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Application example of infinite list [uigridview]
2022-07-07 15:52:00 【Le_ Sam】
UIGridView Source code
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
//Introduction: Infinite list
//Content Mount forbidden on ContentSizeFilter and LayOutGroup And so on
public class UIGridView : MonoBehaviour
private Action<Transform, int> _handle;
public enum Arrangement
Horizontal = 0,
public enum HorizontalAlign
public enum VerticalAlign
public Arrangement arrangement = Arrangement.Vertical;
// It is useful when choosing horizontal or vertical flow , Refers to each line / Maximum number of columns
public int MaxPerLine
get { return maxPerLine; }
set { SetMaxPerLine(value); }
public HorizontalAlign horizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
public VerticalAlign verticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top;
public Vector2 viewPort;
public float rowSpace = 0;
public float columuSpace = 0;
public float marginTop = 0;
public float marginBottom = 0;
public float marginLeft = 0;
public float marginRight = 0;
public int maxPerLine;
public int childCount; // The total number of data to be rendered
public GameObject item;
public GameObject Child
get { return item; }
set { SetItem(value); }
public int ChildCount
get { return childCount; }
set { SetChildCount(value, true); }
public Vector2 ViewPort
get { return viewPort; }
set { SetViewPort(value); }
ScrollRect scrollRect;
RectTransform content;
Vector2 itemSize;
List<Transform> items;
Dictionary<int, int> contains;
List<int> outOfContains;
int scrollLineIndex; // Current first element index
int totalCount; // stay UI The number shown in ( Not multiplied by maxPerLine)
Vector2 startPos; // Where the first element is located
int startIndex; // Current rendering start coordinates
int endIndex; // Current rendering end coordinates
void Start()
maxPerLine = maxPerLine == 0 ? 1 : maxPerLine;
items = new List<Transform>();
contains = new Dictionary<int, int>();
outOfContains = new List<int>();
scrollRect = transform.GetComponent<ScrollRect>();
content = scrollRect.content;
if (content == null)
Debug.Log("ScrollRect " + scrollRect.gameObject.name + " Has No Content, Please Check And Retry.");
//viewPort = scrollRect.viewport.rect.size;
if (item != null)
content.anchorMax = new Vector2(0, 1);
content.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 1);
content.pivot = new Vector2(0, 1);
public void ReBuild()
if (scrollRect == null || content == null || item == null) return;
Vector2 maskSize = viewPort;
int count = 0;
if (arrangement == Arrangement.Horizontal)
count = Mathf.CeilToInt(maskSize.x / itemSize.x) + 1; // Number of horizontal columns
startPos = Vector2.zero;
startPos.x = marginLeft;
if (verticalAlign == VerticalAlign.Top)
startPos.y = -marginTop;
else if (verticalAlign == VerticalAlign.Middle)
startPos.y = -(maskSize.y * 0.5f - (itemSize.y * maxPerLine + (maxPerLine - 1) * rowSpace) * 0.5f);
else if (verticalAlign == VerticalAlign.Bottom)
startPos.y = -(maskSize.y - marginBottom - itemSize.y * maxPerLine - rowSpace * (maxPerLine - 1));
else if (arrangement == Arrangement.Vertical)
count = Mathf.CeilToInt(maskSize.y / itemSize.y) + 1; // Number of vertical rows
startPos = Vector2.zero;
startPos.y = -marginTop; // Reset the start node position
if (horizontalAlign == HorizontalAlign.Left)
startPos.x = marginLeft;
else if (horizontalAlign == HorizontalAlign.Middle)
startPos.x = (maskSize.x * 0.5f - (itemSize.x * maxPerLine + (maxPerLine - 1) * columuSpace) * 0.5f);
else if (horizontalAlign == HorizontalAlign.Right)
startPos.x = maskSize.x - marginRight - itemSize.x * maxPerLine - columuSpace * (maxPerLine - 1);
totalCount = count;
SetChildCount(childCount, true);
// List scrolling
private void OnValueChanged(Vector2 vec)
switch (arrangement)
case Arrangement.Horizontal:
vec.x = Mathf.Clamp(vec.x, 0, 1);
case Arrangement.Vertical:
vec.y = Mathf.Clamp(vec.y, 0, 1);
int curLineIndex = GetCurLineIndex();
if (curLineIndex != scrollLineIndex)
UpdateRectItem(curLineIndex, false);
private int GetCurLineIndex()
switch (arrangement)
case Arrangement.Horizontal:
Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Abs(content.anchoredPosition.x < 0.1f ? content.anchoredPosition.x : 0.1f - marginLeft) /
(columuSpace + itemSize.x));
case Arrangement.Vertical:
Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Abs(content.anchoredPosition.y > -0.1f ? content.anchoredPosition.y : -0.1f - marginTop) /
(rowSpace + itemSize.y));
return 0;
private void UpdateRectItem(int curLineIndex, bool forceRender)
if (curLineIndex < 0)
startIndex = curLineIndex * maxPerLine;
endIndex = (curLineIndex + totalCount) * maxPerLine;
if (endIndex >= childCount)
endIndex = childCount;
contains.Clear(); // Render sequence number
outOfContains.Clear(); //items The index of
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)// If currently rendered item Contained in the
int index = int.Parse(items[i].gameObject.name);
if (index < startIndex || index >= endIndex)
contains.Add(index, i);
// ************* Change rendering ****************
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
if (!contains.ContainsKey(i))
Transform child = items[outOfContains[0]];
int row = i / maxPerLine;
int col = i % maxPerLine;
if (arrangement == Arrangement.Vertical)
child.localPosition = startPos +
new Vector2(col * itemSize.x + (col) * columuSpace,
-row * itemSize.y - (row) * rowSpace);
child.localPosition = startPos +
new Vector2(row * itemSize.x + (row) * columuSpace,
-col * itemSize.y - (col) * rowSpace);
child.gameObject.name = i.ToString();
if (_handle != null)
_handle(child, i);
else if (forceRender)
if (_handle != null)
_handle(items[contains[i]], i);
scrollLineIndex = curLineIndex;
/// Remove all current
private void ResetChildren()
for (int i = 0; i < content.childCount; i++)
Transform child = content.GetChild(i);
// Create a new node
private RectTransform CreateItem(int index)
Transform child;
if (content.childCount > index)
child = content.GetChild(index);
GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(item) as GameObject;
obj.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
child = obj.transform;
child.gameObject.name = index.ToString();
return child as RectTransform;
// Set up resources
public void SetItem(GameObject child)
if (child == null) return;
this.item = child;
RectTransform itemTrans = child.transform as RectTransform;
itemTrans.pivot = new Vector2(0, 1);
itemSize = itemTrans.sizeDelta;
// Update the number of renderings needed
public void SetChildCount(int value, bool forceRender)
if (value < 0) childCount = 0;
else childCount = value;
if (totalCount <= 0)// Not initialized yet
if (value > items.Count && items.Count < maxPerLine * totalCount)
// The current number of grids is less than the number that should be generated
int count = items.Count;
int max = value < maxPerLine * totalCount ? value : maxPerLine * totalCount;
for (int i = count; i < max; i++)
int row = i / maxPerLine;
int col = i % maxPerLine;
RectTransform child = CreateItem(i);
if (arrangement == Arrangement.Vertical)
child.localPosition = startPos +
new Vector2(col * itemSize.x + (col) * columuSpace,
-row * itemSize.y - (row) * rowSpace);
child.localPosition = startPos +
new Vector2(row * itemSize.x + (row) * columuSpace,
-col * itemSize.y - (col) * rowSpace);
if (content == null) return;
int rc = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)childCount / (float)maxPerLine); // Set up content Size
if (arrangement == Arrangement.Horizontal)
content.sizeDelta = new Vector2(marginLeft + marginRight + itemSize.x * rc + columuSpace * (rc - 1),
if (content.sizeDelta.x > viewPort.x && content.anchoredPosition.x < viewPort.x - content.sizeDelta.x)
content.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(viewPort.x - content.sizeDelta.x, content.anchoredPosition.y);
content.sizeDelta = new Vector2(viewPort.x, marginTop + marginBottom + itemSize.y * rc + rowSpace * (rc - 1));
if (content.sizeDelta.y > viewPort.y && content.anchoredPosition.y > content.sizeDelta.y - viewPort.y)
content.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(content.anchoredPosition.x, content.sizeDelta.y - viewPort.y);
UpdateRectItem(GetCurLineIndex(), true);
// Add child nodes
public void AddChild(int index)
if (index < 0) return;
startIndex = scrollLineIndex * maxPerLine;
endIndex = (scrollLineIndex + totalCount) * maxPerLine;
SetChildCount(childCount + 1, index >= startIndex && index < endIndex);
// Delete child nodes
public void RemoveChild(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= childCount) return;
startIndex = scrollLineIndex * maxPerLine;
endIndex = (scrollLineIndex + totalCount) * maxPerLine;
