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Basic notes of illusory AI blueprint (10000 words)
2022-07-02 10:13:00 【Qiao'an fish】
AI principle
One 、 Three stages
AI The process of processing can be divided into three stages : perception 、 reflection 、 action
(1) perception
Yes AI Record the current status .
“ Basic filtration ” It is also a kind of perceptual behavior .
Basic filtration - If other perceptions have a higher priority , Some information will be ignored
(2) reflection
AI Use the information collected in the perception stage , Evaluate current information and goals , Point out the direction for future actions .
(3) action
According to the information in the perception stage and the decision in the thinking stage ,AI Act accordingly to information in the action phase .
After the action phase ,AI Will return to the perception stage again .
Behavior has visible , Such as jumping and running ; There are also invisible , Like correspondence
Two 、 create AI role
A role blueprint , One AI Control the blueprint
- Capsule body —— Controlling collisions
- Mesh body —— Control bones 、 Animation 、 texture of material
- Camera Boom—— Control the camera view
- Character movement component —— Control character movement 、 swimming 、 Flight and other actions
technological process
1. Make AI The blueprint
a. Copy the third person role blueprint —— Delete all nodes in the event chart ( because AI No need to input data )
b. Delete some variables related to input :“ Base rotation rate ”、“ Base pitch rate ”
c. Delete camera components :camera Boom( Camera lifting arm )、 Follow the camera
2.AI controller
a. add to AI controller - Replace the function of the player controller just deleted
b. establish AI Controller blueprint
c. open AI_ThirdPersonCharacter The blueprint ——PAWN——AI The controller class —— binding AI Controller blueprint
3、 ... and 、 Pathfinding
AI Information and data are needed to move around the scene and avoid obstacles .
Finding the way in the scene is AI Basic functions of , Not just from A-B spot .
( One ) Pathfinding principle
- Calculate the path
- Avoid obstacles
- Pathfinding grid body - To help AI Find your way in the scene . The mesh body is composed of a large number of convex polygons , Which areas are specified AI Can pass .
- Pre calculated data
Pathfinding grids are pre calculated (“ Bake ”) well , This means before the game starts , With 2D The pathfinding mesh body represented in the form of mesh body already contains scene objects and AI Collision data generated by itself . This makes the cost of pathfinding lower . For real-time experiences where the number or type of agents is uncertain , This is particularly evident .
Add a pathfinding mesh Actor
In order to make AI Use pre calculated data .
technological process
- Pattern - Pathfinding grid body (Nav Mesh Bounds Volume) Drag into the scene - “ details ” Panel adjust brush size -
Let the mesh cover AI Scenes requiring walking
The cost of pathfinding grid is low 、 Fast 、 Highly reliable , It can quickly realize the navigation function , However, the scene cannot dynamically modify the pathfinding grid body .
( Two ) Configure the pathfinding grid
1. Pathfinding grid volume adjustment
The size of the pathfinding grid does not need to be particularly accurate .
a. Show grid body : Viewport options - Show - Navigation ( Shortcut key P)
b. The default mesh body is automatically updated - Move scene objects , The pathfinding grid will be updated in real time . If the level is large , It's very performance intensive .
c.( Only for larger levels ) Turn off automatic updates - Editor preferences - Level editor - miscellaneous - Turn off automatic update navigation
d. Update manually - structure - Navigation - Build path ( Don't worry about the error messages in the log )
2. Use RecastNavMesh Adjust some attributes of the pathfinding grid body
When creating a pathfinding mesh body ,Recast The pathfinding mesh body is automatically created .
Choose RecastNavMesh, Adjust in the details panel .
- Draw offset - Raise or lower the pathfinding grid . The actual position of the mesh body will not be changed , Just change the visual effect .( It is very helpful to display the occluded area )
The default is 10.
- Navigation modifier volume (Nav Modifer Volume) - No geometry will be generated .
- Navigation grid obstacles - Show that a certain area is difficult to pass .AI This path is not preferred . The navigation grid body will not be removed .
