音乐小范围内测“Music Zone”(音乐空间)。该功能是一个音乐主题的虚拟互动社区,用户可以设置虚拟人形象,装扮虚拟房间,并...
网络架构和嵌入解释: https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/144509329cd04596aa138671edffc145.png SAKT网络: 在每个时间戳处,仅对前面的每个元素估计注意权重。键、值和查询是从如下所示的嵌入层中提取的。当第j个元素为查询元素且第i个元素为关键元...
Hello everyone , This is the ninth article in the applet series , Starting from this chapter, we will enter the improvement chapter , At this stage ,...
One 、 Intermediate software designer subjects include : (1) Knowledge of computer and software engineering , The examination time is 150 minute , wr...
1. 前文回顾 在本文的(上)篇中我们讲述了低代码平台中经典的基于单 API 通信的数据连接方式,以及围绕单 API 模式建设的一系列 “为了让业务方能以更低成本接入低代码平台” 的方式,包括数据映射、适配器、 API 代理等。 在(上)篇的结尾,我们提到基于单 API 通信的数据连接方式仍然依赖...
First, in the VSCode Use the shortcut key crtl+shift+p Open the command panel , Input json find open settings The option to https://img blog.csdni...
没思路的时候抓个包看看,可能会有意外收获 https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/8c9aad60867245e795692ac17112f609.png
Catalog The von Neumann system : main toc operating system : %E6%93%8D%E4%BD%9C%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F%3A Process concept : %E8%BF%9B%E7%A8%8B%E6%A6%...
2021ACL The paper :Novel Slot Detection: A Benchmark for Discovering Unknown Slot Types in the Task Oriented Dialogue System https://img blog.csdn...