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What is the agile proportion of PMP Exam? Dispel doubts

2022-07-05 05:14:00 Caiju PMP

6 month 25 Of PMP The test , How did you do on the exam ?

According to most of the students who finished the exam , This exam is still quite difficult .

It is mainly reflected in the fact that the proportion of agile questions is far higher than expected , The proportion of topics is almost 60%, If you don't pay attention to the agile part when preparing for the exam , That exam is estimated to be mostly ignorant .

And the cycle of mixed project cycle , It is also a transition to agility , therefore , The following candidates should pay attention to some knowledge points and best practices in the transition from prediction to agile .

Many other students said that they felt lonely after reading , Knowledge points follow PMBOK Completely disconnected .

This is also the biggest change in the seventh edition of the Syllabus , Closer to real project trends , The focus of investigation is from doing things to paying attention to people .

This time, 6 The monthly exam is equivalent to giving 7 The examinees in January took the lead .

In the new exam , Proportion of agile and mixed scenarios 50%. Although the proportion is large , But don't panic .PMP Among them, the scope of knowledge points investigated by agile questions is relatively concentrated , Mainly around Scrum frame (3355) And agile principles .

Some important knowledge points are sorted out for you , come quick get Take the pithy formula !

Agile high score formula

( One )Scrum-3355

1、 Three roles

Product owner (PO): Product owner defines project vision 、 Requirements and priorities , Responsible for product success .

Scrum Master: Responsible for the team , And remove obstacles , Help them achieve the goals set by the product owner .

The development team : Self organizing 、 Cross functional . They work together , To determine how best to meet the objectives of the product owner .

2、 Three workpieces

① Product backlog

Product demand list ;

The product owner prioritizes the list ;

Items in the to-do list are presented in the form of user stories ;

② Sprint To do list

Is a sub table of the product to-do list , Only record the work of the current iteration ;

Split user stories into tasks , Team members take the initiative to receive tasks ;

Team members can add 、 Delete or change the tasks in the iteration .

③ Product increment

The team completes the deliverables within the iteration , Integrated into previous iterations , Form incremental delivery .

Each delivered user story must meet the acceptance conditions .

3、 Five ceremonies

iteration :Scrum At the heart of , Running on the 1 On the time box of months or less .

The iteration plan will : Choose a story , Lead task

Daily station will :15 minute , Take turns to drive , Don't solve the problem ;

Iteration review meeting : demonstration , review , feedback

Iteration review meeting : summary , improvement , plan

4、 Five values

Courage 、 to open up 、 focus 、 promise 、 Respect .

( Two ) Agile high score formula

1、 Keep in mind 3355、12 principle .

2、 priority 、 The review is looking for PO.

3、 Standing will not solve the problem .

4、 Self organizing , The team the final say .

5、 Servant , Low authority .

6、 Clear the obstacles , Find a coach .


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