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R note prophet

2022-07-06 04:07:00 UQI-LIUWJ

0 Theoretical part

  Paper notes :Forecasting at Scale(Prophet)_UQI-LIUWJ The blog of -CSDN Blog

Prophet It is a program based on additive model to predict time series data , Among them, nonlinear trend 、 Seasonal and holiday effects match .

It is most suitable for time series with strong seasonality and several seasonal historical data .

Prophet Robust to missing data and trend changes , And you can usually handle outliers very well .

1 The basic flow

        stay R in , We use normal model fitting API. We provide a method to execute the model object to be merged and returned Prophet function . then , You can call on this model object predict and plot.


1.1 Read in the data  

         First , We read in the data and create the result variable . And Python  Medium dataframe equally , This is an inclusion of ds and y Column data box , Include date and value respectively .

        ds The column should be YYYY-MM-DD, For the moment, it should be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 


1.2 call prophet function  

  call prophet Function to fit the model ( Time series decomposition of the previous part )


1.3 Generate future dataframe 

The prediction is dataframe On , among ds The column contains the date to forecast .

make_future_dataframe Function USES Model objects and Length of prediction interval Make predictions and generate corresponding dataframe.

future <- make_future_dataframe(m, periods = 365)

By default , It will also include historical dates , Therefore, we can evaluate the fitting within the sample .


Compared with df, More 365 Data , That is, the prediction interval

 1.4  Get forecast results

         And R Most of the prediction tasks in are the same , We use universal predict Function to get our prediction .        

forecast <- predict(m, future)

         The prediction result is dataframe, Which contains the predicted columns yhat. It has additional columns for uncertainty intervals and seasonal components .


             ds    trend additive_terms
3265 2017-01-14 7.188345      0.6353367
3266 2017-01-15 7.187317      1.0181583
3267 2017-01-16 7.186289      1.3441746
3268 2017-01-17 7.185261      1.1326084
3269 2017-01-18 7.184232      0.9662578
3270 2017-01-19 7.183204      0.9791888
     additive_terms_lower additive_terms_upper
3265            0.6353367            0.6353367
3266            1.0181583            1.0181583
3267            1.3441746            1.3441746
3268            1.1326084            1.1326084
3269            0.9662578            0.9662578
3270            0.9791888            0.9791888
          weekly weekly_lower weekly_upper    yearly
3265 -0.31171456  -0.31171456  -0.31171456 0.9470512
3266  0.04829728   0.04829728   0.04829728 0.9698610
3267  0.35228502   0.35228502   0.35228502 0.9918896
3268  0.11963367   0.11963367   0.11963367 1.0129747
3269 -0.06665548  -0.06665548  -0.06665548 1.0329133
3270 -0.07227149  -0.07227149  -0.07227149 1.0514603
     yearly_lower yearly_upper multiplicative_terms
3265    0.9470512    0.9470512                    0
3266    0.9698610    0.9698610                    0
3267    0.9918896    0.9918896                    0
3268    1.0129747    1.0129747                    0
3269    1.0329133    1.0329133                    0
3270    1.0514603    1.0514603                    0
3265                          0
3266                          0
3267                          0
3268                          0
3269                          0
3270                          0
     multiplicative_terms_upper yhat_lower yhat_upper
3265                          0   7.054971   8.545286
3266                          0   7.443115   8.954531
3267                          0   7.791419   9.265397
3268                          0   7.664162   9.071099
3269                          0   7.391583   8.871629
3270                          0   7.428541   8.869961
     trend_lower trend_upper     yhat
3265    6.826222    7.538852 7.823682
3266    6.823645    7.538624 8.205475
3267    6.821068    7.538397 8.530463
3268    6.818564    7.538169 8.317869
3269    6.816108    7.537942 8.150490
3270    6.813651    7.537714 8.162393