- NavArea_Null - Remove the navigation grid body , Unable to get
- NavArea_LowHeight - Use in places with insufficient height . Unable to get .
- NavArea_Default - Can pass .
( 3、 ... and ) Navigation grid body proxy
If you want a larger size 、 swimming 、 The role of flying , Just define a new pathfinding mesh body proxy , And make corresponding settings to adapt to the new size and movement form .
- agent - Any form of autonomous entity in the scene . It refers to AI role .
- stay RecastNavMesh Adjust agent parameters , May open AI Compare and adjust the capsule parameters of the blueprint .
- Agent height - There will be insufficient height , But the passable condition . After modification , Become an impassable area .
- Increase the type and number of agents : Project settings - engine - Navigation system - agent
Four 、 Use the controller to make AI roaming
( One ) Blueprint writing roaming logic
Create a custom event for the role blueprint , Including random roaming logic - Add a function , Call custom events repeatedly in the game
technological process
a.AI action
open AI Character blueprint - stay “ Event chart ” Right click the window to create “ Custom events custom event”, Name it “random wander Random roaming ”- “ Random roaming ” Heel “ To Location Simple move Simple Move To Location” function
- “ To Location Simple move ” Two parameters of :
- Controller - The controller of the character .
- Goal - Target position expressed by vector .
- Get controller - Will get the bound object , And return the controller of the object .
b.“Get controller Get controller ” Function return value and “ To Location Simple move ” Of controller Parameter connection .
- “Get Random Reachable Point In Radius Obtain the random points that can be reached within the radius ” Parameters :
- Origin The starting point
- Radius radius - AI Within reach
- “Get Actor Location obtain Actor Location ” - Default to yourself .
c. Random roaming
“ Obtain the random points that can be reached within the radius ” Starting point is current AI The location of :“ obtain Actor Location ” Return value connection of function origin - Adjust the radius to 1000 - Return value and “ To Actor Simple move ” Of Goal Parameter connection .
d. Timer cycle
establish “begin play” event - Connected to the “set timer by event Set the timer with events ” function - random wander Random roaming events are connected to “ Set the timer with events ” Functional event Pin , Set the start time time, Check looping loop
Run the game ,AI Will be in 1.5s After random roaming
( Two ) Pathfinding grid body and GamePlay The debugger
After the game runs , Press “’” Open console .
- It can be set in the project - engine - Input - Console , Add shortcuts
Gameplay debug“ The debugger ”: test AI Can I use the pathfinding grid correctly in the game .
Run the game , Press the shortcut key to pop up Gamplay The debugger , You can see that the pathfinding grid body is constantly updating
top left corner - Corresponding button
AI Information , Behavior tree
( 3、 ... and ) Replace AI Art Resources
1. Replace AI figure
Now replace AI Model . The best type is Character instead of Actor, So that we can call pawn.
Drag the blueprint directly into the scene ,boss It is imported .
2. Adjust the animation
Write it well boss After blueprint , Find out boss Translation while moving , Instead of playing running animation .
See a very convenient debugging method from other bloggers :
find BOSS Animation blueprint - find Set is Accelerating One column
The current is the acceleration of the player obtained , Convert to vector , Then turn it into length . Greater than 0 It means accelerating .
But our boss It's a AI, No input , So you need to get the current AI The speed of :
Break vector length and 0 The judgment of the - Find the variable on the left speed, Hold down ctrl Drag in - speed And 0 Our judgments are connected
Run the game again ,boss Running animation will be played when moving .
5、 ... and 、AI perception
( One ) Vision
A. Create senses
by AI increase AI Perception components : open AI The blueprint - Add AI perception Perception components - details - AI perception , Add an array in the sensory configuration bar - The array type is AI sight Config(AI Vision configuration )
- Sensory configuration - How many arrays represent AI How many senses do you have
B. Detect by attribution - Check “ Test the middle cube ”
- The system defaults to neutral , So choose the middle cube for players to detect
- Maximum age - It's related to the last goal I saw how long ago
C. Mark the player as a stimulus , such AI Can sense .
Open the player blueprint - Add AI Perceptual stimulus component - Detail panel - AI perception - Check “ Automatically register as source ”、 Add an array 、 The type is AISense_Sight
( Two )AI Perception and Gameplay The debugger
In the use of Gameplay Before the debugger , Disable first AI Blueprint event let AI Stop moving , This helps to deal with the perception system .
