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Mysql34 other database logs

2022-07-06 10:30:00 Protect our party a Yao

One . MySQL Supported logs

1.1. Log type

MySQL There are different types of log files , Used to store different types of logs , It is divided into Binary log 、 Error log 、 General query log and Slow query log , This is also commonly used 4 Kind of .MySQL 8 Two more logs are added : relay logs and Data definition statement log . Use these log files , You can see MySQL What happened inside .
this 6 Class logs are :

  • Slow query log : Record all execution times over long_query_time Of all inquiries , It is convenient for us to optimize the query .
  • General query log : Record the start time and end time of all connections , And connect all instructions sent to the database server , For the actual scenario of our recovery operation 、 Find the problem , Even the audit of database operation is of great help .
  • Error log : Record MySQL Start of service 、 To run or stop MySQL Problems with service , It is convenient for us to understand the status of the server , So as to maintain the server .
  • Binary log : Record all statements that change data , It can be used for data synchronization between master and slave servers , And the lossless recovery of data in case of server failure .
  • relay logs : Used in master-slave server architecture , An intermediate file used by the slave server to store the binary log contents of the master server . Read the contents of the relay log from the server , To synchronize operations on the primary server .
  • Data definition statement log : Record the metadata operation performed by the data definition statement .
    In addition to binary logs , Other logs are text file . By default , All logs are created in MySQL Data directory in .

1.2. The disadvantages of logging

  • The log function will Reduce MySQL Database performance .
  • Journal meeting Take up a lot of disk space .

Two . Slow query log (slow query log)

Click to see :https://blog.csdn.net/qq_43117059/article/details/124914604

3、 ... and . General query log (general query log)

The general query log is used to Record all user actions , Including startup and shutdown MySQL service 、 Connection start time and end time of all users 、 issue MySQL All of the database server SQL Instruction, etc . When our data is abnormal , View the general query log , Specific scenarios during restore operation , It can help us locate the problem accurately .

3.1. View current status


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3.2. start log :

The way 1: Permanent way :
modify my.cnf perhaps my.ini Configuration file to set . stay [mysqld] Join under group log Options , And restart MySQL service . The format is as follows :

general_log_file=[path[filename]] # Directory path of log file ,filename Is the log file name 

If you do not specify a directory and file name , The general query log will be stored in by default MySQL In the data directory hostname.log In file ,hostname hostname .
The way 2: Temporary way

SET GLOBAL general_log=on; #  Open the general query log 
SET GLOBAL general_log_file=’path/filename’; #  Set the storage location of log files 

Corresponding , Close operation SQL The order is as follows :

SET GLOBAL general_log=off; #  Close the general query log 

Check the situation after setting :

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'general_log%';

3.3. Check the log

The general query log is based on text file Stored in the file system in the form of , have access to Text editor Directly open the log file . Each station MySQL The general query log content of the server is different .

  • stay Windows Operating system , Use the text file viewer ;
  • stay Linux In the system , have access to vi Tools or gedit Tool View ;
  • stay Mac OSX In the system , You can use a text file viewer or vi Wait for tools to check .
    from SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘general_log%’; The location of the general query log can be seen in the results .
     Insert picture description here

3.4. Stop logging

The way 1: Permanent way
modify my.cnf perhaps my.ini file , hold [mysqld] Under group general_log Value is set to OFF Or the general_log Comment out one item . After modification and saving , Again restart MySQL service , Effective . give an example 1:


give an example 2:


The way 2: Temporary way
Use SET Statement stop MySQL General query log function :

SET GLOBAL general_log=off;

Query general log function :

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'general_log%';

3.5. Delete \ Refresh the log

If data is used very frequently , Then the general query log will occupy a very large disk space of the server . The data administrator can delete the query log long ago , In order to make sure MySQL Hard disk space on the server .