Select a specific column , Sure

 tail(forecast[c('ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper')])
             ds     yhat yhat_lower yhat_upper
3265 2017-01-14 7.823682   7.054971   8.545286
3266 2017-01-15 8.205475   7.443115   8.954531
3267 2017-01-16 8.530463   7.791419   9.265397
3268 2017-01-17 8.317869   7.664162   9.071099
3269 2017-01-18 8.150490   7.391583   8.871629
3270 2017-01-19 8.162393   7.428541   8.869961

1.5 The plot

1.5.1 plot 

have access to plot function , Draw predictions by passing in models and prediction data frames .

plot(m, forecast)

1.5.2  prophet_plot_components function



2 The trend is a saturated growth model

The general framework and are the same , There are several small differences

Loading packages is the same as reading data



We need Add a column to the dataset : Carrying capacity C

Paper notes :Forecasting at Scale(Prophet)_UQI-LIUWJ The blog of -CSDN Blog


call prophet When , You need to declare a saturation growth model


  Generate future_dataframe When , It is also necessary to add the column of bearing capacity


  The prediction and drawing are the same


2.1 Set the lower limit of bearing capacity

except cap outside , We can also set the lower limit of bearing capacity : Use floor that will do


3 Change point of trend

         By default ,Prophet It will automatically detect the trend change point , And allow the trend to adjust appropriately . however , If you want to better control this process ( for example ,Prophet Missed rate change , Or over fitting rate changes in history ), Then you can use the following input parameters

3.1 prophet Automatic detection of change points in

        Prophet Detect change points by first specifying a large number of potential trend change points . Then it makes a sparse a priori analysis of the amplitude of the rate change ( amount to L1 Regularization )—— This essentially means Prophet There are a lot of possibilities to change the rate , But I will use them as little as possible .

          The following is an example . By default ,Prophet It specifies 25 A potential change point , They are evenly placed in front of the time series 80% in . The vertical line in this figure indicates the location of potential change points :


          Although there are many places where we may change the trend , But because the priors are sparse , Most of these change points are not used . We can see this by plotting the rate change amplitude of each change point :


        The location of significant change points can be visualized in the following ways :( Here is the linear trend prophet) 


         By default , Only the first of the time series 80% Infer the point of change , In order to have enough time segments to predict future trends and avoid over fitting fluctuations at the end of the time series .

         This default value applies to many situations , But not all . have access to changepoint_range Parameter changes .

m <- prophet(changepoint.range = 0.9)

 3.2 Flexibility to adjust trend changes

         If the trend changes too well ( Too much flexibility ) Or under fitting ( Lack of flexibility ), You can use input parameters changepoint_prior_scale Adjust the intensity of the sparse prior .

         By default , This parameter is set to 0.05

          Adding it will make the trend more flexible           

 m <- prophet(df, changepoint.prior.scale = 0.5)

        You can find , Compared with the previous situation , There are many changes here , At the same time, the range has also increased  

Reducing it will become inflexible

m <- prophet(df, changepoint.prior.scale = 0.001)

3.3 Manually specify the location of the change point  

         have access to changepoints Parameters manually specify the location of potential change points , Instead of using automatic change point detection . Then it will only be allowed to change the slope at these points , And use the same sparse regularization as before .

m <- prophet(df,changepoints = c('2014-01-01','2010-02-03'))


 4  The holiday season

4.1 Provide holidays manually

         If you have holidays or other special events that you want to model , You must create a data frame for them . It has two columns (holiday and ds), Every holiday has a line .

         All events of the holiday must be included , Including the past ( In terms of historical data ) And the future ( In terms of prediction ).

         If they don't repeat in the future ,Prophet They will be modeled , Then don't include them in the forecast .