A. open AI The blueprint - Yes “ The event starts running ” Press the pin of Alt To break off , Stop calling random roaming events
B. close TAA Temporary anti aliasing options : edit - Project settings - engine - Rendering - default setting - Anti aliasing method , Check “ nothing ”
- TAA Temporary anti aliasing - Will mix several frames together ,Gameplay It is difficult to observe single pixel lines such as debug lines .
C. Run the game - “‘” Call up the console - 4 Open perception information
- Sight:1 - Can be seen
- Age: How long ago did you update the information
- 0 - The latest information .
After leaving , Age begins to increase . The sphere represents the last position .
D. stay AI Adjust the value of sight radius and lost sight radius in the blueprint .
- Line of sight radius - Enter the green circle to get a view .
- Lost sight radius - Out of the pink circle, you lose your vision .
- There is a gap between the two : The transition is more natural .
- The two coincide : Will repeatedly lose and gain vision at the boundary .
( 3、 ... and ) Use AI Perceive events
A. stay AI In the blueprint , selection AI Perception Components - Add “On Target Perception Update When the target perception is updated ” event - Events will be generated in the blueprint .
- On Target Perception Update event - Capture and store AI Perceived information and the way of perception .
B. determine AI Do you see it Actor
Drag and drop Actor Pin , Promote to a variable and rename it “Perceived Actor Perceptible Actor” - Drag and drop Simulates Stimulus structure pin , add to “ interrupt AI Simulates” The breakpoint - Left click and hold B Generate Branch Branch nodes - interrupt AI Simulates Of Successfully Sensed Boolean pin and branch node “ Conditions Condition” Connect ,SET The execution pin of is connected with the execution of the branch node .
- Actor - This variable contains AI Perceived Actor References to . This reference will be used frequently in blueprints .
- Retract the pin - At break AI Simulates Click in the details panel of “ Hide unconnected pins ”
C. Lost vision , be AI Give up tracking .
Right click to create a “ Custom events Custom Event” And changed his name to “Target Lost Target loss ” - Drag Branch False Pin and connect to create a new event timer “Set timer By Event” - Target Lost Events and timers Event Connect , Act as a trigger ,time Set to 5s. Do not check cycle , Because it only triggers once . - stay “ My blueprint ” Press and hold the panel Alt key , Drag the Perceived Actor Create a variable in the blueprint . - Target Lost And Set The execution pin is connected ( Because I didn't do it for Perceived Actor Assign a new variable ,AI The perceived object will be emptied )
D. To true , Eliminate the timer
Drag Branch True Pin and create a new function “Clear and invaliate timer by handle Clear the timer with a handle and invalidate it ” - Drag and drop the return value of the timer and promote it to a variable , Renamed as Target Lost Timer.- Press... On my blueprint panel Ctrl Drag and create Target Lost Timer Variable , And clearing the timer with a handle and making it invalid handle Handle pins are connected
6、 ... and 、 Behavior tree
AI The most important part - Behavior tree .
With the help of behavior tree , It can be easily controlled and displayed AI Decision making process .
- Behavior tree : Is a kind of will AI The visualization method of decision-making model in the scene .
- Observe the visual structure of the behavior tree , You can clearly understand the execution mode and order of the behavior tree , Without knowing how each node works .
- Execution order - It is determined by the position of each node in the behavior tree . From top to bottom , From left to right .
1. Task node
A node of the behavior tree , No other nodes can be added below .
Is the end of the behavior tree branch ( But not the end of the behavior tree !).
Also known as “ Leaf nodes ”
- Task status - It is divided into : success 、 Failure 、 perform .
