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cocos3——8. Implementation Guide for beginners

2022-07-07 03:10:00 Full stack programmer webmaster

Hello everyone , I meet you again , I'm the king of the whole stack

1. use ClippingNode Clipping range

Write crop interface :

function createClipNode(node, stencil, inverted) {
    var clip_node = new cc.ClippingNode();
    //  Set the template node ( Is the area to be cropped )
    clip_node.stencil = stencil;
    //  Add nodes to be trimmed ( Display content )
    if (inverted != undefined) {
        //  Set reverse ( Because we need to keep the content outside the template area , Cut out the content in the area )

    clip_node._stencil = stencil;
    return clip_node;

Create a clipping node in the guide layer :

    // create clip node
    var mask = cc.LayerColor.create(cc.color(0, 0, 0, ui.mask_a), ui.screen_width, ui.screen_height);
    var stencil = cc.LayerColor.create(cc.color.GREEN, 100, 100);
    this.clip_node = createClipNode(mask, stencil, true);
    this.addChild(this.clip_node, ui.mask_z);

Here is the creation of a full screen black mask layer , Then cut it off stencil Region . To change the area , We just need to change stencil The position and size of .

Then write the trimmed function in the boot layer :

node.clipNode = function (ref) {
    this.clip_ref = ref;
    var stencil = this.clip_node.stencil;
    if (ref) {
    } else {
        // set out of screen
        stencil.setPosition(cc.p(10000, 10000));

This function uses the reference node passed in ref The anchor point 、 size 、 Position to set the properties of the template , In this way, it can be trimmed according to the reference node .

2. Simple process of guidance

For simple boot implementation , It starts at the place where the guidance starts 、 Where the guidance ends .

And when to start 、 When will it come to an end? , Suppose the quantity is small and starts 、 If the ending conditions are special ,

You can find relevant places to start and end the guidance .

The assumptions are large and the conditions are relatively general ( example button The end of the incident 、 The sliding event ends ), Be able to condition Abstract words . Then configure .

Here is a simple way , First prepare the interface to guide the start and end .

First get the last boot steps from the file stream , Used here local storage:

// local storage
var storage = {
    ls: cc.sys.localStorage,

storage.set = function (key, value) {
    this.ls.setItem(key, value);

storage.get = function (key) {
    var value = this.ls.getItem(key);
    if (value != '') {
        return value;

storage.remove = function (key) {

// global interface
var guide = {
    node: node,

// arrow: // 0 down, 1 right, 2 up, 3 left
guide.steps = [
    // 0
        name: 'btn_right',
        str: ' Please hold button, Control , Throw the sandbag into the red area .',        arrow: 1,    },    // ...];//  Get the number of steps completed in the last boot guide.cur_step = storage.get('guide') || 0;

Then prepare the interface for starting and ending boot :

guide.start = function (step) {
    if (step == this.cur_step) {
        console.log('guide start:', step, ',', this.cur_step);

        this.started = true;
        var info = this.steps[this.cur_step];

guide.end = function (step) {
    if (!this.started) {
    this.started = false;

    if (step == undefined) {
        step = this.cur_step;
    if (step == this.cur_step) {
        console.log('guide end:', step, ',', this.cur_step);

        storage.set('guide', ++this.cur_step);

guide._show = function (show) {
    if (show) {
        if (!this.node.getParent()) {
    this.node.visible = show;

above guide Inside node It is the root node of the boot interface . Boot start guide.start When , Infer that the number of steps is the current step . Just guide the current step , Configured from above steps Get the text content to be guided .

And the name of the reference node ( The reference node will be hung to guide.start The current interface being called node Under the object )、 And arrows ( written words 、 I won't say more about the arrow display ). Then update the crop region 、 According to the text 、 Arrow, etc . Add the current number of steps at the end of the boot .

When actually designing each guide , For example, in Chapter i When you walk , Go to the beginning and call guide.start(i), When the guidance is over guide.end(i) You can .

Here is a simple single line guide , For simple

Novice guidance is enough .

Copyright notice : This article is the original article of the blogger . Blog , Do not reprint without permission .

Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/116793.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn


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