         You can also include columns lower_window and upper_window , They extend their holidays to around [lower_window, upper_window] God .          


playoffs <- data_frame(
  holiday = 'playoff',
  ds = as.Date(c('2008-01-13', '2009-01-03', '2010-01-16',
                 '2010-01-24', '2010-02-07', '2011-01-08',
                 '2013-01-12', '2014-01-12', '2014-01-19',
                 '2014-02-02', '2015-01-11', '2016-01-17',
                 '2016-01-24', '2016-02-07')),
  lower_window = 0,
  upper_window = 1
# The holiday is extended to one day after the date     

superbowls <- data_frame(
  holiday = 'superbowl',
  ds = as.Date(c('2010-02-07', '2014-02-02', '2016-02-07')),
  lower_window = 1,
  upper_window = 0
# The holiday is extended to the day before the date 

holidays <- bind_rows(playoffs, superbowls)

  establish holiday After the table , By using holidays Parameters include holiday effects in the forecast .

m <- prophet(df,holidays = holidays)

forecast <- predict(m, future)


  Compared with before , There are more holiday Influence

You can use a method similar to sql The way see holiday Influence

forecast %>%
  select(ds, playoff, superbowl) %>%
  filter(abs(playoff + superbowl) > 0)

          ds  playoff superbowl
1  2008-01-13 1.220577  0.000000
2  2008-01-14 1.909146  0.000000
3  2009-01-03 1.220577  0.000000
4  2009-01-04 1.909146  0.000000
5  2010-01-16 1.220577  0.000000
6  2010-01-17 1.909146  0.000000
7  2010-01-25 1.909146  0.000000
8  2010-02-07 1.220577  1.215571
9  2011-01-08 1.220577  0.000000
10 2011-01-09 1.909146  0.000000
11 2013-01-12 1.220577  0.000000
12 2013-01-13 1.909146  0.000000
13 2014-01-12 1.220577  0.000000
14 2014-01-13 1.909146  0.000000
15 2014-01-19 1.220577  0.000000
16 2014-01-20 1.909146  0.000000
17 2014-02-02 1.220577  1.215571
18 2014-02-03 1.909146  1.384333
19 2015-01-11 1.220577  0.000000
20 2015-01-12 1.909146  0.000000
21 2016-01-17 1.220577  0.000000
22 2016-01-18 1.909146  0.000000
23 2016-01-24 1.220577  0.000000
24 2016-01-25 1.909146  0.000000
25 2016-02-07 1.220577  1.215571
26 2016-02-08 1.909146  1.384333

 4.2 Provide national holidays

         You can use add_country_holidays Method uses the built-in country specific / Regional holiday collection .

         Designated country / The name of the region , Then in addition to passing 4.1 Outside any designated holidays , It will also include the country / Major holidays in the region :

        But here is one thing to explain , stay add_country_holidays Before , You can't fit model, For example, the following code , You're going to report a mistake

m <- prophet(df,holidays = holidays)


#Error in add_country_holidays(m, "China") : 
#  Country holidays must be added prior to model fitting.


m <- prophet(holidays = holidays)



forecast <- predict(m, future)


4.2.1  View the currently set holidays

Add observed It means that there is only in the observation set

[1] "playoff"              "superbowl"            "New Year's Day"       "Chinese New Year"    
[5] "Tomb-Sweeping Day"    "Labor Day"            "Dragon Boat Festival" "Mid-Autumn Festival" 
[9] "National Day"      

4.2.2 National holidays available

         Available countries / List of regions and countries to use / The name of the region can be found on its page :https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays.

         Except for these countries / region ,Prophet It also includes the following countries / Holidays in the region : Brazil (BR)、 Indonesia (ID)、 India (IN)、 Malaysia (MY)、 Vietnam (VN)、 Thailand (TH)、 the Philippines (PH)、 Pakistan ( PK)、 Bangladesh (BD)、 Egypt (EG)、 China (CN)、 Russia (RU)、 South Korea (KR)、 belarus (BY) And the United Arab Emirates (AE).

         stay R in , The holiday date is from 1995 Year to 2044 Annual , And as a data-raw/generated_holidays.csv Stored in the package .

4.3 Holiday scale

         If you find that the holiday is too fitting , You can use parameters holiday_prior_scale Adjust its prior scale to make it smooth .

