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[local differential privacy and random response code implementation] differential privacy code implementation series (13)
2022-07-04 14:53:00 【Porridge porridge girl's wind up bird】
Differential privacy code implementation series ( 13、 ... and )
Let me write it out front
When books come to school, they feel shallow , We must know that we must do it .
1、 Gradient descent is a method to reduce the loss by updating the model according to the gradient of loss . Gradient is like a multidimensional derivative : For functions with multidimensional inputs ( Such as the loss function above ), The gradient reflects the change speed of the output of the function relative to each dimension of the input . If the gradient is positive in a particular dimension , It means that if we increase the model weight of this dimension , Then the value of this function will increase ; We hope the loss will be reduced , So we should modify our model by moving in the opposite direction of the gradient , That is, do something opposite to the gradient . Because we move the model in the opposite direction of the gradient , So this is called gradient descent .
2、 Generally speaking , More training iterations can improve accuracy , But more iterations require more computing time . Most are used to make large-scale deep learning practical " skill " In fact, it is to speed up each iteration of gradient descent , In order to perform more iterations in the same time .
3、 Our goal is to make the final model not show any information about a single training example . The only part of the algorithm that uses training data is gradient calculation . One way to make the algorithm have differential privacy is to add noise to the gradient itself before updating the model at each iteration . This method is usually called noise gradient reduction , Because we add noise directly to the gradient .
4、 There are two main challenges . First , Gradient is the result of average query , It is the average of many gradients for each example . As we've seen before , It is best to split such queries into sum queries and count queries . It's not hard to do , We can calculate the sum of the gradients for each example , Not their average , And then divide by the noise count . secondly , We need to bind the sensitivity of each sample gradient . There are two basic ways : We can analyze the gradient function itself ( As we did in the previous query ) To determine its worst-case global sensitivity , Or we can enforce sensitivity by tailoring the output of the gradient function ( As we did in samples and aggregations ).
5、 Each iteration of the gradient clipping algorithm meets ( ϵ , δ ) (\epsilon, \delta) (ϵ,δ)- Differential privacy , We perform an additional query to determine that ϵ \epsilon ϵ- Differential privacy noise count . If we implement k k k iteration , Then through sequential combination , Algorithm satisfaction ( k ϵ + ϵ , k δ ) (k\epsilon + \epsilon, k\delta) (kϵ+ϵ,kδ)- Differential privacy . We can also use advanced combinations to analyze the total privacy cost ; What's better is , We can convert the algorithm into Rényi Differential privacy or zero set differential privacy , And get strict restrictions on privacy costs .
6、 Our previous method is very general , Because it makes no assumptions about the behavior of gradients . However , Sometimes we do know something about the behavior of gradients . especially , A large class of useful gradient functions ( Including the gradient of logical loss we use here ) Lipschitz continuous , This means that they have bounded global sensitivity .
7、 Tailoring training examples rather than gradients has two advantages . First , Estimate the proportion of training data ( So as to choose a good cutting parameter ) It is usually easier to estimate the scale of the gradient to be calculated during training . secondly , It is more computationally efficient : We can cut a training example , And reuse the tailored training data every time you train the model . Use gradient clipping , We need to trim each gradient during training . Besides , We are no longer forced to calculate the gradient of each example , So that we can cut them , contrary , We can calculate all gradients at once , This can be done very effectively ( This is a common skill in machine learning , But we won't discuss it here ).
8、 Can reasonably be expected , ϵ \epsilon ϵ The smaller the value of , The lower the accuracy of the model ( Because this is the trend of every differential privacy algorithm we have seen so far ). This is the truth , But there is also a slightly more subtle trade-off , This is due to the composition we need to consider when performing multiple iterations of the algorithm : More iterations mean greater privacy costs . In the standard gradient descent algorithm , More iterations , It usually produces better models . In our differential privacy version , More iterations may make the model worse , Because we have to use smaller for each iteration ϵ \epsilon ϵ, Therefore, the scale of noise will rise . In differential privacy machine learning , It is important to strike a proper balance between the number of iterations used and the scale of noise added ( Sometimes it is very challenging ).