- Whether it fails or not , Will execute the next node . From left to right .
2. synthesis
Synthesis is AI The root of the branch . It will not execute like leaf nodes , But you can create a structure , And control the order according to the success or failure of its child nodes .
- Selector synthesis - Will execute the child nodes below it .
- Try to choose the most suitable task -
The child node returns success , Selector successful . All child nodes return failure , Selector failed .( As long as one task succeeds , The successful . All tasks failed , The failure .) - You can put the task with the highest priority on the left .
- Try to choose the most suitable task -
- Squencer synthesis - The sequence composition node will traverse the child nodes in sequence , If and only if all child nodes return success , It succeeds . If a step fails , It failed .
3. combination
Tasks and synthesis can create various methods to deal with AI act .
Don't worry about how to complete the task , Just make a decision to complete the task .
( One ) Build a behavior tree
a. Create the required resources
Create a folder in the content bar “BT_Assets” - Right click in the folder AI Create a behavior tree in the column “BT_EnemyAI”, Create another blackboard “BB_EnemyAI”
b. Make sure AI You can use the behavior tree
open AI Controller blueprint - establish “Event On Posses Event control ” event - Drag the execution pin to create “Run Behavior Tree Run the behavior tree ” function , stay BTAsset Select BT_EnemyAI Behavior tree
c. Make sure the blackboard is associated with the behavior tree
Open behavior tree , In the details panel, confirm whether the asset selects the blackboard
d. Create a variable on the blackboard to save the target location , As a new roaming destination
Switch to blackboard in the behavior tree window - Create a new one on the blackboard tab “ vector Vector” entry , Name it Target Location
e. Create a new task to encapsulate the random roaming logic written before
Create a new task in the behavior tree BTTask_BluePrintBase, Renamed as “BTT_FindNavigatableLocation” - Create a new folder to store the behavior tree task , And open the blueprint - newly build “Receive Execute AI Event receiving execution AI” - newly build “ Obtain random points within the navigable radius Get random reachable point in radius” function , Change the radius to 1000 - “ Event acceptance execution AI” The event Controlled pawn Drag pin to create “ obtain actor Location ” function - obtain actor The return value of the position is related to the function of obtaining random points within the navigable radius Origin Connect .
f. Handle the return value of random parameters
Different from the previous logic , Once the task is completed , The information contained in it will be destroyed . So pass the task to the behavior tree , Then pass it to the blackboard .
Drag to get random points within the navigable radius random location newly build “Set blackboard value as vector Set the blackboard value as a vector ” function - Drag and drop Key Pin and “ Promoted to variable ”, Renamed as Target Location Key. And make sure it is public in my panel : Because we need to operate in the behavior tree .( The name should be the same as the key in the blackboard , Otherwise, the value cannot be passed ) - Event acceptance execution AI The execution pin of the event is connected to the execution pin that sets the blackboard value as a vector .
g. Tell the behavior tree that the task has been completed
If you don't tell , The task will always be stuck here .
Set the blackboard value as the execution pin of the vector and “finish execut Complete execution ” The execution pin of the function is connected - Get the return value of the random point within the navigable radius and complete the execution success Pin to pin .
as long as AI Find random points , Just judge success .
h. Create behavior tree
Drag from the root and add a sequence Sequence synthesizer - Add another sequnce synthesis , Change the name of the detail panel to “random wander” - stay sequence Add the previously created tasks from left to right BTT_FindNavigatableLocation And changed his name to “Find suitable Location”,Target Location Key Change it to Target Location 、Move To And change the blackboard key to Target Location、Wait And change the waiting time to 3s
( Two ) Chasing players
Provide perceptual information to AI, Give Way AI Making decisions . Modify the behavior tree to control the execution process .
