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Documents to be used in IC design process

2022-07-06 19:18:00 ty_ xiumud


SDC(Synopsys design constraints), Design constraint file : Timing for logical synthesis and physical implementation 、 Face design constraints ( Format ), area 、 Power constraint file .
Commands related to constraints include :


LIB Timing library file .lib file :Liberty library format file , In order to .lib Final document , from Synopsys The company develops important library files for describing the timing and power consumption information of physical units .Liberty Library format is the most widely used library standard in the semiconductor industry , Almost all EDA Realization 、 Both analysis and library characterization tools use it as timing 、 noise 、 Library model exchange of power and test behavior . It is mainly used for library files integrated in timing analysis . among .bd yes DC Library files used , Can pass Library compiler take .lib The file is converted to .bd File is used to DC The synthesis of .


GDSII It is the industry standard layout data format , The geometry of the layout is described in binary format , Topological relationship , structure , Hierarchy and other layout information . It is characterized by a small amount of data , Do not read directly . The documents are usually in the form of .gds As a suffix . because GDSII Adopt binary data format , Therefore, the amount of file data is small , Confidentiality is good. , As an earlier layout data format in the industry, the file has been widely used . After the circuit designer completes the layout EDA Tool export GDSI The documents can be sent to the wafer foundry for mask making , So it has become “ from RTL To GDSI” The classic motto of the whole process of design .


LEF(library exchange format) It is a necessary library file for automatic layout and routing .


Design exchange format DEF(design exchange format) File is made up of Cadence A file format developed by the company to describe circuit physical design information , It not only contains the connection relationship of the circuit, but also describes the specific physical information of the unit and interconnection after the circuit layout and wiring .




Process technical documents (technology file)

Process technical documents (technology file) It is a technical document provided by the wafer foundry to the designer for the back-end layout design , It is also used with EDA Common files for tool interaction process information . The contents of technical documents generally include graphic definition and display information 、 Interconnection process information and through hole process information . Graphic definition display information can tell EDA How each mask layer of the tool is displayed in the tool , Including color and style ( Such as horizontal line 、 Vertical line 、 Gridlines 、 Oblique line 、 Backslash, etc ), It is convenient to distinguish each layer . Interconnection process information contains many contents , For example, the maximum processing layers of metal 、 Direction 、 Minimum line width 、 Minimum line spacing 、 Capacitance resistance 、 Size of antenna effect 、 Maximum current of metal, etc .

The mapping file

milkyway Reference Library (ref file )

Milkyway database Is a Synopsys Unified design storage format of tools .Milkyway database The basic unit of information in is cell.cell It can be in the chip I / O,standard cell, Or the physical layout of the whole chip . stay Synopsys In the tools , have access to open_mw_cel Command to open a current Milkyway database Medium cell Editing .
Milkyway database The same one cell Different representations of , be called “views”.CEL view Contains the complete layout Information ,FRAM view Contains only cell The abstract representation of is used for placement and routing.
Design Compiler Sure write_milkyway One mapped After that Milkyway databaseIC Compiler from Milkyway database Read design information and library information in , And then execute placement, clock tree synthesis and routing. You can also save the design information of different stages as Milkyway database
Milkyway tool You can read physical information in other formats (GDSII, OASIS and LEF/DEF), Save as Milkyway database, And then extract FRAM views For physical implementation .
IC Validator、PrimeRail、StarRC You can use Milkyway database Perform the corresponding work , You can also save the design as Milkyway database.


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