当前位置:网站首页>Pinduoduo lost the lawsuit: "bargain for free" infringed the right to know but did not constitute fraud, and was sentenced to pay 400 yuan

Pinduoduo lost the lawsuit: "bargain for free" infringed the right to know but did not constitute fraud, and was sentenced to pay 400 yuan

2022-07-07 06:32:00 CSDN program life

“ are you there ? Cut me a knife ”, Participated in pinduoduo “ Bargain for free ” Active users , I must be familiar with this sentence . In order to bargain successfully , Many people have even contacted old classmates who haven't chatted for many years .

But in practice , Many users said , Cut to the end is always a knife , It's obviously bad 0.9% 了 , But it is still far from success . Last , Many people not only consume a lot of interpersonal relationships , I can only admit my bad luck 、 Settle a matter by leaving it unsettled .

But in recent days , The official account of Shanghai Changning Court released a first instance judgment of users suing pinduoduo , The court found that pinduoduo constituted an infringement of the right to know , It is decided that pinduoduo will compensate users for their losses 400 element .

“ Bargain for free ” Always poor 0.9%, The lawyer sued pinduoduo for fraud

according to the understanding of , Liu, who sued pinduoduo, is a lawyer in Shanghai ,2021 year 3 month , He clicked on the link of his colleagues to participate in pinduoduo “ Bargain for free ” Activities . I got one at “ Super free card ” after , Lawyer Liu chose a mobile phone to bargain .

period , Lawyer Liu keeps sending links to invite friends to bargain , Pinduoduo keeps jumping out “ Good luck ”、“ Bargain first ” Etc , But the progress bar is still poor 0.9%. In order to succeed in bargaining quickly , Lawyer Liu even spent 9.9 Yuan bought the platform “ Speed up the package ”, But the bargaining page always shows “ Getting it for free is only a percentage difference 00.9”、“ It's been cut off 99.1%” Etc .


Lawyer Liu was very disappointed to see this result , Don't give up and choose several other products to try , But after repeatedly inviting friends to bargain , These goods also remain poor 00.9% The interface of . Spent money 、 Troublesome friends still can't cut successfully , Lawyer Liu suspected that pinduoduo's data was untrue , In a fit of anger, he took pinduoduo to court . He believes that pinduoduo is suspected of violating the principle of good faith when providing online services , The use of false data concealment rules constitutes fraud , It has also seriously affected the social atmosphere .

Facing the prosecution of Lawyer Liu , Pinduoduo then 4 The response in August said : In this issue “ Bargain for free ” Real and effective activities , Shared activities 1200 The rest of the goods will participate in , It has been sent out accumulatively 709 Thousands of pieces of .

Later this year 1 month , Lawyer Liu revealed some details of the trial on social media . Fight many parties to argue , Due to the limited percentage digits displayed on the page , So they put a percentage with at least six digits after the decimal point , The omission is shown as 0.9%, The bargaining page shows 0.9% It's actually 0.9996427%.

And pinduoduo's explanation , At that time, there was a heated discussion on the Internet , Netizens have said that it is too outrageous , It's simply insulting the user's IQ . And then , This case has been waiting for the court's hearing schedule , until 7 month 5 The sentence was publicly announced on the th .

Infringement of users' right to know , Pinduoduo lost the lawsuit

Before the court pronounces its judgment publicly , Lawyer Liu once made a notice on Weibo , He said :“ It took more than a year , after 5 In this court session, you can bargain a lot and get the case for free , Finally, the first instance judgment is coming . Tell the truth , In the prosecution , I can't think of it anyway , A small mark is 9.9 Yuan of ordinary civil cases , It takes such a long time to hear . Looking back at the whole litigation process , I have to sigh about the strength of my opponent . Not evidence , This case is only the opinions written by both parties , There are hundreds of pages .”

For this victory , Lawyer Liu wrote on Weibo :“ It is not easy to completely change the mode of a marketing campaign involving hundreds of millions of people , It can't be done overnight ,“ It needs to be done step by step ”. One's thinking is limited , Complete change requires a collective effort .”

Netizens applauded pinduoduo for losing the lawsuit , But some netizens said that the punishment was too small :

  • “ Congratulations on your victory ! I believe someone will come forward in the future ”
  • “ good job , It's also the first step ”
  • “ The focus of such cases is not how much to pay , But its own exemplary value and social guiding role . The platform should be in awe of the law , Do your duty , Respect consumers ​”
  • “ The cost of breaking the law is too low , The cost of safeguarding rights is too high ”

Last , What do you think of this judgment ? Welcome to leave a message ~

Reference link :

1.Sina Visitor System

2.Sina Visitor System

3. Verdict of the first instance of the case of Liu Mou v. Shanghai dream Information Technology Co., Ltd. on network infringement liability dispute

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