         By default , This parameter is 10, It provides very little regularization . Reducing this parameter will weaken the holiday effect , Increase will emphasize the role of holidays :

m <- prophet(df, holidays = holidays, holidays.prior.scale = 1000)

5 Seasonality

5.1 Seasonal Fourier series

         Use the sum of partial Fourier series to estimate seasonality

         partial sums ( The order ) The number of items in is a parameter that determines the rate of seasonal change .

         The default Fourier order for annual seasonality is 10

m <- prophet(df)

         The default value is usually appropriate , But when seasonality needs to adapt to higher frequency changes, they can be increased , And usually not very smooth . When instantiating the model , Fourier order can be specified for each built-in seasonal , Add here to 20:

         Increasing the number of Fourier terms can make seasonality adapt to faster change cycles , But it can also lead to over fitting :N Fourier terms correspond to 2N A variable

m <- prophet(df, yearly.seasonality = 20)

 5.2 Specify custom seasonality

         If the length of the time series exceeds two cycles ,Prophet The weekly and annual seasonality will be fitted by default .

         have access to add_seasonality Method 、 Add other seasonality ( monthly 、 Quarterly 、 Every hour ).


         The input to this function is the name 、 Seasonal cycle ( In days ) And seasonal Fourier order . As a reference ,Prophet By default 3 rank Fourier order   It means weekly seasonality ,10 Indicates annual seasonality .



        Here and add_country_holidays equally , You can't fit first


 m<-add_seasonality(m, name='monthly', period=30.5, fourier.order=5)
 forecast <- predict(m, future)
 prophet_plot_components(m, forecast)


5.3 Cancel a certain seasonality  

m<-prophet(df,weekly.seasonality = FALSE)
forecast <- predict(m, future)
prophet_plot_components(m, forecast)

 5.4  Depending on the seasonality of other factors

         In some cases , Seasonality may depend on other factors , For example, the seasonal pattern of each week in summer is different from the rest of the year , Or a daily seasonal pattern that differs between weekends and weekdays . These types of seasonality can be modeled using conditional seasonality .

         The default weekly seasonality assumes that the pattern of weekly seasonality throughout the year is the same , But we expect the weekly seasonal pattern in the peak season 、 It's different from the off-season . We can use conditional seasonality to construct separate weekly seasonality in peak season and off season .

         First , We add a Boolean column to the data frame , Indicate whether each date is in the peak season or the off-season :

is_nfl_season <- function(ds) {
  dates <- as.Date(ds)
  #  Each element is similar to "2016-01-15"
  month <- as.numeric(format(dates, '%m'))
  # format(dates, '%m') Returns the month of character type 
  # as.numeric Convert to numbers 
  return(month > 8 | month < 2)

# Declare a function , If in 8 After month , Two months ago , That's it True, It is False
df$on_season <- is_nfl_season(df$ds)
df$off_season <- !is_nfl_season(df$ds)

          Then we disable the built-in weekly seasonality , And replace it with two weekly Seasonalities that specify these columns as conditions .

         This means that seasonality only applies to condition_name As a True Date .

         We must also add this column to the future data frame we are predicting .


m <- prophet(weekly.seasonality=FALSE)
m <- add_seasonality(m, 
m <- add_seasonality(m, 
m <- fit.prophet(m, df)

future$on_season <- is_nfl_season(future$ds)
future$off_season <- !is_nfl_season(future$ds)
forecast <- predict(m, future)
prophet_plot_components(m, forecast)

          Now? , Both seasonality are shown in the component diagram above . We can see , During peak season , There is a sharp increase on Sunday and Monday , In the off-season, there is no .

5.5 Specify seasonal scale

        Like holidays , Seasonality also has a scale seasonality_prior_scale


m <- add_seasonality(

6 Multiplicative seasonality

         By default ,Prophet Fitting addition seasonality , This means adding seasonal influences to the trend to get predictions

        Let's look at a situation , As shown in the figure below , This time series has an obvious annual cycle , But the predicted seasonality is too large at the beginning and too small at the end of the time series . In this time series , Seasonality is not Prophet Assumed constant addition factor , It grows with the trend . This is seasonal multiplication .


