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C4D learning notes 1- animation - animation key frames

2022-07-07 15:49:00 Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless

Study the tutorial :

Three ways to open the timeline

One . Frame rate

How many pictures are played per second
25 frame / Seconds or less, it will get stuck
Usually C4D Make :25,30,60 frame / second
Yes by default 30 second , Play 90 Frame use 3 second
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Two . Animation classification

1. Keyframe animation

-PSR:postion scale rotation
-PLA: point level animation

  • Various parameter animations

2. Non keyframe animation

  • Dynamic control
  • Xpresso control

3、 ... and . Keyframe animation

1.PSR Animation

1. New Cube
2.0 frame X The coordinate position is 0
3. Drag the timeline to 90 frame , change x Axis size , Click on the red dot in the red box , stay 90 Make a key frame at the frame

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Hold down the left mouse button , Pull down from the top and click on the red dot , Continuous fighting 3 Key frames
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Animation effect

Be careful : Don't forget to key the first frame of the starting frame
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If in 45 Frame moving objects , Key again , It becomes a curve movement , Want to move the axis of a plane alone , You can change the object coordinates to world coordinates .
Pull a shaft like this , Other axes can be unchanged
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2.PLA Animation

Point level animation : That is, the position of the point can be recorded in the point mode , Change the position and shape of the point , Thus changing the overall object
1. Create a new ring object ,C Become an editable object , Point mode , Show - Light and shadow coloring ( line )
2. Click the red box point level animation , A blue frame is a keyframe , The positions of all points in the current frame will be recorded
stay 0 Click when framing , And then 30 At frame , In face mode , Use the ring selection tool , Select multiple faces , Make a key frame after scaling .
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3. Parametric animation

As long as there are small dots in front of the parameters can be animated
Such as light intensity , Change the key frame of the light , Make an animation of the effect of switching lights
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Four . Non keyframe animation

1. Dynamics

1. Create a new sphere and plane
2. Add... In the simulation label to the sphere - Steel label
Add... In the simulation label to the plane - Colliding body
3. The project length is changed to 200
4. Play the animation to see the effect

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2. Xpresso

1. Add sphere , add to Xpresso label
2. In the editor , Right click in the blank
Choose routine - Time
3. The blue on the left is the parameter input part , Red on the right is the parameter output part
4. Motion graphics - Text
Drag the text into the editor
Time has no input, only output is an independent variable .
The blue part of the text is the dependent variable , Select the object in the blue part of the text - Text
Connect the dot at the time output end and the text input end , You will see the animation show the change of time , How many seconds is it playing now
If you change the output to frame , The frame change will be displayed , What frame is it now
Pay attention to the corresponding relationship between input and output , Integer types and string Types cannot be mixed
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Animation effect
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