A. Create new blackboard keys to save information
open AI Behavior tree - blackboard - New entry object type , name Target Actor - Detail panel , Key type > Base class , Change it to Actor type - Create a new Boolean entry , name Has Line Of Sight
B. adjustment AI controller , The blackboard keys can be updated according to the changes of the sensing system
open AI controller , Create some auxiliary functions to handle blackboard keys :
1. Update the blackboard numerical function
Add functions in my blueprint panel , Name it “Update Target Actor Key” - On the details panel , Enter a segment to add an entry . The type is Actor, Name it Target Actor - Create a new variable in the blueprint “ Get blackboard keys Get Blackboard” - Drag the pin to create a new function “Set Value As Object Set the value as an object ”, Drag and drop Key name Promoted to variable “Target Actor Name”( The blackboard keys associated with the behavior tree are the same ). Detail panel > Variable > Category , Create a new category Key Names
Set up Target Actor Name The default value of : It needs to be consistent with the name of the blackboard key , The safest way is to copy and paste .
Open the blackboard , Copy Target Actor name , Paste the Target Actor Name The default value of .
Update Target Actor Key Of Target Actor Pin and Set Value As Object Of Object Value Connected to a , The execution pin is connected .
2. preservation AI Perception information function
Add functions in my blueprint panel , Name it Update Has Line Of Sight Key - On the details panel , Enter a segment to add an entry . The type is Boolean, Name it Has Line Of Sight - Create a new variable in the blueprint “ Get blackboard keys Get Blackboard” - Drag the pin to create a new function “Set Value As Bool Set the value to Boolean ”, Drag and drop Key name Promoted to variable “Has Line Of Sight Name”( The blackboard keys associated with the behavior tree are the same ). move Key Name Category .
Set up Has Line Of Sight Name The default value of :
Open the blackboard , Copy Target Actor name , Paste the Target Actor Name The default value of .
Update Has Line Of Sight Key Of Has Line Of Sight Pin and Set Value As Bool Of Bool Value Connected to a , The execution pin is connected .
C. utilize On Target Perception Update Event to update the new blackboard key
When the perception status is updated , The corresponding blackboard key will also be updated .
To access the new function , To get AI Reference to the controller .
1.Update Target Actor Key To show Target Lost event
open AI The blueprint - newly build get controller function - Change the generic reference to AIC_ThirdPersonCharacter: Drag and drop get controller The return value of , newly build cast to AIC_ThirdPersonCharacter“ Type conversion to AIC_ThirdPersonCharacter” - For clarity and understanding ,“ Type conversion to AIC_ThirdPersonCharacter” Right click “ Convert to pure type conversion ” . Drag and drop As AIC_ThirdPersonCharacter Pin call Update Target Actor Key - Target Lost Connect the execution pin of the setting node with Update Target Actor Key The execution pin of is connected
( When there is no goal Actor when ,Update Target Actor Key No parameters will be provided )
2.Has Line Of Sight Key Expressed as “ false ” The case when
Use functions to put Has Line Of Sight Key Set to false :
Copy get controller、 Type conversion to AIC_ThirdPersonCharacter Two functions - ye As AIC_ThirdPersonCharacter Pin call Update Has Line Of Sight Key - Connect the execution pin of the setting node with Update Has Line Of Sight Key The execution pin of is connected ( avoid Update Has Line Of Sight Key Check Has Line Of Sight)
3. Using the above two functions, it is expressed as “ really ” The case when
here AI You can see players .
Copy these two functions
For true execution pins and Update Target Actor Key The execution pin of is connected . On my blueprint panel ctrl Drag and drop Percevied Actor The function is assigned to Update Target Actor Key Of Target Actor - Update Target Actor Key The execution pin of is connected with Update Has Line Of Sight Key The execution pin of is connected , Check Has Line Of Sight
summary : Blackboard key is to provide information to behavior , Don't make any decisions . The behavior tree is responsible for making decisions .
D. Piecing together the behavior tree
Open behavior tree - The first synthesizer is replaced by Slector , Random walk is placed on the right - Create a new sequence under the selector Sequncer, And changed his name to “ Chasing players ” - New under the chase player sequence Move to Mission , And in the details > blackboard > Blackboard key , Change it to Target Actor - newly build Wait Mission , And change the time to 1s.
