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Multi version concurrency control mvcc of MySQL
2022-07-02 08:57:00 【Li Jue】
Database concurrency control —— lock
Multiversion (version) concurrency control (MCC or MVCC) Multi version concurrency control , It is a common concurrency control of database management system .
We know that lock is commonly used in concurrency control , When a thread wants to operate on a shared resource , Locking is a very simple and crude way ( At the beginning of the business DQL Add read lock , to DML Add write lock ), This kind of lock is a kind of Pessimism How to implement , That is to say, it will block other affairs , This affects database performance .
Let me explain Optimism lock and Pessimistic locking The concept of . I think they are mainly conceptual understanding .
- Pessimistic locking : When a thread needs to operate on shared resources , First, lock the shared resources , When the thread holds the lock of the resource , When other threads operate on the resource, the Blocking . such as Java Medium Synchronized keyword .
- Optimism lock : When a thread needs to operate on a shared resource , Don't lock it , It's judgment after the operation .( For example, optimistic locks are controlled by a version number , If the operation is passed after completion Version number Judge whether other threads have operated on the shared resource during the operation of this thread , If so, the notification operation fails , If not, the operation is successful ), Except, of course, Version number also CAS, If you don't know something, you can learn it , It's not too much about .
Database concurrency control ——MVCC
Many people think that MVCC It's a kind of Optimism lock Implementation form , And I think MVCC It's just a optimistic Implementation form , It's through A kind of Visibility algorithm To achieve database concurrency control .
MVCC Two forms of reading
Talking about MVCC The implementation principle before , I think it's necessary to get to know MVCC Two forms of reading .
Read the snapshot : Read only the visible version of the current transaction , Don't lock it . And you just have to remember ordinary select Operation is snapshot reading (select * from table where id = xxx).
The current reading : Read the current version , such as Special reading operations , to update / Insert / Delete operation
such as :
select * from table where xxx lock in share mode, select * from table where xxx for update, update table set.... insert into table (xxx,xxx) values (xxx,xxx) delete from table where id = xxx Copy code
MVCC Implementation principle of
MVCC Used “ Three hidden fields ” To achieve version concurrency control , I looked up a lot of information , See a lot of blogs written through A create transaction id Fields and a delete transaction id Field To control the implementation . But it turned out that it wasn't quite right , Let's take a look first MySQL While building the watch innoDB Create the real three hidden columns .
RowID | DB_TRX_ID | DB_ROLL_PTR | id | name | password |
Automatically created id | Business id | rollback pointer | id | name | password |
- RowID: Hidden self increase ID, When a table is created, no primary key is specified ,InnoDB Will use the RowID Create a clustered index .
- DB_TRX_ID: Recently revised ( to update / Delete / Insert ) The recorded transactions ID.
- DB_ROLL_PTR: rollback pointer , Point to the previous version of this record .
In fact, there is also a deleted flag Field , Used to determine whether the line record has been deleted .
and MVCC It's one of them Transaction fields , Roll back pointer fields , Delete fields . Let's take a look at the table now (isDelete I took it myself , Officially at the beginning of a line content Inside , It doesn't matter where it is , You just need to know that there are ).
isDelete | DB_TRX_ID | DB_ROLL_PTR | id | name | password |
true/false | Business id | rollback pointer | id | name | password |
So how to achieve through these three fields MVCC Of Visibility algorithm Well ?
Almost something ! undoLog( Rollback log ) and read-view( Read view ).
undoLog: Rollback log of transaction , yes Visibility algorithm A very important part of , There are two kinds of .
- insert undo log: The transaction is generated by inserting a new record undo log, When a transaction is committed, it can be discarded directly
- update undo log: The business is going on update perhaps delete When it comes to undo log, It's still needed for snapshot reading , So you can't just delete it , Only when the system is not better than this log Earlier read-view You can delete it when it's over .ps: So long transactions generate many old views that lead to undo log Cannot delete A lot of storage space .
read-view: Read view , yes MySQL Second to create a view , For example, a transaction is in progress select operation ( Read the snapshot ) It will create a read-view , This read-view It's just three fields .
- alive_trx_list( I took it myself ):read-view Generating time system What is active id.
- up_limit_id: Record the above alive_trx_list Medium Minimum business id.
- low_limit_id:read-view Generation time , Current transactions ID The maximum of + 1.
Now , everything , Just the east wind . Let me introduce it , The most important Visibility algorithm .
In fact, the main idea is : When generated read-view How to get it DB_TRX_ID Go and read-view Three attributes in ( It says ) To make a comparison . Let me talk about three steps , If not very understanding can refer to my later practice combined to understand .
- First of all, compare the DB_TRX_ID Whether it is Less than up_limit_id perhaps Equal to the current transaction id. If meet , It means that the current transaction can see this record . If it is greater than, it will enter the next round of judgment
- Then judge the record DB_TRX_ID whether Greater than or equal to low-limit-id. If it is greater than or equal to, the transaction cannot see the record , Otherwise, we will enter the next round of judgment .
- Judge the record DB_TRX_ID Is it in the array of active transactions , If it is, it means that the record has not been committed and is not visible to the transaction of the current operation , If not, it indicates that it has been submitted , So it's visible .
If the record is not visible to the transaction and ROLL_PTR If it is not empty, it will point to the address of the rollback pointer , adopt undolog To find the visible version of the record .
Now I draw a flow chart of visibility algorithm
Actually MVCC It's through " Three " Hide fields ( Business id, rollback pointer , Delete logo ) add undo log And visibility algorithm to achieve version concurrency control .
Reference resources : Do you really understand MVCC Do you ? Let's practice it by hand ? - Nuggets
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