Local differential privacy
up to now , The model mentioned above only considers the central model of differential privacy ( I prefer to call it central differential privacy ~), Sensitive data is collected in a single data set .
In this setting , We assume that the analyst is malicious , But there is a trusted data manager who holds the data set and correctly implements the differential privacy mechanism specified by the analyst .
This setting is usually unrealistic . in many instances , Data managers and analysts are the same , In fact, there is no trusted third party to save data and execution mechanism .
in fact , The organizations that collect the most sensitive data are often the ones we don't trust , Of course, such an organization cannot act as a trusted data manager .
An alternative to the central model of differential privacy is the local model of differential privacy , Where the data becomes differential privacy before leaving the control of the data subject .
for example , You may send the data on the device to the data management organization , First add noise to the data . In the local model , Data managers don't need trust , Because the data they collect has met the requirements of differential privacy .
therefore , Compared with the central model , Local models have a huge advantage : Data subjects in addition to themselves , No need to trust others .
This advantage makes it very popular in real-world deployment , Including the deployment of Google and apple .
Unfortunately , The local model also has an obvious disadvantage : Under the central differential privacy , For the same privacy cost as the same query , The accuracy of query results in local models is usually several orders of magnitude lower .
This huge loss of accuracy means that only a few query types are suitable for local differential privacy , Even for these query types , It also requires a large number of participants .
In this blog , We will see two mechanisms for local differential privacy . The first is called (randomized response) random response , The second is called (unary encoding) Unary code .
random response
1965 year S. L. Warner The random response mentioned in this paper is a local differential privacy mechanism .
at that time , This technology aims to improve the bias in the survey responses to sensitive issues , And it was not initially proposed as a mechanism for differential privacy . After developing differential privacy , Statisticians realize that this existing technology has met the definition .
Dwork and Roth A variant of random response is proposed , The data subject answers " yes " or " no " problem , As shown below :
1、 Flip a coin ~
2、 If the coin is on the obverse ( A head ), Please answer the question truthfully .
3、 If the coin is on the reverse , Please toss another coin .
4、 If the second coin is positive , answer " yes ", Otherwise answer " no ".
The randomization in this algorithm comes from two coin flips . Like all other differential privacy algorithms , This randomization creates uncertainty about the true answer , The real answer is the source of privacy .
The fact proved that , This random response algorithm satisfies ϵ \epsilon ϵ- Differential privacy ϵ = log ( 3 ) = 1.09 \epsilon = \log(3) = 1.09 ϵ=log(3)=1.09.
Let's work for a simple " yes " or " no " Problem implementation algorithm :" Your occupation is ’ sales ’ Do you ? We can do it in Python Use in np.random.randint(0, 2)
, The result is 0 or 1.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
adult = pd.read_csv("adult_with_pii.csv")
def laplace_mech(v, sensitivity, epsilon):
return v + np.random.laplace(loc=0, scale=sensitivity / epsilon)
def pct_error(orig, priv):
return np.abs(orig - priv)/orig * 100.0
def rand_resp_sales(response):
truthful_response = response == 'Sales'
# First coin toss
if np.random.randint(0, 2) == 0:
# If you throw the front and answer the correct answer
return truthful_response
# Second coin toss
return np.random.randint(0, 2) == 0
Let's make 200 People who work in sales use random responses to answer , And look at the results .
pd.Series([rand_resp_sales('Sales') for i in range(200)]).value_counts()
What we see is that , We get " yes " and " no ", but " yes " Than " no " It is more important .
This output shows two features of the differential privacy algorithm we have seen : It includes uncertainty , This protects privacy , But it also shows enough signals , So that we can infer something about people .
Let's try the same thing on some actual data . We will get all the occupations in the U.S. census data set that we have been using , And for every profession " Your occupation is ’ sales ’ Do you ?" Code the answer to the question .
In the actual deployed system , We will not collect this data set at all . contrary , Each respondent will run locally rand_resp_sales
, And submit its random response to the data manager . For experiment , We will run on existing datasets rand_resp_sales
responses = [rand_resp_sales(r) for r in adult['Occupation']]
This time, , What we got " no " Than " yes " A lot more . After some thinking , It makes sense , Because most participants in the data set are not in sales .