- Wait Mission - It is usually followed by a 1s Of wait Mission , To avoid AI Quickly browse through multiple sequences , It will be natural .
Use decorators to control how branches are executed ( Only the current need to set goals Actor Only when ):
Chasing player sequencer > Right click > Add decorators >BlackBoard - The decorator is named Is A Target Actor Set?, Describe the node name clearly , Help to understand - Configure decorator , Control the execution process : Blackboard key selection Target Actor, Inform the observer when the selection result changes 、 Observer abort selection Both
- Blackboard segmentation - Allow to define the desired result
- Flow control segmentation - Allow control to observe the desired results , What happens when the process is executed .
- Notify observer
- When the result changes -( Default ) Key query results change , It will be executed according to the content aborted by the observer .
- Value changes - When the target Actor When the key changes , Implement process changes .
- Observer aborts
- None( Default ) - Do not abort any operation
- Self - Stop yourself
- Low Priority - Abort low priority sequence
- Both - Both sequences abort
- Notify observer
( 3、 ... and ) Test behavior tree
Track the execution process of the behavior tree in the fastest and most effective way .
A. Debug behavior tree information
Put players in AI Where you can't see - Run the game - Open behavior tree , selection AIC_ThirdPersonCharacter - Select random roaming wait,F9 Set a breakpoint . You can also use return to execute the previous node .
As the behavior tree becomes more complex , The better to use this function .
B. Use Gameplay Observe the behavior tree
If you leave the bag , Or the screen is limited , You can use Gameplay The debugger .
Run the game - open gameplay The debugger - Press 1 hide AI Information , Only show behavior tree information - Pause the game to observe the specific process information 、 Blackboard information
7、 ... and 、EQS Environment query system
EQS(Environment Query System) - Give Way AI Can take into account a variety of environmental factors .
( One ) Create the first one EQS Inquire about
Create a AI Food of interest Actor, Put in the level . Then build EQS Query to help AI Locate the source of food .
A. Create food
Create a new one EQS Folder - Right click inside the folder > Blueprint class > Create a Actor The blueprint , Renamed as FoodSource - Open the blueprint , Create a new one in the component panel CUBE Cube components - On the right detail panel > Collision > Collision preset , Choose no collision - hold Z Change the axis coordinates to 70,( Help to put in the level map ) - Drag food into the map
- Nocollison - Avoid and Actor Collision affects the pathfinding mesh , Thereby affecting AI motion .
B. add to EQS Inquire about the source of food
stay EQS Right click in the folder > Artificial intelligence > Create an environment to query assets , Change of name Find Closet Food Resource - Open the environment query editor , Drag the root node to create Actors Of Class generator - Detail panel > Generator segment : The search of Actor Category selection FoodResource, Uncheck the “ Radius generation only Actor” - Actors Of Class Right click to add Distance test , On the details panel : The purpose of the test is to score only , The scoring factor is -1
- Radius generation only Actor - If it is a large level , Better check .
- Less preference - Each food source will be based on AI Distance to score , Prefer fewer scores , That's the latest .
C. Use in the behavior tree EQS
Create a blackboard key to store the nearest food source , Then use the decorator to decide AI It's chasing players 、 Random roaming 、 Search for food .
Open behavior tree - Create a new one on the blackboard page Object entry , Renamed as TargetFoodResource, The base class is FoodResource - On the behavior tree page , Add one Sequence Sequence , Renamed as FindFood - Drop down sequencer add Run EQSQuery Mission . details >EQS>EQS request : Query template selection Find Closet Food Resource, Select the single best project for operation mode .( Query only scores , Multiple items will be returned . So choose a single ) Set the blackboard key to TargetFoodResource. - Pull down to create Move To Task Mission , Select the blackboard key TargetFoodResource - Drop down to add Wait Mission , The waiting time is changed to 1s.
( Two ) Make decisions based on hunger
give AI Reasons for searching for food , Avoid searching only for food , This is more natural .