3.5.1. Manually delete files

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'general_log%';

It can be seen that , The directory of general query log is... By default MySQL Data directory . Manually delete the general query log in this directory .
Use the following command to regenerate the query log file , The specific command is as follows . Refresh MySQL Data directory , Found that a new log file was created . The premise is to open the general log .

mysqladmin -uroot -p flush-logs

Four . Error log (error log)

4.1. start log

stay MySQL In the database , The error log function is Default on Of . and , Error log Cannot be banned .
By default , The error log is stored in MySQL Under the data folder of the database , The name defaults to mysqld.log (Linux System ) or hostname.err (mac System ). If you need to specify a file name , You need to in my.cnf perhaps my.ini Do the following configuration in :

log-error=[path/[filename]] #path Is the directory path where the log file is located ,filename Is the log file name 

After modifying the configuration item , Need to restart MySQL Services to take effect .

4.2. Check the log

MySQL Error logs are stored as text files , You can use a text editor to view .
Query the storage path of the error log :


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In the execution result, you can see that the error log file is mysqld.log, be located MySQL The default data directory .

4.3. Delete \ Refresh the log

For error logs from a long time ago , Database administrators are unlikely to view these error logs , You can delete these error logs , In order to make sure MySQL On the server Hard disk space .MySQL The error log of is stored in the file system in the form of text file , You can delete .

mysqladmin -uroot -p flush-logs

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If appear

mysqladmin: refresh failed; error: 'Could not open file '/var/log/mysqld.log' for
error logging.

Supplementary operation :

install -omysql -gmysql -m0644 /dev/null /var/log/mysqld.log

5、 ... and . Binary log (bin log)

binlog Can be said to be MySQL Chinese comparison important The Journal of , In the process of daily development and operation and maintenance , Come across .
binlog namely binary log, Binary log file , Also called change log (update log). It records all the execution of the database DDL and DML Wait for the database update event , However, it does not contain statements that do not modify any data ( Such as data query statement select、show etc. ).
binlog Main application scenarios :

  • One is for Data recovery
  • Second, it is used for Data replication
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5.1. Check the default

Check whether binary log logging is enabled : stay MySQL8 By default , Binary files are open .

 show variables like '%log_bin%';

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5.2. Log parameter settings

5.2.1. The way 1: Permanent way

modify MySQL Of my.cnf or my.ini Log file related parameters can be set :

# Enable binary logging 

Restart MySQL service .
Settings with bin-log Log storage directory :
If you want to change the directory and name of the log file , It can be done to my.cnf or my.ini Medium log_bin The parameters are modified as follows :


Restart MySQL service . Query binary log information , Execution results :
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Be careful : The new folder needs to be used mysql user , Just use the following command .

chown -R -v mysql:mysql binlog

5.2.2. The way 2: Temporary way

If you don't want to set the binary log by modifying the configuration file and restarting , You can also use the following instructions , It is important to note that in mysql8 There are only Session level Set up , period global Level settings .

# global  Level 
mysql> set global sql_log_bin=0;
ERROR 1228 (HY000): Variable 'sql_log_bin' is a SESSION variable and can`t be used
# session Level 
mysql> SET sql_log_bin=0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01  second )

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5.3. Check the log

When MySQL When creating a binary log file , First create one to “filename” As the name 、 With “.index” A file with a suffix , Create another one to “filename” As the name 、 With “.000001” A file with a suffix .
MySQL service Restart , With “.000001” A suffix will be added to the file , And the suffix name is pressed 1 Increasing . That is, the number of log files is the same as MySQL The service starts the same number of times ; If the log length exceeds max_binlog_size Upper limit ( The default is 1GB), A new log file will be created .
View the current binary log file list and size . The instructions are as follows :


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The following command line event is represented by false SQL In the form of Show it

mysqlbinlog -v "/var/lib/mysql/binlog/zyy-bin.000004"

 Insert picture description here The previous command also displays binlog Formatted statement , Do not display it using the following command :

mysqlbinlog -v --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS "/var/lib/mysql/binlog/zyy-bin.000004"

 Insert picture description here
The previous command also displays binlog Formatted statement , Use the following command to not display it about mysqlbinlog There are many skills in using tools , For example, only operations on a library or operations within a certain time period are parsed . Share a few common sentences , For more operations, please refer to the official documents .