The key question now is : How can we estimate the exact number of salespeople in the data set based on these reactions ? Obviously, what we have so far " yes " The number of is not a good estimate for the number of salespeople :
len(adult[adult['Occupation'] == 'Sales'])
That's not surprising , Because many " yes " Random coin flip from Algorithm .
In order to estimate the real number of salespeople , We need to analyze the randomness of random response algorithm , And estimate how many " yes " The response comes from the actual salesperson , And how many are fake coins tossed randomly “ yes ”. We know :
1、 The probability of random response of each responder is 1 2 \frac{1}{2} 21
2、 Every random response is " yes " Is the probability that 1 2 \frac{1}{2} 21
therefore , The respondent answered randomly " yes " Probability ( Not because they are salesmen ) yes 1 2 ⋅ 1 2 = 1 4 \frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{2} = \frac{1}{4} 21⋅21=41. This means that we can expect a quarter of our total responses to be false " yes ".
responses = [rand_resp_sales(r) for r in adult['Occupation']]
# we expect 1/4 of the responses to be "yes" based entirely on the coin flip
# these are "fake" yesses
fake_yesses = len(responses)/4
# the total number of yesses recorded
num_yesses = np.sum([1 if r else 0 for r in responses])
# the number of "real" yesses is the total number of yesses minus the fake yesses
true_yesses = num_yesses - fake_yesses
Another factor we need to consider is , Half of the respondents answered randomly , But some random interviewees may actually be salespeople . How many of them are salesmen ? We have no data on this , Because they answered at random !
however , Because we randomly divided the respondents into " The truth " and " Random " Group ( By tossing a coin for the first time ), We can hope that the number of salespeople in the two groups is roughly the same . therefore , If we can estimate " The truth " Number of salespeople in the Group , You can double this number , To get the total number of salespeople .
rr_result = true_yesses*2
How close is this to the real number of salespeople ? Let's compare !
true_result = np.sum(adult['Occupation'] == 'Sales')
pct_error(true_result, rr_result)
Using this method , And a considerable number ( for example , In this case more than 3000), We usually get " acceptable " The error rate of is lower than 5%. If your goal is to identify the most popular occupation , Then this method may be effective . however , When the count is small , The error will soon increase .
Besides , The random response is several orders of magnitude worse than the Laplace mechanism in the central model . Let's compare the two in this example :
pct_error(true_result, laplace_mech(true_result, 1, 1))
ad locum , The error we get is about 0.01%, Even if we are interested in the central model ϵ \epsilon ϵ The value is slightly lower than that we use for random response ϵ \epsilon ϵ value .
Local models have better algorithms , However, the inherent limitation of adding noise before submitting data means that the accuracy of the local model algorithm is always worse than that of the best central model algorithm .
Unary code
Random responses allow us to propose that privacy with local differences is / No problem . What if we want to build histograms ?
Many different algorithms have been proposed , Used to solve this problem in the local model of differential privacy .
Wang Et al. 2017 A paper in summarizes some of the best methods .
ad locum , I will study the simplest of them , It is called unary coding . This way is Google Of RAPPOR Foundation of the system ( With some modifications , Make it better applicable to large domains and multiple responses over time ).
The first step is to define the domain of the response , That is, we are concerned about the labels of histogram bars .
For our example , We want to know how many participants are associated with each profession , So our domain is a career set .
domain = adult['Occupation'].dropna().unique()
We will define three functions , Together, they implement the unary coding mechanism :
, Encode the response
, This will disturb the response of the code
, Reconstruct the final result from the disturbance response
The name of this technology comes from the coding method used : For one k k k Size fields , Each response is encoded as k k k Bit length vector , In addition to the position corresponding to the profession of the respondent , All positions are 0. In machine learning , This representation is called "one-hot encoding".
for example ,"Sales" Is the second of the domain 6 Elements , therefore "Sales" Occupation use 6 Elements are 1 The vector of .
def encode(response):
return [1 if d == response else 0 for d in domain]
The next step is to perturb
, It flips the bits in the response vector to ensure differential privacy . The probability of bits being flipped is based on two parameters p p p and q q q, Together, they determine privacy parameters ϵ \epsilon ϵ( Based on the formula we will see later ).