Create a service in the behavior tree , Modify the hungry blackboard key > Through services, the degree of hunger increases > The decorator decides which sequence to execute .
A. Create hungry blackboard key
Open behavior tree , Switch to the blackboard page - Create a floating point entry , Naming Hunger - Create a new service on the behavior tree page - Rename the service in content manager to BTS_Hunger, New folder Service, Put in service - Create a new variable in the service editor HungerKey, Change to public ( This can be modified in other behavior trees ), Change the variable type to BlackboardKey
B. Write a blueprint for hunger Services
newly build Event Receive Tick AI Event reception AI event - Hold down Ctrl hold HungerKey Drag into the event chart - Drag and drop HungerKey Pin new Get BlackBoard Value as Float Take the blackboard value as a floating-point number acquisition function - Drag and drop Get BlackBoard Value as Float Return value new Float+Float Floating point numbers + Floating point numbers , Drag pin to promote to variable , Renamed as Hunger Increase Rate, Change to public - Drag and drop Float+Float newly build Clamp Float Limit floating-point functions .
- Tick Event - Whenever the service of the behavior tree is updated , This event will trigger .
- Add the hunger value to the increasing rate - It means that hunger has changed in this frame , Limits 0-1
Store the above values in the blackboard :
Copy HungerKey - Drag to create Set BlackBoard Value as Float, Limit the return value of floating point to its Value Connect - Event Receive Tick AI Execute pin and Set BlackBoard Value as Float Perform pin connection .
C. Add services to the behavior tree
I hope the service will run all the time , So put it in the selector
Selectors > Add service >BTS_Hunger - Adjust in the detail panel - Default segmentation :KEY selection Hunger, The increasing rate is changed to 0.1; - Service segment : Remove random deviations , Interval changed to 1.
Change the execution order of the behavior tree :
FindFood Add a blackboard decorator - Key choice Hunger, Key value =1, Change the name to whether the hunger value is maximum ?
- achieve 1 Stop when FindFood Sequence
D. Reset hunger :
At present, once food is found, it will be repeated FindFood Sequence .
Create a new base class task , Renamed as BTT_SetFloatKey, Put it in the task folder - Create a new variable in the editor FloatKey, Make it public . The variable type is blackboard key . - Create another variable FloatValue, The type is floating point number , Open - newly build Event Receive Execute AI Event receiving execution AI event - Hold down ctrl Drag the FloatKey Into the blueprint , Drag pin to create Set BlackBoard Value As Float - Hold down ctrl Drag the FloatValue Into the blueprint , And Set BlackBoard Value As Float Of Value Connect - Event Receive Execute AI Execute pin and Set BlackBoard Value As Float Perform pin connection - newly build Finish Excute function , Check Success.Set BlackBoard Value As Float The execution pin is connected to it
Add the new task as a tree :
stay FindFood Add below SetFloatKey Mission , And set the value to 0
( 3、 ... and ) the second EQS - Ambush
Custom scenarios .
a. Create a new scenario for EQS Inquire about
Right click - The blueprint - newly build Env Query Context_BlueprintBase( Environment query scenario blueprint foundation ), Renamed as EQSC_player - stay EQS Create a new folder in the folder Contexts scene , hold Env Blueprints move in
b. Create a blueprint
The purpose of this scenario is to find players , And as new Actor, So you can overwrite existing functions .
My blueprint > function > heavy load > Provide a single Actor - newly build Get Player Character, Return value and Resulting Actor Connect .
Now you can create EQS The query .
c. Ambush EQS
Create a new environment query , Naming EQS_HideNearPlayer - Drag the root node in the editor , newly build Point Grid generator , Grid size 1200, interval 300,EnvQueryContext_Querier stay Querier Generated around .
- Principle of grid point generator : Inquire about AI There are many points around as starting points , Gradually shrinking , Until a point . Larger and more dispersed are more suitable for ambush .
remove AI It will reach the point that players can see :
Add tests to the generator Trace track - Just filter ( This task cannot judge the best ), Situation selection EQSC_player
- principle - A ray will be added to players and grid points , If hit , This point will be removed .