#  You can view the parameter help 
mysqlbinlog --no-defaults --help
#  Check out the last 100 That's ok 
mysqlbinlog --no-defaults --base64-output=decode-rows -vv zyy-bin.000004 |tail -100
#  according to position lookup 
mysqlbinlog --no-defaults --base64-output=decode-rows -vv zyy-bin.000004 |grep -A
20 '4939002

Read and take out this way binlog The full-text content of the log is more , It's not easy to distinguish and see pos Some information , Here is a more convenient query command :

 show binlog events [IN 'log_name'] [FROM pos] [LIMIT [offset,] row_count];
  • IN ‘log_name’ : Specify the binlog file name ( No designation is the first binlog file ).
  • FROM pos : Specify from which pos Start from ( Do not specify is from the entire file first pos Start at ).
  • LIMIT [offset] : Offset ( No designation is 0).
  • row_count : Total number of queries ( Not specifying is all lines ).
 show binlog events in 'zyy-bin.000004';

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What we have said above is based on binlog The default format for ,binlog Format view :

 show variables like 'binlog_format';

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besides ,binlog also 2 format , Namely Row and Mixed

  • Statement: Each one will modify the data sql It will be recorded in binlog in .
    advantage : You don't need to record every line change , Less binlog Log volume , Economize IO, Improve performance .
  • Row:5.1.5 Version of MySQL Just started to support row level Copy , It doesn't record sql Statement context information , Save only which record was modified .
    advantage :row level The log content of will record the details of each row of data modification very clearly . And there will be no stored procedures under certain circumstances , or function, as well as trigger The call and trigger of cannot be copied correctly .
  • Mixed: from 5.1.8 Version start ,MySQL Provides Mixed Format , It's actually Statement And Row The combination of .

5.4. Using logs to recover data

mysqlbinlog The syntax for recovering data is as follows :

mysqlbinlog [option] filename|mysql –uuser -ppass;

This command can be understood as : Use mysqlbinlog Command to read filename The content in , And then use mysql The command restores these contents to the database .

  • filename : Is the log file name .
  • option : optional , Two more important pairs option Parameter is –start-date、–stop-date and --start-position、–stop-position.
--start-date  and  --stop-date : You can specify the start time and end time of the recovery point of the database .
--start-position and --stop-position : You can specify the start and end locations of the recovered data .

Be careful : Use mysqlbinlog Command to restore , It must be recovered first if the number is small , for example atguigu-bin.000001 Must be in atguigu-bin.000002 Restore before .

5.5. Delete binary log

MySQL The binary files can be configured to be automatically deleted , meanwhile MySQL It also provides a safe way to manually delete binaries .PURGE MASTER LOGS Delete only the specified part of the binary log file , RESET MASTER Delete all binary log files . As follows :
PURGE MASTER LOGS: Delete the specified log file
PURGE MASTER LOGS The grammar is as follows :

PURGE {MASTER | BINARY} LOGS TO ‘ Specify the log file name ’

5.6. Other scenes

Binary logs can be accessed through the database Full volume backup And stored in binary logs Incremental information , Complete the database No loss recovery . however , If you encounter a large amount of data 、 There are many databases and data tables ( For example, the application of sub database and sub table ) Scene , Data recovery with binary log , It's very challenging , Because the starting and ending positions are not easy to manage .
under these circumstances , An effective solution is Configure master-slave database server , Even One master, many followers The architecture of , Pass the contents of the binary log file through the relay log , Synchronize to and from the database server , This can effectively avoid data anomalies caused by database failures .

