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Thoughts and suggestions on the construction of intelligent management and control system platform for safe production in petrochemical enterprises

2022-07-05 11:45:00 Maidao Technology

The emergency management department aims to gradually realize the production of hazardous chemicals 、 Store 、 business 、 transport 、 Online monitoring of the whole process of use and waste disposal . Vigorously promote the construction of safety production risk monitoring and early warning system in chemical enterprises . Promote enterprise digitalization with informatization 、 Intelligent transformation and upgrading , Promote intelligent operation control 、 Accurate risk warning 、 Unmanned hazardous operation 、 Remote operation and maintenance assistance , Accelerate production from static to dynamic 、 Emergency after the event and prevention in advance 、 The transformation from single point prevention and control to global joint prevention and control , Improve the level of intrinsic safety in industrial production .

For chemical enterprises , The work of digital transformation has been done , But the disruptive transformation has not yet appeared , Most enterprises also do the construction of special information systems at a single point . Because the enterprise lacks the overall thinking of integrated transportation management 、 Top level design and corresponding digital transformation strategic planning , A single point of construction will result in the unsystematic construction of enterprise digitalization , There is much room for improvement .

Chemical enterprises should make an overall plan to promote digital transformation 、 Distributed implementation , The digitalization of chemical enterprises is comprehensive , We need to consider the whole process of business management activities 、 Full range 、 Full level . Enterprise digital transformation should serve the overall strategy of the enterprise . The chemical industry should achieve agility and efficiency in the digital age 、 Green and low carbon development , Cope with the changing external environment , Need to pass the organization 、 technology 、 The transformation of business and other aspects to realize the sustainable development of the enterprise .

Chemical enterprises need to pay attention to the following points in the process of digital transformation :
First, chemical enterprises need to do a good job in unified basic digital base , Develop a roadmap for digital transformation , Make a list of tasks , Solve problems one by one .
The second is the comprehensive integration and Deepening Application of enterprise information system :
In terms of vertical integration : Realize the effective integration of management system and control system 、 Integration and sharing of data information .
In production process management : Improve the efficiency of process control system , Promote the application of advanced optimization system in chemical industry , Realize the stable operation of enterprise production process , Improve energy efficiency .
At the level of production and operation : Improve production execution system (ME S) Application penetration 、 Coverage and application depth . In terms of horizontal integration , Promote raw material procurement 、 Manufacturing process 、 Integration of logistics, warehousing, production, supply and marketing industrial chain , Realize product traceability 、 The manufacturing process can be monitored 、 Benefits can be calculated in real time .
Third, labor-intensive 、 Section with high labor intensity , To pass the “ Machine replacement ”“ Intelligent substitute ” as well as “ Intellectualization improves efficiency ” Demonstrate and lead . Especially in the intelligent Workshop 、 Intelligent chemical section 、 Nobody is on duty 、 Digital workshop and other aspects continue to promote intelligent manufacturing .
Fourth, focus on a certain field to do design , For example, for a certain device 、 equipment 、 The process is functional A PP Development , This is a direction for the future .

In the process of digital transformation of petrochemical enterprises , Cloud Computing 、 The Internet of things 、 big data 、 Conduct in-depth application research and advance layout of emerging digital technologies such as artificial intelligence .
One is to build a digital platform based on Cloud Architecture , With platform 、 Intellectualization 、 Service oriented , Refer to the industrial Internet platform architecture , Build a unified digital platform for enterprises . The edge layer comprehensively strengthens the construction of the Internet of things in various business areas , Improve oil and gas production 、 machining 、 The ability of data collection and edge processing in the whole process of sales ; Improve the infrastructure layer to IaaS( Infrastructure as a service ) General purpose PaaS( Platform as a service ) The main infrastructure base ; Platform and application layer construction and management of the data center in the subdivided field 、 Business Center , And innovating ecology on the basis of double platforms , And form industrial software covering all fields APP system .

The second is to establish and improve the digital governance system , according to IT The positioning of the Department in the digital transformation , We need to strengthen planning and innovation 、 Products and operations 、 Sharing and service capabilities , We should also strengthen the allocation of digital support forces , Create a composite 、 High quality digital talent team . Strengthen the work of digital standards , For sensitive development 、 Commercialization 、 Integration of development, operation and maintenance (DevOps)、 New trends such as platformization establish technical and management standards . Establish big data covering industry 、 Production and operation data 、 Unified data governance system for external data , Support data value mining . We should also aim at the characteristics of digital investment , Improve the effective investment decision-making and performance evaluation system according to the principle of classified management , Provide strong support for digital transformation .

Third, build a comprehensive network security protection system , The faster digital development , Network security is facing a greater protective surface , Must be managed from 、 Comprehensively improve the safety system in terms of technology and operation . Under the new situation, it is particularly necessary to focus on strengthening industrial control security and Internet of things security 、 Cloud ecological security 、 Technical capacity building for data security and mobile application security , Provide a risk controllable security environment for enterprise digital transformation .

Fourth, actively and steadily handle the transition from the old system to the platform , In the process of implementation , New ideas of information construction should be adopted , With platform mode and product thinking , Gradually decouple a large number of existing monomer information systems , Realize orderly data governance and application service-oriented reconstruction , Precipitate data assets on the digital platform 、 Industrial knowledge 、 Business rules , Form an enabling Center .



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