Pick the point closest to the player :
add to Distance test - Score only , Score factor =-1
Make sure AI Reachable location :
Points with high scores may not pass , Screen out the reachable points . A navigation path can be generated between the player and the grid .
add to PathFinding test - Filtering and scoring - Situation selection EnvQueryContext_Querier
d. Join the behavior tree
The chase sequence is changed to the hide sequence .
Open behavior tree - Instead of chasing players, hide players - newly build Run EQS Query Task and place it on the far left - Blackboard key Target Location, Query template EQS_HideNearPlayer
Move To The task blackboard key is changed to Target Location
( Four )EQS test Pawn
Use EQS test Pawn You can iterate quickly in the editor 、 Test the query , You don't need to run the game over and over .
stay EQS Folder new EQSTestingPawn The blueprint , Change of name EQS_MyTestingPawn - Drag into the level , Place on the ground - Detail panel >EQS> Query template , choice EQS_Find Closet Food Resource
You can see the number on the top of the food , That is EQSPawn Score , Move Pawn, The score will change .
Replace with EQS_HideNearPlayer, You can see that there are too many effective points , Because I didn't start running the game . Modify the scenario to use test Pawn Not player characters .
open contexts The folder EQSC_playecontext The blueprint - Hold down ALT Click to get the return value of the player character and disconnect , Without deleting the node .( At the end of the demonstration, you have to re represent the player characters in the scene ) - Let the situation show EQS test Pawn. because Pawn Will be queried Actor, So use Provide Single Actor Reference provided by function - Drag and drop Querier Actor newly build EQS_MyTestingPawn, Right click pure type conversion , Return value and Resulting Actor Connect .
Click again on the Pawn, Find grid point changes
- Blue - Filtered out by tracking tests
- green - Ambush point
Changing query mode to single best project , Show the best :
Want more details , Each test must be checked one by one :
Debug drawing steps Step to Debug Draw - The number of steps is related to the execution order of the tests in the generator .
open EQS_HideNearPlayer, Compare each test and the results .
Reset the scenario for game testing : recovery EQS_PlayerContext
( 5、 ... and )EQS GamePlay The debugger
If the game has already started , Use Gameplay The debugger , close AI、 Behavior tree information , Press 3 open EQS Information .
Press the keypad “/”, You can see the situation of each scoring point .
8、 ... and 、 Compare UE4 Of AI Implementation and AI theory
One 、 perception
- Navigation system - A special sense outside the sensory system . allow AI Perceive static obstacles when going to the location . It can also be perceived that it occupies an area before encountering obstacles .
- Sensory classification - Anything that can be AI The content covered by the sensory system comes down to this :
- Other senses added through the perception system
Two 、 reflection
- Behavior tree
- blackboard
3、 ... and 、 action
- Behavior tree task
- Move
- Play animation
- Make a sound
- To the other AI Send a message
Four 、AI Connect the system
- Action returns to the senses
- When the behavior tree task is completed , Will complete the sequence , Then re evaluate the decorator .
- Be careful : Due to the characteristics of behavior tree and perception system , This event based system can trigger independently , Without running in a loop .
- When planning the macro task process , This method can put AI Process modularization
Nine 、 expand
One 、 Improve your senses
- by AI Add more senses :
- auditory
- Adjust sensory priorities
- auditory
- enhance AI The ability to perceive the environment :
- Use navigation links , Give Way AI Jump off the ramp
- stay EQS Query add more detection , Make it more refined :
- Add dot product test for existing hidden points , Let the point on the ground face a specific direction , Give Way AI Hide only in front of players
Two 、 Improve thinking
- Explore simple parallax
- stay AI When moving to the player , Whether it is within the range of melee
- Explore existing decorator types
- condition loop
- Cooling time
3、 ... and 、 Improvement action
- by AI Add a search behavior
- Start searching when you can't see the player
- Build a simple patrol system
- Create a separate patrol object , They store the information of points in various scenes , Give Way AI Use them to find the next point
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