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Raised a kitten

2022-07-06 05:50:00 Good luck white horse

Things that have been planned for a year have finally come true , you 're right ! Raised a kitten , Named Xiaoqi , you 're right CSDN The avatar on the is it , A cute little one .

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I always liked cats and dogs when I was in College , But there is no way to raise a kitten in the university dormitory, so the wish of raising a kitten has never been realized . After graduating and working last June , The idea of raising a cat is getting stronger . But at that time, I worked on probation 、 Some things like fresh student training can't make me decide to meet such a cute girl , Afraid of not taking good care of .

Worked for almost a year , There is no friend in Hangzhou , Work is the ordinary communication with colleagues at work , After work, I go home alone , Whether commuting or weekends , It's all one person , No friends to communicate , Not social , This state lasted for almost a year, which made people feel very depressed , It's overwhelming , I don't like such a life, but I can't help it . Know two weeks ago , Welcome a little cute home . It seems that life is getting better . Two month old kitten , Although I raised a cat in my hometown before , But it's been a long time . So I'm still a little worried about welcoming this little guy home this time , I'm afraid I can't raise myself well , I'm afraid it doesn't adapt .
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But everything is ok , I kept screaming for two days before I came here , Cat food , Clean water is ready for him , It also eats and drinks water on time , But I kept screaming for two days . But after two days, I became familiar , No shouting , It's beginning to stick , Take the initiative to play with me . Now when I write these words, the kitten is lying in my arms , Time with cats is really healing . In the old days , Work is work , Pack up in a hurry and go out , There's nothing to look forward to going home at night , As soon as I get home, I wash vegetables, cook meals , Then I cleaned up and went to bed . There is no slightest expectation of the time after work , I feel that today's work is to go home to sleep and prepare for tomorrow's work . But after a small one came to the family, it was completely different , The first thing to do in the morning is not to wash but to feed the bear baby , When I open my eyes, I see a small one lying beside the pillow. It's really healing . Since a little one came home , No longer like before, I have no feeling about coming home from work , Instead, I began to look forward to the way it waited for you at the door every day , The first thing I do when I put down my bag when I go home is to roll the cat , Talk to yourself with the cat . Maybe I was too lonely for a while , Now I feel it's really good to have cats with me .
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Even chasing dramas on weekends , Or sleep at night , Have it by your side , Rub you from time to time , You start snoring when you touch it , Still rubbing against you . It's hard to work alone outside , Especially when one is fighting outside . But when such a small thing appears in life to accompany you , It will really cure you a lot . If a person works hard outside , Alone , It happens that I also like small animals , So don't let go and welcome such a little thing home , It's really healing .


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