P r [ B ′ [ i ] = 1 ] = { p if B [ i ] = 1 q if B [ i ] = 0 \mathsf{Pr}[B'[i] = 1] = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} p\;\;\;\text{if}\;B[i] = 1 \\ q\;\;\;\text{if}\;B[i] = 0\\ \end{array} \right. Pr[B′[i]=1]={ pifB[i]=1qifB[i]=0
def perturb(encoded_response):
return [perturb_bit(b) for b in encoded_response]
def perturb_bit(bit):
p = .75
q = .25
sample = np.random.random()
if bit == 1:
if sample <= p:
return 1
return 0
elif bit == 0:
if sample <= q:
return 1
return 0
according to p p p and q q q Value , We can calculate the value of privacy parameter ϵ \epsilon ϵ. about p = . 75 p=.75 p=.75 and q = . 25 q=.25 q=.25, We will see slightly larger 2 One of the ϵ \epsilon ϵ.
ϵ = log ( p ( 1 − q ) ( 1 − p ) q ) \epsilon = \log{\Big(\frac{p (1-q)}{(1-p) q}\Big)} ϵ=log((1−p)qp(1−q))
def unary_epsilon(p, q):
return np.log((p*(1-q)) / ((1-p)*q))
unary_epsilon(.75, .25)
The last part is aggregation . If we don't make any disturbance , Then we can simply get the set of response vectors and add them one by one , To get the count of each element in the field :
counts = np.sum([encode(r) for r in adult['Occupation']], axis=0)
list(zip(domain, counts))
But as we can see in the random response , Caused by inversion " false " The response makes the result difficult to interpret . If we perform the same process for the disturbance response , Then the count is all wrong :
counts = np.sum([perturb(encode(r)) for r in adult['Occupation']], axis=0)
list(zip(domain, counts))
The aggregation step of the unary coding algorithm considers " false " Number of responses , This is a p p p and q q q Function of , And the number of responses n n n:
A [ i ] = ∑ j B j ′ [ i ] − n q p − q A[i] = \frac{\sum_j B'_j[i] - n q}{p - q} A[i]=p−q∑jBj′[i]−nq
def aggregate(responses):
p = .75
q = .25
sums = np.sum(responses, axis=0)
n = len(responses)
return [(v - n*q) / (p-q) for v in sums]
responses = [perturb(encode(r)) for r in adult['Occupation']]
counts = aggregate(responses)
list(zip(domain, counts))
As we can see in the random response , These results are accurate enough , You can get the domain element ( At least the most popular domain element ) Rough sort of , But it is several orders of magnitude lower than the accuracy obtained by using Laplace mechanism in the differential privacy center model .
Other methods for performing histogram queries in local models have been proposed , Including some methods detailed in the previous paper . These can improve the accuracy to a certain extent , However, in the local model, the basic limitation of differential privacy of each sample must be ensured, which means , Even the most complex technologies cannot match the accuracy of the mechanisms we see in the central model .
1、 The local model also has an obvious disadvantage : Under the central differential privacy , For the same privacy cost as the same query , The accuracy of query results in local models is usually several orders of magnitude lower . This huge loss of accuracy means that only a few query types are suitable for local differential privacy , Even for these query types , It also requires a large number of participants .
2、 When the answer itself is small , The error of the local model will increase . In error , The random response is several orders of magnitude worse than the Laplace mechanism in the central model . Even if the local model has better algorithms , However, the inherent limitation of adding noise before submitting data means that the accuracy of the local model algorithm is always worse than that of the best central model algorithm .
3、 Other methods for performing histogram queries in local models have been proposed , Including some methods detailed in the previous paper . These can improve the accuracy to a certain extent , However, in the local model, the basic limitation of differential privacy of each sample must be ensured, which means , Even the most complex technologies cannot match the accuracy of the mechanisms we see in the central model .
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