6、 ... and . Let's talk about binary logs (binlog)

6.1. Write mechanism

binlog The timing of writing is also very simple , During transaction execution , First write down the journal binlog cache , When the transaction is submitted , And then binlog cache writes binlog In file . Because of a transaction binlog Can't be taken apart , No matter how big it is , Also make sure to write once , So the system allocates a block of memory for each thread binlog cache.
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write and fsync The timing of , It can be determined by parameters sync_binlog control , The default is 0 . by 0 When , Indicates that every time a transaction is committed, only write, It is up to the system to decide when to execute fsync. Although the performance has been improved , But the machine is down ,page cache Inside binglog Will lose . Here's the picture :
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For safety's sake , It can be set to 1 , Indicates that every time a transaction is committed fsync, Just as redo log The process of disc brushing is the same . Finally, there is a compromise , It can be set to N(N>1), Indicates every transaction submitted write, But cumulatively N After a business fsync.
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In the presence of IO In the bottleneck scene , take sync_binlog Set to a larger value , Can improve performance . alike , If the machine goes down , Will lose recent N A business binlog journal .

6.2. binlog And redolog contrast

  • redo log It is Physical log , The record content is “ What changes have been made on a data page ”, Belong to InnoDB Generated by the storage engine layer .
  • and binlog yes Logic log , The record content is the original logic of the statement , Be similar to “ to ID=2 In this line c Field plus 1”, Belong to MySQL Server layer .

6.3. Two-phase commit

During the execution of the update statement , Will record redo log And binlog Two logs , In basic transactions ,redo log During the execution of the transaction, you can continuously write , and binlog Write... Only when the transaction is committed , therefore redo log And binlog Of Write time Dissimilarity .
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redo log And binlog The logic between the two logs is inconsistent , What will happen ?
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because binlog If you don't finish it, it's abnormal , Now binlog There is no corresponding modification record .
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In order to solve the problem of logical consistency between two logs ,InnoDB The storage engine uses a two-phase commit scheme .
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After using two-stage submission , write in binlog When an exception occurs, it will not affect
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Another scene ,redo log Set up commit There was an exception in the phase , Will the transaction be rolled back ?
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The transaction will not be rolled back , It will execute the logic framed in the figure above , although redo log Is in prepare Stage , But through business id Find the corresponding binlog journal , therefore MySQL Think it's complete , The transaction recovery data will be committed .

7、 ... and . relay logs (relay log)

7.1. Introduce

The relay log exists only on the slave server of the master-slave server architecture . In order to be consistent with the master server , To read the contents of the binary log from the master server , And write the read information into Local log files in , The local log file from the server is called relay log . then , Read relay log from server , And update the data from the server according to the contents of the relay log , Complete the of master-slave server Data synchronization .
After setting up the master-slave server , The relay log is saved in the data directory of the slave server by default .
The format of the file name is : From the server name -relay-bin. Serial number . The relay log also has an index file : From the server name -relay-bin.index , Used to locate the relay log currently in use .

7.2. Check the relay log

The format of relay log is the same as that of binary log , It can be used mysqlbinlog Tools to view .

SET TIMESTAMP=1618558728/*!*/;
# at 950
#210416 15:38:48 server id 1 end_log_pos 832 CRC32 0xcc16d651 Table_map:
`MYSQLTEST`.`test` mapped to number 91
# at 1000
#210416 15:38:48 server id 1 end_log_pos 872 CRC32 0x07e4047c Delete_rows: table id
91 flags: STMT_END_F -- server id 1  Is the primary server , It means that the main server deleted a line of data 
# at 1040

This passage means , master server (“server id 1”) Counter table MYSQLTEST.test the 2 Step by step :

 Go to the table  MYSQLTEST.test  The number is  91  The record of , The log location is  832;
 Delete number is  91  The record of , The log location is  872.

7.3. Typical error of recovery

If the slave server goes down , Sometimes for system recovery , To reinstall the operating system , This may lead to your Server name Prior to Different . And the relay log is Contains the server name Of . under these circumstances , It may cause you to recover from the server , Unable to read data from the relay log before downtime , Thought the log file was corrupted , In fact, the name is wrong .
The solution is simple , Change the name from the server back to the previous name .


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