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U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, "exploring the vulnerability and robustness of deep learning systems", the latest 85 page technical report in 2022

2022-07-07 03:24:00 Zhiyuan community

Deep neural network makes the performance of modern computer vision system reach a new level in various challenging tasks . Although it has great benefits in accuracy and efficiency , But the highly parameterized nonlinear properties of deep networks make them very difficult to explain , It is easy to fail when there are opponents or abnormal data . This vulnerability makes it disturbing to integrate these models into our real-world systems . This project has two main lines :(1) We explore the vulnerability of deep neural networks by developing the most advanced adversarial attacks ;(2) We are in a challenging operating environment ( For example, in the scene of target recognition and joint learning in the open world ) Improve the robustness of the model . A total of nine articles have been published in this study , Each article has promoted the latest progress in their respective fields .

Deep neural networks in the field of machine learning , In particular, great progress has been made in the field of computer vision . Although most of the recent research on these models is to improve the accuracy and efficiency of tasks , But people don't know much about the robustness of deep Networks . The highly parameterized nature of deep networks is both a blessing and a curse . One side , It makes the performance level far beyond the traditional machine learning model . On the other hand ,DNN Very difficult to explain , Cannot provide an accurate concept of uncertainty . therefore , Before integrating these powerful models into our most trusted systems , It is important to continue to study and explore the vulnerabilities of these models .

We The first main line of research is to explore by making powerful adversarial attacks against various models DNN The fragility of From the perspective of attack , Confrontational attacks are not only eye-catching , And they are also a tool , So that we can better understand and explain the complex model behavior . Adversarial attacks also provide a challenging robustness benchmark , We can test it in the future . Our philosophy is , To create a highly robust model , We must start by trying to fully understand all the ways in which they may fail at present . In the 3.1 In the festival , Each job has its own motivation and explanation . In the 3.1.1 In the festival , We first discussed an early project on efficient model poisoning attacks , The project highlights a key weakness of the exposed training pipeline model . Next , We introduced a series of research projects , These projects introduce and build on the new idea of feature space attack . Such attacks have proved to be much more powerful than existing output space attacks in a more realistic black box attack environment . These papers are published in 3.1.2-3.2.4 This section deals with . In the 3.1.5 In the festival , We considered an attack background that we hadn't considered before , There is no class distribution overlap between the black box target model and the target model . We show that , Even in this challenging situation , We can also use the adjustment of our feature distribution attack to pose a major threat to the black box model . Last , The first 3.1.6 Section covers A new class of black box antagonistic attacks against reinforcement learning agents , This is an unexplored field , It is becoming more and more popular in control based applications . Please note that , The experiments of these projects 、 The results and analysis will be presented in 4.0 In the corresponding chapter of section .

We The goal of the second research direction is to directly enhance DNN The soundness of . As we detailed in the first line , At present, adversarial attacks are based on DNN Our system poses a major risk . Before we trust these models enough and integrate them into our most trusted system ( Such as defense technology ) Before , We must ensure that we take into account all possible forms of data corruption and variation . In the 3.2.1 In the festival , The first case we consider is to formulate a principled defense against data reversal attacks in a distributed learning environment . after , In the 3.2.2 In the festival , We have greatly improved automatic target recognition (ATR) The accuracy and robustness of the model in an open environment , Because we cannot guarantee that the incoming data will contain the categories in the training distribution . In the 3.2.3 In the festival , We go further , An online learning algorithm with limited memory is developed , By using samples in the deployment environment , Enhanced in an open world environment ATR The robustness of the model . Again , Experiments of these works 、 The results and discussion are included in section 4.0 Section .



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