SetChildCount(childCount - 1, index >= startIndex && index < endIndex);
// <summary>
// Set the display window size ( It seems that it can be abandoned now )
public void SetViewPort(Vector2 port)
if (port == viewPort) return;
viewPort = port;
// Set the row and column maximum
public void SetMaxPerLine(int max)
maxPerLine = max;
// Return to the top
public void BackTop()
content.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
UpdateRectItem(0, true);
// Go back to the bottom
public void BackBottom()
if (arrangement == Arrangement.Vertical)
content.localPosition = new Vector3(0, -viewPort.y + content.sizeDelta.y, 0);
content.localPosition = new Vector3(viewPort.x - content.sizeDelta.x, 0);
UpdateRectItem(Mathf.CeilToInt((float)childCount / (float)maxPerLine) - totalCount + 1, true);
public void RefreshViewItem()
UpdateRectItem(scrollLineIndex, true);
public void SetArrangement(int arr)
arrangement = (Arrangement)arr;
public void SetHorizontal(int h)
horizontalAlign = (HorizontalAlign)h;
public void SetVerticle(int v)
verticalAlign = (VerticalAlign)v;
public void AddChangeItemListener(Action<Transform, int> handle)
_handle = handle;
Example :
Lua Application example :
local Tool = require("Tool")
local SprogExtendWindow = {}
local mediate = nil
local gridView = nil
local extendItem = nil
local extendItemInfo = nil
local sortList = nil
local extendCfgs = nil
local rewardState =
UNFINISH = 0, -- Can claim
UNREACH = 1, -- Not achieved
FINISHED = 2, -- Have received
function SprogExtendWindow.Init(data)
mediate = data
-- establish ITEM example
ResMgr.LoadAssets("prefab", { "SprogExtendItem" },function(objs)
extendItem = objs[0]
extendItemInfo = {} -- The server sends data
sortList = {} -- The front end has been sorted , Data for display
return SprogExtendWindow
function SprogExtendWindow.InitGridView()
gridView = mediate:FindChild("Layer_Sprite/panelGroup/extendPanel/bottom/Scroll View"):GetComponent("UIGridView") -- obtain UIGridView Components
gridView.maxPerLine = 1
gridView.rowSpace = 1
-- stay ScrollView OnSwipe ,UIGridView Will recall the upcoming item, The client only needs to fill in the corresponding UI data .
-- PS: This function will keep calling , We have to consider performance , Avoid dealing with too large data
gridView:AddChangeItemListener(function(transform, index)
local index = index + 1
if sortList and sortList[index] then
local item = sortList[index]
Tool.subGetObject(transform, "time", "Text").text = item.config.time .. " " .. item.config.id
Tool.subGetObject(transform, "content", "Text").text = item.config.name
Tool.subGetObject(transform, "image", "Image").sprite = Tool.LoadImgSpriteFromAb("image", item.config.img)
SprogExtendWindow.SetStateInfo(item.state, transform)
transform:FindChild("Button").onClick = function(obj, eventData)
SprogExtendWindow.CheckExtendItemInfo(item.config.id, transform)
function SprogExtendWindow.RegistEvents()
mediate:AddClick("Layer_Sprite/panelGroup/extendPanel/top/btn_num", function ()
log(" Button 1")
mediate:AddClick("Layer_Sprite/panelGroup/extendPanel/top/btn_link", function ()
log(" Button 2")
mediate:AddClick("Layer_Sprite/panelGroup/extendPanel/top/btn_share", function ()
log(" Button 3")
function SprogExtendWindow.InitScrollView()
function SprogExtendWindow.UpdateAllExtendInfo()
-- TEST, Select temporary data
local data =
[1] = {id = 1, type = 1, time = "2020.01.01", name = " The bed ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 1, liquanNum = 99999},
[2] = {id = 2, type = 1, time = "2020.01.02", name = " front ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 2, liquanNum = 99999},
[3] = {id = 3, type = 1, time = "2020.01.03", name = " bright ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 3, liquanNum = 99999},
[4] = {id = 4, type = 1, time = "2020.01.04", name = " month ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 4, liquanNum = 99999},
[5] = {id = 5, type = 1, time = "2020.01.05", name = " light ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 5, liquanNum = 99999},
[6] = {id = 6, type = 1, time = "2020.01.06", name = " The bed ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 6, liquanNum = 99999},
[7] = {id = 7, type = 1, time = "2020.01.07", name = " front ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 7, liquanNum = 99999},
[8] = {id = 8, type = 1, time = "2020.01.08", name = " bright ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 8, liquanNum = 99999},