         Prophet You can set seasonality_mode='multiplicative' To fit the seasonality of multiplication :

m <- prophet(df, seasonality.mode = 'multiplicative')

         Use seasonality_mode='multiplicative', The holiday effect will also be modeled as multiplication .

         By default , Any added seasonality will be set to seasonality_mode, But you can specify mode='additive' or mode='multiplicative' Override... As a parameter

m <- prophet(seasonality.mode = 'multiplicative')
m <- add_seasonality(m, 
                    period = 91.25, 
                    fourier.order = 8, 
                    mode = 'additive')

 7 Uncertainty interval

         By default ,Prophet The forecast will be returned yhat The uncertainty interval of . 

         There are three uncertainty intervals in the prediction : The uncertainty of the trend 、 Seasonal estimation uncertainty and additional observation noise .

7.1 The uncertainty of the trend

         The biggest source of uncertainty in the forecast is the possibility of future trend changes . We assume that we will see similar trend changes in the future . especially , We assume that the average frequency and amplitude of future trend changes will be the same as what we have observed in history . We predict these trends ahead , And by calculating their distribution , We get the uncertainty interval .

         A characteristic of this way of measuring uncertainty is , By increasing the changepoint_prior_scale To allow prediction to have a larger desirable range , Increase the uncertainty of the forecast .

         You can use parameters interval_width Set the width of the uncertain interval ( The default is 80%):

m <- prophet(df, interval.width = 0.95)
forecast <- predict(m, future)

Compared with before , The uncertainty range is larger

7.2 Seasonal uncertainty  

         By default ,Prophet Only the uncertainty of trend and observation noise will be returned . To get seasonal uncertainty , Complete Bayesian sampling must be carried out . This is the use of parameters mcmc.samples( The default is 0) Accomplished .

m <- prophet(df, mcmc.samples = 300)
forecast <- predict(m, future)

          It works MCMC Sampling replaces the typical MAP It is estimated that , And it may take longer , It depends on how many observations - Expect minutes, not seconds .

         When plotting seasonal components , You will see their uncertainty :




8 outliers

         Outliers can affect... In two main ways Prophet The forecast . ad locum , We're right about what we recorded before R Page Wikipedia The visit was predicted , But there is a bad data block :

m <- prophet(df)
future <- make_future_dataframe(m, periods = 1096)
forecast <- predict(m, future)
plot(m, forecast)


          The trend forecast seems reasonable , But the uncertainty range seems too wide . Prophet Able to handle outliers in history , But only by matching them to trends . then , The uncertainty model predicts future trend changes of similar magnitude .

         The best way to handle outliers is to delete them ——Prophet There is no problem with missing data . If you set their values to NA But keep the date in the future , that Prophet Will give you a prediction of their values .


outliers <- (as.Date(df$ds) > as.Date('2010-01-01')
             & as.Date(df$ds) < as.Date('2011-01-01'))
df$y[outliers] = NA
m <- prophet(df)
forecast <- predict(m, future)
plot(m, forecast)

                  After removing outliers , The trend is the same as when the outliers were not removed , But the uncertainty range is much smaller

9 Non daily data

        Prophet It can be done by ds The data frame with timestamp is passed in the column to predict the time series of non daily data . The timestamp format should be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS .



          ad locum , We will Prophet Fit to 5 Minutes is the frequency data :


m <- prophet(df)

future <- make_future_dataframe(m, periods = 300, freq = 60 * 60)
# first 60 It means a few minutes , the second 60 For seconds  ( The product represents the number of seconds between each two prediction intervals )

fcst <- predict(m, future)
plot(m, fcst)

(freq= This can also be a string, such as “month” such ) 

  At this point, we draw the graph after time series decomposition ,daily seasonality It has become seasonal at different times



