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Personal statement of testers from Shuangfei large factory: is education important for testers?

2022-07-07 22:55:00 Xiaowu knock code

Recently, the self-taught undergraduate examination has become popular again , Tiktok or video Number , Can brush the training advertisements of large and small institutions , For many college graduates , This is undoubtedly a good opportunity to improve your education , Because the qualification requirements of many large factory interviews are basically bachelor's degree or above , In many people's minds , A bachelor's degree is a stepping stone to a big factory .

Although in recent years, with the development of the Internet , The influence of education is weakening , The monthly salary of non undergraduate unified recruitment exceeds 10K It's not uncommon . But there are still many small partners who have been admitted to the self-taught undergraduate examination, with academic anxiety .
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Xiaobian has been asked by many students ,“ Does Dachang only recognize full-time education ?”、“ Do I have to take the postgraduate entrance examination ?” Other questions . Academic anxiety is not just an individual problem nowadays , It is becoming a kind of collective distress on the whole level of society .

If you have a low education, you really can't get started IT Has the industry changed ? In response to this question , Xiao Bian will tell you today , Education and technology for testers , In the end, what is the proportion in the workplace .

1、 The importance of Education

No matter which industry it is , Education is an unavoidable topic for people in the workplace , I'll be asked when I write my resume and interview . In many industries, there is an academic class saying that ,985,211 Despise a Book 、 Second degree , a copy 、 Second degree despises third degree , Undergraduate students look down on college students ... Compared to other industries ,IT The requirements for academic qualifications are already relatively slight . Insert picture description here
be noncommittal , A high degree can bring many benefits in job hunting , For example, the following points

1) Many choices

Actually 985、211 The difference between them is that : The school recruit , We know that the difficulty of school recruitment is much lower than that of social recruitment , Because at school , Your competitors are only the students in your same school , After entering the society , What you need to face is someone with several years of work experience “ the elderly ” People , therefore , School recruitment can be said to be a good way for fresh students to apply for a job “ Umbrella ”.

But it's also an umbrella , The specifications are very different , Some famous Internet companies often only go to 211 The above schools conduct school recruitment , So highly educated people stand in front of the starting line , Not out of school yet , A third-party agreement has been signed with a well-known large factory , Got the opportunity to practice .

2) Wider social circle

Because the starting point is different , As a result, other people in the environment with higher education are more likely to receive better opportunities , therefore , Through the internal push of seniors and sisters , Or the experience shared by predecessors , Highly educated people can often take advantage of the broad social circle to seek more opportunities for themselves . Insert picture description here
3) Promotion and pay rise are fast

We all know , In a better company , There are certain requirements for the educational background of the supervisor , Many employees have worked hard and worked hard in large companies for many years , Paid sweat and years , Looking forward to becoming a supervisor one day , Finally, because of his low education, he was robbed of the opportunity of promotion and salary increase by the airborne supervisor , Who can bear this scene ?

Education is a stepping stone , This is the consensus of many people . Without this stepping stone , Will produce empty ability , But I didn't have a chance to show my situation .

2、 Education is not equal to ability

First , We don't deny the importance of education . But for programmers, education , Is it really such a big influence ? Can't you find a job without a good education ? It's not always true , Xiaobian here is a real case to share with you :

Xiao Wang was employed last year : Graduated from college , Before learning software testing, do hardware testing , The salary is only 5K A month ,2020 Because of the epidemic, the company , Adjust the internal personnel structure and be forced to leave . Xiao Wang was caught off guard in the face of this sudden career , Technology is not solid , Not much project experience , In a worrying environment , How to find a favorite job has become a major event in his mind .

But in the end , After the study of Bo Weifeng course , Their own efforts and the help of teachers , Xiao Wang successfully joined a listed company in Shanghai , Current salary Yes 12K, It's more than double the previous job .

Your education determines your starting platform , Your starting income , Your starting life . On the whole , The starting point of undergraduate course is higher than that of junior college , The starting point of famous school students is higher than that of non famous school students . Insert picture description here
But the height one can finally reach , It's not just about education , It depends more on his ability and opportunity . As long as the ability is strong enough , Good enough , Even if the education level is lower , You can still make great achievements in life . From this point of view , There may be limits to our lives , But there is no upper limit , Even if the starting point is lower , It's also possible to jump further and higher .

Therefore, small partners with low education should not feel confused because their starting point is not as high as others , What you need to do is to make up the gap with others through your current efforts , We can break the game from the following aspects :

1) Increase project experience

All practical projects are always more convincing than achievements on paper , See excellent open source projects , Most companies give interviews , But be sure to choose projects with high gold content to show , For example, I have contributed source code to well-known open source projects , This is still very weighty .

2) Working experience in a large factory

For experienced programmers, many large factories will appropriately lower the requirements for Education . And bytes 、 Didi and others have a wider acceptance of the requirements for academic qualifications , It is highly recommended that some undergraduate colleges and universities are not very excellent students , When I was a sophomore or a junior, I tried to practice in a big factory , In this way, I have internship experience in large factories on my resume , In the future, there will be more chances to go to a better company . Insert picture description here
3、 Whether there is academic disdain in big factories ?

First of all, let me tell you the answer , There is no academic discrimination in Dachang at the official level .
After all, if in the public face, if you firmly express that you have academic discrimination , It will be regarded by the public as an incorrect attitude , We have to control public opinion through public relations , It not only damages the corporate image, but also affects recruitment , Do more harm than good .

As for the actual operation ? It's up to people , Exactly , It depends on your interviewer , Maybe it's for you HR, Group leader, etc. , It depends on your luck , After all, there is an endless stream of resumes from big companies , The corresponding number of interviewers will not be less , At this time, you are very likely to meet people who discriminate against academic qualifications .

Facing a lot of resumes , It's impossible to be completely fair , How to allocate limited resources efficiently ? Quickly filter out invalid resumes , Education is a good filter , So academic discrimination came into being , All this is due to the experience of the interviewer . Insert picture description here
An experienced interviewer knows , Which colleges and universities are more likely to pass , Which are lower , Unconsciously, when selecting resumes, they will form their own ranking list of colleges and universities .

But it doesn't mean that if you don't have a good education, you won't be able to enter a big factory , Just for this year's students , Without rich internship experience , Academic qualifications are generally easy to brush . But for those who have some work experience , Generally speaking, large factories do not require education , For example, Xiao Bian's friend Xiao Li , I have a college degree , I majored in hardware , After graduation, because I didn't like to do hardware testing , I started working in a small company , I interviewed Baidu after working for two years 、 Ali 、 Meituan and so on , The company gave him an interview , Some have passed the United States , Finally, he entered a large factory .

Although some companies HR More emphasis on Education , But most companies are still technology-based , Xiao Li said , With so many big factories , The general feeling to him is , Technology is always the last word . Will they be discriminated against because of their academic qualifications ? Meeting , however , Those companies are only a fraction , And it's not worth the effort .

4、 At the end

Xiaobian sees that people with high education break a good hand because they stop , I've also seen xuezha attack Dachang monthly income 30K The story of , Education is the key to success , Ability is the ladder to heaven .

Some abilities need self-improvement , But through subjective effort 、 It is also necessary to study hard to improve academic qualifications , in the final analysis , Education is dominant , Ability is implicit . As an excellent test engineer , We should improve our technical ability and at the same time , We can also raise our dominant conditions appropriately . Finally, I wish you all a better career in the future ~

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