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MNIST Handwritten Digit Recognition - From Perceptrons to Convolutional Neural Networks
2022-08-04 06:19:00 【Learning Adventures】
A method to replace the model network structure,How to build a convolutional neural network.
The previous section implemented handwritten digit recognition using a ten-output node perceptron model,But training100个epoch之后,also only achieved0.8037的准确率,If try to adjustmax_epochs、损失函数、Gradient descent method or learning rate,It will be found that the accuracy rate is still difficult to increase.用一句俗话来说,The underlying logic remains unchanged,Just do some superficial work,It is always difficult to make a big improvement. 这种情况下,Perhaps you can consider replacing the underlying logic of the model——网络结构了.
1. 加载并处理数据集
Reuse what was saved in the previous sectionload_data_all函数和process_dataset函数,Load and process the full handwritten digit recognition dataset.
import os
import sys
import moxing as mox
datasets_dir = '../datasets'
if not os.path.exists(datasets_dir):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(datasets_dir, 'MNIST_Data.zip')):
os.path.join(datasets_dir, 'MNIST_Data.zip'))
os.system('cd %s; unzip MNIST_Data.zip' % (datasets_dir))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../datasets/MNIST_Data'))
from load_data_all import load_data_all
from process_dataset import process_dataset
mnist_ds_train, mnist_ds_test, train_len, test_len = load_data_all(datasets_dir) # 加载数据集
mnist_ds_train = process_dataset(mnist_ds_train, batch_size= 60000) # 处理训练集
mnist_ds_test = process_dataset(mnist_ds_test, batch_size= 10000) # 处理测试集
2. 构建CNN网络和评价函数
The evaluation function directly reuses the code from the previous section,The network structure part needs to be adjusted greatly,代码如下,Please refer to the code comments for specific meanings.
import mindspore
import mindspore.nn as nn
import mindspore.ops as ops
from mindspore.common.initializer import Normal
class Network(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self, num_of_weights):
super(Network, self).__init__()
# Convolution 1
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=16,
kernel_size=5, pad_mode='valid',
stride=1, padding=0) # 卷积层1,输入为1个通道,输出为16个通道,卷积核大小为5,滑动步长为1,不做边缘填充
# Convolution 2
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=16, out_channels=32,
kernel_size=5, pad_mode='valid',
stride=1, padding=0) # 卷积层2,输入为16个通道,输出为32个通道,卷积核大小为5,滑动步长为1,不做边缘填充
# Fully connected
self.fc = nn.Dense(32 * 4 * 4, 10, weight_init= Normal(0.02)) # 全连接层1,输入维度为32*4*4,输出维度为10
self.relu = nn.ReLU() # 激活层,使用卷积网络中最常用的ReLU激活函数
self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2) # 最大池化层
self.flatten = nn.Flatten()
def construct(self, x):
# Convolution 1
out = self.conv1(x) # 卷积
out = self.relu(out) # 激活
out = self.maxpool(out) # 池化
# Convolution 2
out = self.conv2(out) # 卷积
out = self.relu(out) # 激活
out = self.maxpool(out) # 池化
# Fully connected 1
# out = out.view(out.size(0), -1) # 输入到全连接层之前需要将32个4*4大小的特性矩阵拉成一个一维向量
out = self.flatten(out)
out = self.fc(out) # 计算全连接层
return out
def evaluate(pred_y, true_y):
pred_labels = ops.Argmax(output_type=mindspore.int32)(pred_y)
correct_num = (pred_labels == true_y).asnumpy().sum().item()
return correct_num
3. 定义交叉熵损失函数和优化器
Reuse the previous section
# 损失函数
net_loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True, reduction='mean')
# 创建网络
network = Network(28*28)
lr = 0.01
momentum = 0.9
# 优化器
net_opt = nn.Momentum(network.trainable_params(), lr, momentum)
4. 实现训练函数
Reuse the previous section
def train(network, mnist_ds_train, max_epochs= 50):
net = WithLossCell(network, net_loss)
net = TrainOneStepCell(net, net_opt)
for epoch in range(1, max_epochs + 1):
train_correct_num = 0.0
test_correct_num = 0.0
for inputs_train in mnist_ds_train:
output = net(*inputs_train)
train_x = inputs_train[0]
train_y = inputs_train[1]
pred_y_train = network.construct(train_x) # 前向传播
train_correct_num += evaluate(pred_y_train, train_y)
train_acc = float(train_correct_num) / train_len
for inputs_test in mnist_ds_test:
test_x = inputs_test[0]
test_y = inputs_test[1]
pred_y_test = network.construct(test_x)
test_correct_num += evaluate(pred_y_test, test_y)
test_acc = float(test_correct_num) / test_len
if (epoch == 1) or (epoch % 10 == 0):
print("epoch: {0}/{1}, train_losses: {2:.4f}, tain_acc: {3:.4f}, test_acc: {4:.4f}".format(epoch, max_epochs, output.asnumpy(), train_acc, test_acc, cflush=True))
5. 配置运行信息
The hardware specification selected here is GPU
from mindspore import context
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target="GPU") # 当选择GPU时mindspore规格也需要切换到GPU
6. 开始训练
import time
from mindspore.nn import WithLossCell, TrainOneStepCell
max_epochs = 100
start_time = time.time()
print("*"*10 + "开始训练" + "*"*10)
train(network, mnist_ds_train, max_epochs= max_epochs)
print("*"*10 + "训练完成" + "*"*10)
cost_time = round(time.time() - start_time, 1)
print("训练总耗时: %.1f s" % cost_time)
**********开始训练********** epoch: 1/100, train_losses: 2.3024, tain_acc: 0.1307, test_acc: 0.1312 epoch: 10/100, train_losses: 2.3004, tain_acc: 0.1986, test_acc: 0.1980 epoch: 20/100, train_losses: 2.2937, tain_acc: 0.3035, test_acc: 0.3098 epoch: 30/100, train_losses: 2.2683, tain_acc: 0.3669, test_acc: 0.3754 epoch: 40/100, train_losses: 2.1102, tain_acc: 0.4212, test_acc: 0.4290 epoch: 50/100, train_losses: 1.0519, tain_acc: 0.7415, test_acc: 0.7551 epoch: 60/100, train_losses: 1.3377, tain_acc: 0.7131, test_acc: 0.7190 epoch: 70/100, train_losses: 0.9068, tain_acc: 0.7817, test_acc: 0.7888 epoch: 80/100, train_losses: 0.4193, tain_acc: 0.8732, test_acc: 0.8843 epoch: 90/100, train_losses: 0.3339, tain_acc: 0.9000, test_acc: 0.9069 epoch: 100/100, train_losses: 0.2796, tain_acc: 0.9177, test_acc: 0.9219 **********训练完成********** 训练总耗时: 261.2 s
从上面输出可以看出,使用lenet网络,Train the same batch,准确率达到了92%,有了不小的提升.
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