[9] = {id = 9, type = 1, time = "2020.01.09", name = " month ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 9, liquanNum = 99999},
[10] = {id = 10, type = 1, time = "2020.01.10", name = " light ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 10, liquanNum = 99999},
[11] = {id = 11, type = 1, time = "2020.01.01", name = " The bed ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 1, liquanNum = 99999},
[12] = {id = 12, type = 1, time = "2020.01.02", name = " front ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 2, liquanNum = 99999},
[13] = {id = 13, type = 1, time = "2020.01.03", name = " bright ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 3, liquanNum = 99999},
[14] = {id = 14, type = 1, time = "2020.01.04", name = " month ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 4, liquanNum = 99999},
[15] = {id = 15, type = 1, time = "2020.01.05", name = " light ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 5, liquanNum = 99999},
[16] = {id = 16, type = 1, time = "2020.01.06", name = " The bed ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 6, liquanNum = 99999},
[17] = {id = 17, type = 1, time = "2020.01.07", name = " front ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 7, liquanNum = 99999},
[18] = {id = 18, type = 1, time = "2020.01.08", name = " bright ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 8, liquanNum = 99999},
[19] = {id = 19, type = 1, time = "2020.01.09", name = " month ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 9, liquanNum = 99999},
[20] = {id = 20, type = 1, time = "2020.01.10", name = " light ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 10, liquanNum = 99999},
[21] = {id = 21, type = 1, time = "2020.01.01", name = " The bed ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 1, liquanNum = 99999},
[22] = {id = 22, type = 1, time = "2020.01.02", name = " front ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 2, liquanNum = 99999},
[23] = {id = 23, type = 1, time = "2020.01.03", name = " bright ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 3, liquanNum = 99999},
[24] = {id = 24, type = 1, time = "2020.01.04", name = " month ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 4, liquanNum = 99999},
[25] = {id = 25, type = 1, time = "2020.01.05", name = " light ", img = "yxdt_tx1.png", vip = 5, liquanNum = 99999}
extendItemInfo = {}
for k, v in ipairs(data) do
extendItemInfo[v.id] =
config = v, -- Local configuration
state = math.random(0, 2) -- A random state
gridView.ChildCount = #sortList -- Set up current item total
gridView:ReBuild() -- start-up UIGridView
-- Sort the data and sort
function SprogExtendWindow.OnSortAllExtendItem()
-- Press rewardState grouping , Can claim > Not achieved > Have received
local templist = {}
for index = 1, 3 do
for _,v in ipairs(extendItemInfo) do
if index == v.state + 1 then
if templist[index] == nil then
templist[index] = {}
table.insert(templist[index], v)
-- Each group by VIP Rank order
for _,v in ipairs(templist) do
table.sort(v, function (a, b)
return a.config.vip > b.config.vip
sortList = {}
for _,v in ipairs(templist) do
for _,m in ipairs(v) do
table.insert(sortList, m)
-- log(" List after sorting " .. tostring(sortList))
function SprogExtendWindow.SetStateInfo(state, obj)
local text = nil
local isInteract = nil
if state == rewardState.UNREACH then
text = " Not achieved "
isInteract = false
elseif state == rewardState.UNFINISH then
text = " Can claim "
isInteract = true
elseif state == rewardState.FINISHED then
text = " Have received "
isInteract = false
obj.transform:FindChild("Button").interactable = isInteract
Tool.subGetObject(obj, "Button/Text", "Text").text = text
function SprogExtendWindow.CheckExtendItemInfo(id, obj)
if extendItemInfo ~= nil and extendItemInfo[id] ~= nil then
local item = extendItemInfo[id]
local reqSuccess = function(www)
--local data = Json.decode(www.text).data
log(" Claim success ,data: " .. CC.uu.Dump(data))
item.state = 2
SprogExtendWindow.SetStateInfo(item.state, obj)
local reqFailed = function(err)
log(" Failed to collect :" .. tostring(err))
-- Send a request
local Url = Tool.UrlMgr.UrlMapping("", {id = id, channelId = id})
Tool.HttpPost(Url, nil, reqSuccess, reqSuccess)
function SprogExtendWindow.Destroy()
return SprogExtendWindow
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