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Mobile big data own website precise marketing and accurate customer acquisition

2020-11-08 21:08:00 Sanwangjun

China Mobile is one of the three major operators , The largest number of users , The number of its mobile users is China Unicom , Together with China Telecom, the number of users is 1.5 times , China Mobile has nearly 10 Billion users . among 2016-2017 Annual statistics mobile phone 4G The number of people on the Internet has reached 5.9 Billion , Not to mention now 5G The Internet is developing rapidly , The number of mobile phone users on the Internet has long exceeded 2017 Annual level .

 Mobile big data has its own website, precise marketing and accurate customers


Many businesses and industries , Already aimed at this huge mobile phone end in the network crowd , Targeted launched a lot of mobile terminals , Mobile terminal promotion website , Bidding sites and so on . Because now people are used to understanding online before buying , Search for keywords in major search engines , Pop up all kinds of promotion bidding website , Customers click to ask , There will be online answers and calls from relevant service personnel .

 Mobile big data has its own website, precise marketing and accurate customers


Although the bidding promotion website is good , But for most enterprises, their income is beyond their means , High promotion costs , Click on the cost of the enterprise is not enough , Because the mechanism of winning customers by bidding is , Customers only click on your website , Browse , And need to take the initiative to contact the website's customer service number , Or take the initiative to leave personal information in the website to obtain the data of the customer , Otherwise, it will be lost . But after all, there are very few contact information left , Most customers just click to browse .

Are visitors to their own auction promotion sites , We can only watch him lose ?

Mobile big data can be targeted at the whole industry , Each enterprise's own website carries on the real-time interception visitor , Whether it's iOS End 、 AnZhuoDuan 、 still Web End or H5 page 、 Including wechat app promotion website , Webpage , By planting web servers JS The way the code works , Real time interception of mobile phone traffic mode browsing , Click on , Visit the site's visitor data , As long as you visit, you can get , Data acquisition to the first time for desensitization encryption processing , Deploy to the outbound call system , Reach customers by dialing the middle number , Related enterprises can carry out conversion transaction .

 Mobile big data has its own website, precise marketing and accurate customers


Real time interception of visitors' data of their own websites through mobile big data , Related industries , Enterprises can reduce the loss of visitors during promotion , Precision marketing , Accurate customer acquisition .

 Mobile big data has its own website, precise marketing and accurate customers


