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Pychart ide Download

2022-07-07 16:58:00 God port

Download address

Official website address :https://www.jetbrains.com/
 Insert picture description here
Here we download the community version , This version is free

Installation steps

If you fail , See if there is enough disk space
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
Go straight to the next step

Create a project

Here we didn't start downloading py, Here we let ide download , This article chooses python 3.10
 Insert picture description here
Here we check the global package , After selection , I'll make a copy myself later py Local library , Avoid reinstallation .
 Insert picture description here
Then start downloading for us python3.10, After downloading, as shown in the figure below
 Insert picture description here
Then we can find python Download address , Here's the picture

 Insert picture description here
Additional libraries will be added to the following folder
 Insert picture description here


Of course, you can also download python Corresponding version , Back through IDE Add compilation environment , This article is the simplest tutorial


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