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Test the foundation of development, and teach you to prepare for a fully functional web platform environment

2022-07-07 11:31:00 The elegance of testing


Today's testing industry , Various test platforms are popular , For example, there is an interface automation platform for Automation 、UI Automation platform 、Mock platform 、 Digital platform , In terms of performance, there is also the pressure testing platform 、 Monitoring platform .

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On the one hand, these platforms greatly liberate the hands of functional testing , Improved test efficiency , At the same time, it has also become a bargaining chip for the promotion and salary increase of testers . therefore , Learn and master Web The development of the platform is still very necessary .

Speaking of Web platform , The first impression of many people is headache html、css、JavaScript、jquery, Do these things need to be knocked manually one by one ? Do you want to manually adjust the style one by one ? What to do if the thing you make is ugly ?

If I say to you now , It's not as complicated as you think ,Vue and Element UI There are many beautiful and convenient front-end components for us to use , Just copy, paste and change the logic , You just need to make one CV The engineer , Then why not try it together !

Teaching a man to fish is better than giving him a fish , These articles will not teach you to do a complete function Web Come out of the platform , But it will pass the more basic and core technology to you .

With this foundation , You can easily build your high-rise building on this foundation , How many front-end components , Which one you want to use and which one , And for the back end , It's nothing more than using Django and Rest Framework Definition CURD The interface of , Practice makes perfect when you write too much .

Environmental preparation

The back end uses Django+Rest Framework+MySQL framework , Therefore, you need to install the following versions of software and packages :

# Software




#python package







The front end uses Vue+Element UI, So first install npm:


Besides, you also need one Python IDE, Such as PyCharm or VSCode.

3、 ... and . Project construction

( One ). Construction of front-end engineering

1、 Under any disk of the computer ( What I chose was D disc ) Create a web-development Empty directory for .

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2、 For the front-end framework, we use off the shelf , Go directly to gitee Go up and look for . visit :https://gitee.com/panjiachen, Found two items : One is vue-element-admin, The other is vue-admin-template, The first project is relatively comprehensive , There are many components , The author doesn't suggest doing secondary development directly on it , Therefore, a second project is provided , This is a minimalist version of the former , We are using the second one today .

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3、 Get into web-development Catalog , Use git clone Clone the second front-end project template .

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( Two ). Construction of back-end works

1、 It's also in web-development Under the table of contents , open cmd, Use command django-admin startproject Command to create a backend project . Our back-end project is called backend. After running, I found that there is one more in the directory backend Catalog , This is the automatically generated back-end project .

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2、 Use pycharm open web-development engineering , You can see that the front and rear projects are loaded .

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Four . Dependent installation

( One ). Front end dependent installation

1. Go to the front end Directory vue-admin-template Next , All front-end dependencies are placed in this directory package.json In file , We use npm install Install all dependencies ( Be careful : The author does not recommend using cnpm install install , Because there will be some strange problems , If npm install Installation is slow , You can change a Taobao image ).

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2、 After installation , If no error is reported , There will be a prompt ,added xxx packages from xxx contributors in xxx.

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( Two ). Back end dependent installation

1、 Back end recommended pipenv Create a virtual environment for environment isolation ,pipenv The installation and use method of Baidu . Here is how to create a virtual environment , Enter the virtual environment and install the dependent packages we need . First of all to enter backend Catalog , Use pipenv install Create a virtual environment . During the creation process, we will be prompted which version we use python Create a virtual environment , And the path of the virtual environment finally created .


Last : It can be in the official account : Sad spicy bar ! Get one by yourself 216 Page software testing engineer interview guide document information 【 Free of charge 】. And the corresponding video learning tutorial is free to share !, It includes basic knowledge 、Linux necessary 、Shell、 The principles of the Internet 、Mysql database 、 Special topic of bag capturing tools 、 Interface testing tool 、 Test advanced -Python Programming 、Web automated testing 、APP automated testing 、 Interface automation testing 、 Testing advanced continuous integration 、 Test architecture development test framework 、 Performance testing 、 Safety test, etc. .

I recommend one 【Python Automated test communication group :746506216】, We can discuss communication software testing together , Learn software testing together 、 Interview and other aspects of software testing , Help you advance quickly Python automated testing / Test Development , On the road to high pay .

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